Snowflakes to Sunshine* Discussion Week 4 (CLOSED GROUP)



  • jamaka1
    jamaka1 Posts: 412 Member
    I had a 1.8lb loss this week comparing to 0 loss this week. So to those who bust their butt and saw 0 dont despair just keep on doing it. Maybe it was a blessing in disguise when bally's sent me a letter to rejoin in which i just did; $8 month. now i can consistently work out, i also will be working out with my hairdresser as my partner so maybe that will move things some more. Have a gr8 week everyone :smokin:
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    ok snowflakes I am over my little melt down that i had this morning and i am ready to get back on track :wink:

    Diet Goals this week:
    1) Don't go over on my Sodium
    2) Net cals of 1200 (no matter what) I am going to stop focusing so much on kcals and focus more on my Net Cals
    3) 15 cups of water or more everyday

    Fitness Goals for the Week:
    1) 30 Minutes of Just Dance (warm up)
    2) 45 minutes of Zumba
    3) 30 minutes of Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    All of these daily!!!
  • bhonniered
    Use the reports on here to get a good 30 day view on your sodium intake.

    Wow, thanks for this tip! Never thought to do this. Mine for the last 30 days (well those I logged anyway) were all up near 4000mg!! Holy buckets! I can't wait to get a handle on this aspect of my diet and hope to see the pounds slide off!

    It is a great visual for me and a great tip I got from one of the message boards. Hope it helps out!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Hi everyone!

    I've been MIA this past week due to major illness. No weight lost yet again, but I'm not surprised or worried just because I don't want to deprived a sick body or worry about all that when the only thing I really want is sleep, broth, and tea! I woke up today feeling better so next week I'm definitely going to make up for the lagging.

    Today it is negative 23 degrees where I live and let me just say that I can't wait for the SUNSHINE part of this challenge!! :)

    I hope you are feeling better soon! Take care of yourself!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    ok snowflakes I am over my little melt down that i had this morning and i am ready to get back on track :wink:

    Diet Goals this week:
    1) Don't go over on my Sodium
    2) Net cals of 1200 (no matter what) I am going to stop focusing so much on kcals and focus more on my Net Cals
    3) 15 cups of water or more everyday

    Fitness Goals for the Week:
    1) 30 Minutes of Just Dance (warm up)
    2) 45 minutes of Zumba
    3) 30 minutes of Biggest Loser Cardio Max
    All of these daily!!!

    Woohoo! I knew you would bring it back around! You ROCK!
  • Steph_135
    Steph_135 Posts: 3,280 Member
    Last (this past) week I've been eating more fruits, and drinking lots more water. :drinker: My back is a lot better than last week, and I went for a really nice walk today.

    This (new) week I want to eat more veggies, walk outside more often, and become more calm (meditate, deep breathing, qigong...).
  • robynrae_1
    robynrae_1 Posts: 712 Member
    I plan on getting back on track on Sunday with the food and working out. Feeling much better today, almost human again.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Happy Saturday Snowflakes!! Today has been a pretty good day. I got up this morning and worked out a lot!!! I burned 800 calories!! which I feel is amazing but now i am second guessing my accomplishments. I am trying to get to 1200 net calories everyday this week to see if it makes a difference on the scale because what i am doing now definately isnt working. I guess my body just isnt getting enough calories for everything that I am burning so maybe that is why my body is hanging on to this weight. I am however re-thinking the sodium goals....I have no idea how i am going to do it!! I feel like i have already given up so much to lose this weight and now i have to give up everything i like to eat...I still have over 1000 calories to eat today to get to my 1200 net cals and I am already close to being over on sodium!! If this week i dont see a loss then i really dont know what to do to see a loss....maybe my body is just thinking "Amanda, I like being fat, it keeps me warm!" :laugh: UGH I will be praying for a loss this week!!! maybe i should cut back on working out? What do you guys think???
  • ucms
    ucms Posts: 28 Member
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Goals for the week-
    1 workout at least 45 minutes a day
    2 drink 10 cups of water
    3 eat 3-5 fruits and veggies every day
    4 no eating out this week
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    If this week i dont see a loss then i really dont know what to do to see a loss....maybe my body is just thinking "Amanda, I like being fat, it keeps me warm!" :laugh: UGH I will be praying for a loss this week!!! maybe i should cut back on working out? What do you guys think???

    LOL. Hilarious!!

    I'd say increase your calories a little like you're doing and try and switch up your workouts, don't cut back!! You're doing great. Do you do strength training? The more muscle you have, the more calories you burn just to get through the day.

    You'll get there. I think you're body is just fighting you a little. Once it realizes that you aren't starving, I'll bet the pounds will start coming off. Plateaus stink.

