HELP!! I think I'm eating the wrong things!!!

Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
edited September 23 in Health and Weight Loss
...I only lost 3/4 of a pound this week!... and last week only a pound!
I KNOW!! a loss is a loss, at least is going down, etc.!!
But I pushed my workouts very hard this week.
I stopped ALL alchohol consumption the first of the year.
Kept calories low (but not too low)...
Really thought I'd do better.

So, I'm not really looking for encouragement as much as suggestions...

My diary is open and I am open to suggestions (except for giving up my one square of chocolate day).

So, here's the basics: I've been working out to Jillian Michaels DVDs 5 days (4 this week) a week and walk an hour plus on Saturday and take Sunday off from workouts. I'm 45. I weigh 208, I started at 226 in November, my goal is 145 or 135 (not sure really, I think a size 10 or 12 would be healthy size for me). I've gone from a size 22 to JUST fitting into an 18. And yes, I log EVERY bit of food I eat and I do drink about 96 oz of water a day.

I think I need to try harder to get rid of sodium and lower my carbs, and thinking maybe more cardio instead of the circuit training with resistance.

Any thoughts? changes? suggestions?

Thanks in advance!!


  • Buterphly
    Buterphly Posts: 112
    Well I don't have any suggestions for you I just wanted to stop in and say congradulations on the weight you did loose! And keep up the good work, don't give up, you'll make it! :flowerforyou:
  • EQHanks
    EQHanks Posts: 170 Member
    I took a quick look at your diary and it seems like you are eating a nice mix of prot/carb/fat etc. Maybe watch the sodium and make sure that you are drinking lots of water. Also, make sure you try to eat your allotted calories for the day, don't want to go hungry! :)

    good luck! keep up the good work
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Hey There!

    I totally understand how you feel!

    I took a look at your diary and I think you're right on target. I couldn't, however, see your sugar goals (or whether or not your monitoring this). I know personally, I HAVE TO cut sugar in order to lose weight. I'm seeing a steady loss of about 1.5lb./week. My sugar intake is set for 25g/day. I've got a lot more weight to lose than you, though (I'm currently at 231lbs.).

    Hope this helps!
  • Tary15
    Tary15 Posts: 1
    First of all great job on working out 5 days a week! Keep that up and then really watch the carbs. After 35 for women carbs and dairy tend to add a lot of weight on our body because we don't really digest them well. Good luck and great job
  • eamartin
    eamartin Posts: 216 Member
    You might actually be drinking too much water.. Do a little research on that. 14 glasses of water is A LOT.. Usually what is recmd. is 8-12 :)
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    You should not be under your goal final goal. You should be withing 100 under or over at most of what MFP gives you. the caloric deficit build in would ensure you lose weight by eating all 1400, eating less is not a good thing.

    Sometimes you have to eat more to lose weight. You should also be eating the extra calories you burned from exercise as your body needs fuel. If you eat 1300 cals and burn 400 at the gym your body will function as if you only ate 900 (1300-400) not enough for anyone. Your metabolism may be slowing down and storing your consumed cals as fat as you body thinks it is starving. Please eat more, 1200 Net which means 1200 plus exercise calories burned at a minimum preferably you goal 1400 plus exercise calories.
  • Obviously you've been working super hard to get where you are, so don't get too discouraged. I checked out your diary and I'm really impressed. You're really eating healthy and seem to be getting enough calories. I think shaking up your workout would be the best thing to try. Sometimes your body just needs a little break in routine to confuse it into losing weight again. You lose weight by putting stress on your body, but it can get accustomed to the stress you're putting on it in your regular workout and you'll stop losing weight. I think this may be what's happening here. Changing your workout for a couple of weeks could be exactly what you need...hope it works for you!
  • Hi,
    A good friend of mine lost a good amount of weight quickly by not eating any carbs after 6 at night and following the principal of eating like a King for breakfast and a pauper for dinner. She really shedded some weight - I haven't tried this because I do not think it will suit my lifestyle long term. Good luck! I'm sure you'll get there, bodies are funny, funny things!

    Also, it may be 'water weight' that you are carrying, perhaps have a look at your local natural food/medicine shop to see if you can get some water retention tablets?

    Good luck!
  • k8tmama
    k8tmama Posts: 58
    I checked your food diary and it seems like you're doing a great job; but I will offer the very little I've learned in the last couple weeks of trying something different. I've always been a low-fat, watch the calories dieter, no attention paid to carbs. This time I am trying a low-carb approach, and it has been working really well. (I noticed that you're going over your goal on carbs, and I am finding that my body really seems to like not having as much. I'm averaging 80-100 g/day.) My doctor had recommended it, and when I started it I found that I was way more satisfied than I'd been before when trying to lose weight. I've lost about 10 pounds on the dot since the beginning of the year. My exercise has been a little spotty, so I know my diet is doing a lot. The decline has tapered off, but if I can get in a pattern of losing around 1-2 pounds a week, I'll be thrilled. Anyway, if you've always done one thing, you might try really changing it up and see what happens. You're welcome to check out my food diary; I'll set it so my friends can see it.

    Take care!
  • AmBriCo
    AmBriCo Posts: 24 Member
    Sometimes when you "up' your strength training you experience a "shift" in weight where you are muilding muscle while losing fat and the scale shows no difference or little difference.. give it a few weeks for your body to adjust and it will even out and your experience a loss on the scale.
  • Maybe cutting carbs would help or even just changing to more complex carbs such as whole grains. I read an article that said when you have lost some weight, then stop losing as much weight as you would like then you need to re-adjust your calories (500 cal for every lb per week you are trying to lose). Also you may not have lost as much this week because you did more strengthening type of workouts and since muscle weighs more than fat, you may have lost more in inches instead. Hope I helped.
  • ShellyKay67
    ShellyKay67 Posts: 489 Member
    Hey There!

