Opinions on Subway Sandwhiches as a whole?



  • changingmadelaine
    I love Subway! The veggie delight on wheat with one of the low fat dressings is low cal and tastes great :) I go once or twice a week during the school year. Definitely beats any other fast food when you're on the go!
  • loupammac
    loupammac Posts: 194 Member
    I love Subway. I would choose it over a burger and fries any day. My weakness is the meatball sub :) So warm and yummy! Yes, I have cheese and yes I have mayo. I do love the Veggie Delight with avocado if I'm feeling like a treat. In some restaurants you can get your sub made into a salad or a wrap for an extra $1. Maybe you should consider those? You could always get the chicken pieces tossed through or buy some at a grocery store.

    Sure, it might not be the most nutritious meal for you but it is damn tasty. Since you mentioned you like sandwiches, maybe you could find a new sandwich place near you? When I'm really busy, I like to pack my own lunch kit. I'd rather risk looking like a school kid (lunchbox and all) than reach for the fried foods. I tend to grab a piece of fruit, a snack bar (as a treat!) and some kind of leftovers from dinner. Not the best but I'm working on it. :)
  • sbwood888
    sbwood888 Posts: 953 Member
    In a perfect world, deli meats would be low in sodium and there would be no such thing as high fructose corn syrup. We would all love to exercise and we would all have Oprah's cook. Unfortunately, we don't live in a perfect world and we have to do the best we can. Better a sub than a Big Mac, right? I lay off the salt shaker at the table and try not to salt things when I cook to make up for the fact that sodium is EVERYWHERE! As long as I am still losing weight and I know that I am making HEALTHIER choices than I did in the past, I feel like I am doing all right. Subway helps me to do BETTER than I used to. I will take small steps toward a healthier life style. I know that Subway and frozen low cal meals are not the BEST choices, but they are better than the half pizza or Double Whopper with cheese that I USED to select. Anyway, I say "Thank You, Subway. You help me to drive right past Pizza Hut and Burger King". :love:
  • monoxidechick
    I am a vegetarian, and LOVE subway. I live in a small town with little choices for restaurants, This is the main one that I always go to for delicious breakfast, lunch, or dinner. I surely do not eat it every day, even though I am sure that I could!!

    I get a veggie sandwich on wheat bread, usually without cheese, and just vinegar and pepper. Usually I get a side of apples or occassionally a bag of baked chips.

    Once in a while, in fact just this morning, I will get the breakfast. I love that they have an egg white option and once again I load it with veggies, usually get cheese on this one, and only pepper.

    I make sandwiches such as this at home and they are comparible with the calories, salt, and carbs. Their eggs do have more sodium then a fresh egg I would make at home though.

    I dont believe anything should be the only thing and place that you ever eat, just as the others have said. I have it at most once a week if at home and as the go to meal when traveling, Every little town and stop that we make in or near montana has a subway, and we drive and travel around often.
  • MsSaturday
    MsSaturday Posts: 89 Member
    I agree with some of the other posters, in a pinch Subway is o.k. but I wouldn't eat there multiple times a week, I think it would be better to make your own sandwiches at home with sides and bring that with you, that way you can regulate what you eat, how many additives you ingest and how much you are spending.

    I prefer to pack wraps, my current fav is a ww tortilla, filled w/ sliced tomatoes, spinach , low fat ricotta and tapenade... its a recipe I found in the flat belly cookbook.

    I also like to fill a ww tortilla w/ light tuna, spinach, chopped pears, a couple chopped green olives, a slice of low fat swiss, sound's strange but so tasty. In general I try to avoid sandwich bread unless I'm really craving it.

    What I usually try and do is decide on a wrap for the week and buy enough ingredients to make the same wrap every day. Now that I have the first week back to class out of the way I'll be able to make my lunch in the mornings.
  • kimiel
    kimiel Posts: 108
    What about a yummy rotisserie chicken from the dlei and make sandwiches out of it for the week? Yummy!!! Another option maybe is to bake a turkey breast and use that for sandwiches!
  • sarahbear119
    sarahbear119 Posts: 80 Member
    I go there once in a blue moon. My sister owns a cafe, so I tend to go there. Since I know the meat sources and veggies are fresher and the bread is homemade. Also she bakes everything so less salt...
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I think of Subway as fast food, but it's my preferred fast food option. Obviously, in a perfect world we'd all be able to afford the luxury of time, money, and energy that would enable us to eat wholesome, organic meals all day every day. Not all of us have that luxury. If we're on the go or tired and need something fast and cheap, we go to Subway. I think of it as a win because my husband is usually pushing for us to go to McDonald's or Burger King.

    If you have time to plan ahead, make a sandwich and bring it with you. That way you have better control over the sodium content and processed foods that go into your lunch. Another solution could be making soups or meals on the weekends and putting them into individual sized containers, then freeze or refrigerate them. I like making salads with a lean protein (chicken, tofu, fish, or a lean cut of steak) served with olive oil and vinegar. Or steam some veggies and serve with protein and brown rice, quinoa, or a baked potato.
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    I'm not sure how "quality" the ingredients are, but you could do a lot worse. I try to eat fast food really infrequently, but when I'm in a pinch, Subway is a good best because it's so much better for you than say, McDonalds. I don't eat there often, but that's largely because I try to eat out infrequently. I think you could do much better making your own sandwiches at home though. I really love deli meats from the deli counter at the super market (can't afford them right now though... sigh) and I can control the condiments I want on there. I always ask for just a little mayo at Subway, and I still end up with way more than I wanted.
  • anyadixon45
    Subway is the lesser of "fast food evils" you could say...but the real problem with Subway is the sodium content in their food along with the fact that its processed garbage. Opt for real unprocessed foods. (bake a chicken breast at home and cut it up for a fresh option!) If you can handle cutting bread out of your diet - try making a home made sandwhich instead that is wrapped in lettuce.