    Way to stay positive!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Happy Saturday Snowflakes!! Today has been a pretty good day. I got up this morning and worked out a lot!!! I burned 800 calories!! which I feel is amazing but now i am second guessing my accomplishments. I am trying to get to 1200 net calories everyday this week to see if it makes a difference on the scale because what i am doing now definately isnt working. I guess my body just isnt getting enough calories for everything that I am burning so maybe that is why my body is hanging on to this weight. I am however re-thinking the sodium goals....I have no idea how i am going to do it!! I feel like i have already given up so much to lose this weight and now i have to give up everything i like to eat...I still have over 1000 calories to eat today to get to my 1200 net cals and I am already close to being over on sodium!! If this week i dont see a loss then i really dont know what to do to see a loss....maybe my body is just thinking "Amanda, I like being fat, it keeps me warm!" :laugh: UGH I will be praying for a loss this week!!! maybe i should cut back on working out? What do you guys think???

    I wouldn't say cut back on exercise...but I will say if your body is sore...let it rest. Prime example, I was sore for about 3 Days...I didn't work out as intensely on Friday (15 minutes on the elliptical and that was it), Cleaned my house for 3 hours last night...and hopped on the scale this morning and I was down 2lbs from Friday. Now will I gain this and lose it throughout the week..who the heck knows lol But I think my body needed that rest. So what I decided was to keep Zumba and 30 Day Shred in the workout regimen early in the week (Friday-Tuesday) and then Wednesday and Thursday before weigh-in soften it out with traditional cardio (I.e. Bike, elliptical, treadmill).

    Like I said before, I think we are very similar in our work out regimen and we are not allowing our muscles rest at all...thus leading to it holding on to all the water we drink. The only strength training I do is through 30 Day Shred and the toning sticks in I am going to keep that the same through the next month...and then incorporate more strength training in the weeks after that.

    But you can do it girl! Don't give up...and as much as you possibly can limit the sodium. U will be fine.
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    Thank you for the kind words Krys and Whitt!!!! I think i will take your advice!! I have been taking this whole "last chance workout, weigh in friday" thing to heart....i always work out more than usual on thursday as my LCW before the weigh in. I have read that a lot of people who have a big workout the day before they weigh usually see a gain so maybe that is it!!! I also dont give myself any rest days....I am thinking I might start giving myself "rest" days where I just play some Just Dance 2 and some pilates!!

    I actually just started trying to do some strength training this past week, I usually just do Zumba and Just Dance which is just all cardio. The Biggest Loser cardio max dvd actually combines some strength training with cardio so maybe i am starting to build some muscle i mean God knows my legs were hurting all week from that damn dvd!!! (so i am assuming it was building some muscle even if it is just a little) I also got Jillian Michaels No more Trouble Zones and I did core and abs (only 12 minutes total on friday and my abs are still hurting!!! I think I am just going to try and switch it up, I dont really think i can cut back on cardio---i was talking to my BF last night about it(which he is soooo sick of hearing about diets and losing weight and MFP LOL) and I told him i like working out now....which i honestly never thought it was something that would come out of my mouth :laugh: But i am proud of that...whether I am losing weight or not...I am changing my lifestyle, I am getting healthy, even if im not losing weight at the moment, I am just going to have to aim for that 1200 net cals daily that is the biggest problem---i have no problem getting there if i dont burn many calories but when i am having 800 cals burned everyday it is actually hard for me to eat that many calories unless i eat out...and if i eat out i am WAAAAY over on sodium, sugar, and everything else!!

    Ok so I need to learn some balance!!! :) I think that might be your problem too krys---we burn so many cals that we dont get our net to 1200!!! so I am thinking: I am going to have rest days on Sunday and Thursday---just to break my week up a little---and mostly because it is TOM and i feel awful and I dont really feel like doing a heavy workout right now---that might change later but right now ---it aint happenin:laugh:

    I am sorry snowflakes that I am ranting but you guys are my little snowflake family :heart: You guys are the only ones i have who can actually relate to what I am going through and actually support me and I really really appreciate it:bigsmile: I really have grown to love you all for all that you do for me:blushing:
    So thank you all so much and I will be very sad for June 1st to come and us to go our seperate ways----I definately would love to do another challenge with you all because I know I am not going to reach my goal by then!!!

    so I :heart: You Snowflakes!!!! Lets kill it this week ladies!!! We rock even if we arent losing weight!! We are changing our lives and that is all that matters :happy:
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Thank you for the kind words Krys and Whitt!!!! I think i will take your advice!! I have been taking this whole "last chance workout, weigh in friday" thing to heart....i always work out more than usual on thursday as my LCW before the weigh in. I have read that a lot of people who have a big workout the day before they weigh usually see a gain so maybe that is it!!! I also dont give myself any rest days....I am thinking I might start giving myself "rest" days where I just play some Just Dance 2 and some pilates!!