    I totally understand how you feel!

    I took a look at your diary and I think you're right on target. I couldn't, however, see your sugar goals (or whether or not your monitoring this). I know personally, I HAVE TO cut sugar in order to lose weight. I'm seeing a steady loss of about 1.5lb./week. My sugar intake is set for 25g/day. I've got a lot more weight to lose than you, though (I'm currently at 231lbs.).

    Hope this helps!
    I'm having trouble with my sugar intake, BUT, it's mostly from fruit....(Raisins on my oatmeal every morning) and apples, bananas, etc. I'm usually ALOT over on my sugar....any thoughts????
  • mnishi
    mnishi Posts: 419 Member
    Hi! I took a look at your diary and it looks pretty good. I do have a few general suggestions though. Instead of mayo for tuna (fish) salad try a little olive oil with lemon pepper seasoning, lots of flavor, less fat. Try a salad with lemon juice (must be fresh) instead of dressing, it might seem crazy but it's actually really good. If you're eating something that doesn't have any flavor, instead of salt try spice (tabasco, crushed red pepper), lots of flavor, 0 calories. Those are some of my tricks to trim down calories/fat without sacrificing flavor.
    Also, you need to keep in mind that muscle weighs 5 times more than fat, if your weight training and gaining muscle the scale may not reflect the fat you've lost. Try to focus on how you feel and how your clothes fit instead.
    Hope this helps.
  • sweetsarahj
    sweetsarahj Posts: 701 Member
    I think you need to eat more--- you shouldn't be so far under your daily calorie goals every day. You body is confused because you aren't giving it enough fuel. I noticed on your profile that you said your weight has fluctuated a lot. This compunds the problem. You body is thinking "Uh oh, here comes another wave of not enough calories, I better store everything I've got!" It will take awhile for your body to calm down and realise there will always be enough calories. The best thing you can do is stick with it- a few more weeks of healthy eating (with enough calories) and you will start to see more pounds coming off.

    Also- remember that 1 lb a week is a tremendous effort! 1 lb of fat is equal to 3500 calories. Thats 500 calories a day!

    Good job!
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Hey There!

    I totally understand how you feel!

    I took a look at your diary and I think you're right on target. I couldn't, however, see your sugar goals (or whether or not your monitoring this). I know personally, I HAVE TO cut sugar in order to lose weight. I'm seeing a steady loss of about 1.5lb./week. My sugar intake is set for 25g/day. I've got a lot more weight to lose than you, though (I'm currently at 231lbs.).

    Hope this helps!
    I'm having trouble with my sugar intake, BUT, it's mostly from fruit....(Raisins on my oatmeal every morning) and apples, bananas, etc. I'm usually ALOT over on my sugar....any thoughts????

    It is suggest that you get 5-7 fruit and veggies/day. Most of these should come from veggies. If you eat 5 servings at least 3 should be veggie and at most 2 from fruit. If you eat 7 at most 3 from fruit.
  • erickirb
    erickirb Posts: 12,294 Member
    Also, you need to keep in mind that muscle weighs 5 times more than fat, if your weight training and gaining muscle the scale may not reflect the fat you've lost. Try to focus on how you feel and how your clothes fit instead.

    Not quite muscle is about 30% more dense than fat so by the same volume muscle only weighs 30% less more than fat not 500% as you suggest.
  • I think you should try to eat more fresh products and less pre-packaged meals. I didn't see enough fresh fruits and vegetables in your diary.Try maybe making some fresh salads or soups. You'll have more nutrients, less calories, less sodium and more flavour!
  • also cut the pasta a bit hihi
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Hey There!

    I totally understand how you feel!

    I took a look at your diary and I think you're right on target. I couldn't, however, see your sugar goals (or whether or not your monitoring this). I know personally, I HAVE TO cut sugar in order to lose weight. I'm seeing a steady loss of about 1.5lb./week. My sugar intake is set for 25g/day. I've got a lot more weight to lose than you, though (I'm currently at 231lbs.).

    Hope this helps!

    OK, thanks! Yeah, it looks like I"m averaging 30 to 40 per day, with some days that spike a lot higher, I'll have to check out where that's coming from. So much to keep track of. I guess I'm concentrating on fat and cholesterol because I have to get that lowered to stay of medicine, but overall weight loss is going to help that too!
  • Hey babe,

    Here are my findings after reviewing your exercise and food diary:

    You average 1,405 calories, 45g fat, 49g sugar, and 2,456mg of sodium per day. Based on the foods you eat a lot of that sugar is natural, and you appear to only take in about 10-15g of processed/refined sugar per day. That is excellent. Your sodium intake is choppy throughout the week, but your average is below the 2,500mg official recommendation. I would suggest decreasing this value to no more than 2,100mg per day. Your fat intake is good as well.

    You average 260 burned calories from exercise per day for a total of 1,823 burned weekly. In the last week you consumed 9,838 calories. Your body, given your height, age, and weight, needs 1,800 per day just to sustain resting body function and your exercise alone. Include your other daily activities and your metabolic rate is probably around 2,000 calories per day (14,000 per week). Your average intake is 1,405 calories per day. All of this together equates to a projected loss of 1.18 lbs per week, which, given your stats, you are seeing.

    So, what's the problem? There isn't one. ;) You are doing quite well. If there is a problem it is in your mind, love. You need to realise that weight loss rates decline as you become healthier and build more lean mass. Stop worrying so much about what the scale says, and about how much you are losing per week, and focus on the fact that you know you're doing this right, and that you know the end results will be wonderful.
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