HELP!! I think I'm eating the wrong things!!!



  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96

    Ooops! I meant to quote someone in my reply; see below

    Well, considering you've managed to lose 66 pounds thus far, I'd say I need to be the one asking you! :~) (Congrats, by the way!)

    After doing every possible diet imaginable, I've discovered for me that it's sugar, carbs and fat that do me in EVERY time so THIS time, I'm really watching it! My best friend is a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor and is very versed in nutrition has told me to try to keep sugar relatively low - even "good" sugar. In other words, although it may be fruit, don't go overboard. Instead, more of the natural sugar should, in fact, come from veggies, than fruit. So, I've been trying to stick close to that.

    Still yet, though, if I do have a fruit or veggie w/ a lot of sugar, I usually deduct that from my total "sugar" intake goal (mine is set at 25g).
  • ajax03
    ajax03 Posts: 96
    Hey There!

    I totally understand how you feel!

    I took a look at your diary and I think you're right on target. I couldn't, however, see your sugar goals (or whether or not your monitoring this). I know personally, I HAVE TO cut sugar in order to lose weight. I'm seeing a steady loss of about 1.5lb./week. My sugar intake is set for 25g/day. I've got a lot more weight to lose than you, though (I'm currently at 231lbs.).

    Hope this helps!
    I'm having trouble with my sugar intake, BUT, it's mostly from fruit....(Raisins on my oatmeal every morning) and apples, bananas, etc. I'm usually ALOT over on my sugar....any thoughts????

    Well, considering you've managed to lose 66 pounds thus far, I'd say I need to be the one asking you! :~) (Congrats, by the way!)

    After doing every possible diet imaginable, I've discovered for me that it's sugar, carbs and fat that do me in EVERY time so THIS time, I'm really watching it! My best friend is a certified personal trainer and fitness instructor and is very versed in nutrition has told me to try to keep sugar relatively low - even "good" sugar. In other words, although it may be fruit, don't go overboard. Instead, more of the natural sugar should, in fact, come from veggies, than fruit. So, I've been trying to stick close to that.

    Still yet, though, if I do have a fruit or veggie w/ a lot of sugar, I usually deduct that from my total "sugar" intake goal (mine is set at 25g).
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986

    It is suggest that you get 5-7 fruit and veggies/day. Most of these should come from veggies. If you eat 5 servings at least 3 should be veggie and at most 2 from fruit. If you eat 7 at most 3 from fruit.

    I think I do this already! Wow, now *I* need to go back and look. And someone else told me to stop eating prepackaged meals. I haven't eaten what I consider a prepackaged meal in MONTHS (you know boxes of fake food with all kinds on junk added that say "healthy" on the cardboard!) Nothing I eat comes out of restaurants either. I eat a home cooked meal everynight, and I try to have a salad and one veggie with whatever I eat... Ok, time to review and regroup!!
  • dhutt2011
    dhutt2011 Posts: 77 Member
    You might actually be drinking too much water.. Do a little research on that. 14 glasses of water is A LOT.. Usually what is recmd. is 8-12 :)

    I agree with the drinking too much water. 8 glasses or a little more should be sufficient for your daily activity and excercise. Drinking too much water can have an adverse affect on the scale.

    Otherwise your diary looks good. Maybe try changing up your workout routine. I occasionally increase my workout intensity so my body doesn't get used to the routine.

    Stay positive!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Hey babe,

    Here are my findings after reviewing your exercise and food diary:

    You average 1,405 calories, 45g fat, 49g sugar, and 2,456mg of sodium per day. Based on the foods you eat a lot of that sugar is natural, and you appear to only take in about 10-15g of processed/refined sugar per day. That is excellent. Your sodium intake is choppy throughout the week, but your average is below the 2,500mg official recommendation. I would suggest decreasing this value to no more than 2,100mg per day. Your fat intake is good as well.

    You average 260 burned calories from exercise per day for a total of 1,823 burned weekly. In the last week you consumed 9,838 calories. Your body, given your height, age, and weight, needs 1,800 per day just to sustain resting body function and your exercise alone. Include your other daily activities and your metabolic rate is probably around 2,000 calories per day (14,000 per week). Your average intake is 1,405 calories per day. All of this together equates to a projected loss of 1.18 lbs per week, which, given your stats, you are seeing.

    So, what's the problem? There isn't one. ;) You are doing quite well. If there is a problem it is in your mind, love. You need to realise that weight loss rates decline as you become healthier and build more lean mass. Stop worrying so much about what the scale says, and about how much you are losing per week, and focus on the fact that you know you're doing this right, and that you know the end results will be wonderful.

    :-)) you are SO right!! It's just that in MY mind it SAID I should loose 1..8 pounds and I lost .75...... I REALLY wanted to see that other pound gone!!!! :-))
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    thanks!! and thanks everyone for the advice. I'll have to look into the water thing.... I live in a very dry (and usually hot) climate, so I'm not sure the extra isn't necessary, but for sure one more thing to look at. I also talk on the phone a good portion of my day, so my mouth dries out from that too.

    THANK YOU ALL SO MUCH, and for the emails and friend requests too!!!

    Everyone here is so awesome!!!!
  • MzBug
    MzBug Posts: 2,173 Member
    You are doing great! Us 40something gals tend to hold or gain weight with more carbs in our diets. I TRY to limit my starches to 2 meals a day and my fruit to 2 per day. I also go for the lower glycemic fruits when they are available, I love bananas, but dayum they have a lot of carbs/sugars in them. I have found that by upping my protein I don't get as hungry as often. My diary is public so feel free to look around.

    Keep it up! You are doing great!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    You are doing great! Us 40something gals tend to hold or gain weight with more carbs in our diets. I TRY to limit my starches to 2 meals a day and my fruit to 2 per day. I also go for the lower glycemic fruits when they are available, I love bananas, but dayum they have a lot of carbs/sugars in them. I have found that by upping my protein I don't get as hungry as often. My diary is public so feel free to look around.

    Keep it up! You are doing great!

    I know!!! Bananas were on sale and I ate way too many this week!! and CARBS, my Lord, if you knew what I USED to eat... but yes, still have to get those DOWN!!! Thanks all
  • Shannon023
    Shannon023 Posts: 14,529 Member
    Glancing at your diary, it appears as if you're not getting enough protein. I'd increase your protein and decrease your carbs.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    Glancing at your diary, it appears as if you're not getting enough protein. I'd increase your protein and decrease your carbs.

    Good luck! :flowerforyou:

    Guess you're right, I adjusted that goal (protein) a couple times, I was going way over, less this week, thanks!
  • Cristy_AZ
    Cristy_AZ Posts: 986
    You might actually be drinking too much water.. Do a little research on that. 14 glasses of water is A LOT.. Usually what is recmd. is 8-12 :)

    Bumping this part up... take into account I only drink one or two cups of coffee and nothing else besides water all day AND I live in a dry hot climate... I did a little research and basically found if you're spreading the water out throughout the day (not pounding 16 oz at once) it's probably ok....


    How much water is too much water!!???
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