    I actually just started trying to do some strength training this past week, I usually just do Zumba and Just Dance which is just all cardio. The Biggest Loser cardio max dvd actually combines some strength training with cardio so maybe i am starting to build some muscle i mean God knows my legs were hurting all week from that damn dvd!!! (so i am assuming it was building some muscle even if it is just a little) I also got Jillian Michaels No more Trouble Zones and I did core and abs (only 12 minutes total on friday and my abs are still hurting!!! I think I am just going to try and switch it up, I dont really think i can cut back on cardio---i was talking to my BF last night about it(which he is soooo sick of hearing about diets and losing weight and MFP LOL) and I told him i like working out now....which i honestly never thought it was something that would come out of my mouth :laugh: But i am proud of that...whether I am losing weight or not...I am changing my lifestyle, I am getting healthy, even if im not losing weight at the moment, I am just going to have to aim for that 1200 net cals daily that is the biggest problem---i have no problem getting there if i dont burn many calories but when i am having 800 cals burned everyday it is actually hard for me to eat that many calories unless i eat out...and if i eat out i am WAAAAY over on sodium, sugar, and everything else!!

    Ok so I need to learn some balance!!! :) I think that might be your problem too krys---we burn so many cals that we dont get our net to 1200!!! so I am thinking: I am going to have rest days on Sunday and Thursday---just to break my week up a little---and mostly because it is TOM and i feel awful and I dont really feel like doing a heavy workout right now---that might change later but right now ---it aint happenin:laugh:

    I am sorry snowflakes that I am ranting but you guys are my little snowflake family :heart: You guys are the only ones i have who can actually relate to what I am going through and actually support me and I really really appreciate it:bigsmile: I really have grown to love you all for all that you do for me:blushing:
    So thank you all so much and I will be very sad for June 1st to come and us to go our seperate ways----I definately would love to do another challenge with you all because I know I am not going to reach my goal by then!!!

    so I :heart: You Snowflakes!!!! Lets kill it this week ladies!!! We rock even if we arent losing weight!! We are changing our lives and that is all that matters :happy:

    I agree with all of the above. You're doing great. Keep up the hard work!
  • FluffyMamaNeeds2Lose
    This week my goals are to watch my sodium levels and try to keep it under.. up my water and my veggies. I've been doing really well at getting in fruit but not so good on veggies. I need to up my exercise this week because I had a bad couple of days with eating so I need to work it out.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    Happy Saturday Snowflakes!! Today has been a pretty good day. I got up this morning and worked out a lot!!! I burned 800 calories!! which I feel is amazing but now i am second guessing my accomplishments. I am trying to get to 1200 net calories everyday this week to see if it makes a difference on the scale because what i am doing now definately isnt working. I guess my body just isnt getting enough calories for everything that I am burning so maybe that is why my body is hanging on to this weight. I am however re-thinking the sodium goals....I have no idea how i am going to do it!! I feel like i have already given up so much to lose this weight and now i have to give up everything i like to eat...I still have over 1000 calories to eat today to get to my 1200 net cals and I am already close to being over on sodium!! If this week i dont see a loss then i really dont know what to do to see a loss....maybe my body is just thinking "Amanda, I like being fat, it keeps me warm!" :laugh: UGH I will be praying for a loss this week!!! maybe i should cut back on working out? What do you guys think???

    I say take it one step at a time. I know that sodium is important, but really-this is a slow progress. I track mine, and attempt to stay reasonable, but I don't get upset about it if I go over. Some days I am really over! I figure that this is something that is going to evolve for me. I am focusing on the major things right now-more exercise and more water, rather than throwing so much more into the mix. Hope that helps.
  • yellowfairy
    yellowfairy Posts: 207 Member
    I am still planning on working on getting more exercise and water in this week. I did see a wee bit of a loss, but would like to see more. The only way i am going to get there is more exercise and more water! The problem with working out is that if I don't get up in time to work out, then I am not going to work out. I hate working out after work, because I just want to de-stress from the day. Water-well, that one is so hard for me-and I am still trying to figure that one out!
  • glittersoul
    I am taking a break yesterday and today from anything way intense because I pulled some muscle in my neck/shoulder and it was hurting like hell to even roll over in bed. I did hatha yoga for it yesterday and it was truly helpful. So for anyone that is doing a lot of intense exercises and even if they aren't that intense I totally recommended doing some sort of yoga to help keep your muscles flexible and reduce the tension in them.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I am taking a break yesterday and today from anything way intense because I pulled some muscle in my neck/shoulder and it was hurting like hell to even roll over in bed. I did hatha yoga for it yesterday and it was truly helpful. So for anyone that is doing a lot of intense exercises and even if they aren't that intense I totally recommended doing some sort of yoga to help keep your muscles flexible and reduce the tension in them.

    That is a great idea!
  • dinareed
    dinareed Posts: 73 Member
    Hello Snowflakes! I actually had a pretty good week although I just lost the weight I had gained last week. I broke down and bought a HRM and I am finding that maybe I was working out too hard. I have switched up my exercise routines from just all out to a couple days staying within the fat burning zone and a couple of days working only in the fitness zone. We will see if it makes a difference. I'm wondering too if I'm just not eating enough? Nah, I couldn't be THAT lucky! I am going to go checkout the reports and check my sodium intake--I never thought to do that until someone else posted on here about that. Thank you for that! So... although I'm not losing the weight as quickly as I want, I am feeling better and stronger and hope to see some serious changes in my figure before too long!

    I do have to say--we should all be proud of ourselves for sticking with it. This is not an easy journey but the fact that we are still in there means we are and will be winners!