Fit and Fun 60 day Challenge!!



  • merriedawn
    Hang in there Samantha.....we all have rough days, you WILL get past it!!!!!
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    veggies done; fruit done; water done; and I swam an extra 10 laps--so I'm counting that as my mile!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    I have my fruit & veggies in AND my water -- first time since starting MFP in September. I still haven't done my mile.
  • jAdorelife
    well i got my veggie & water...but no fruit & no mile. ):
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    the veggies part was easy today- had veggies at breakfast lunch and dinner! no mile today but 5/7 days so taking off today- gonna hit the gym tommorow! what do u all think of a calorie burn challenge next week? i really need to be motivated to exercise more :P good luck tomorrow!
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    Well . I got it all in today, my veggies, my fruit , my water and my mile. All of which I couldn't have done without the excellent motivation and setting up of my treadmill by my loving and amazing husband!
  • LynnBirchfield
    LynnBirchfield Posts: 580 Member
    Five out of seven days. Yep, I let work get in the way of doing my mile the first two days. So, now I have to do it for the next 5 days. :happy:

    As far as other challenges, I was part of a challenge in which I failed miserably was doing so many pushups (mine were wall pushups) and also so many squats per day. Since this is a much smaller group, I feel like I can be held more accountable (at least I'm hopeful). I've also seen challenges where you do planks. I would have to look on youtube to find out how to do one correctly.

    I'm off to eat my veggies and my fruit...oh and drink more water.

    I hope everyone is having a good day.

  • jAdorelife
    i was thinking that next weeks challenge (or another week) could be to burn 3500 cals in the week. i did it once before in a challenge & everyone had really good results...i lost 3lbs that week!
  • Xandi
    Xandi Posts: 319
    I was thinking that also... (the 3500 calories) It looks like an hard challenge. I know for myself I would have to get out more. usually I go to the Gym on Sundays with my teenagers and we workout as a family and just have fun. I have a treadmill at home now to help me do some exercise daily. Doing a 1 mile a day more is pretty easy to get in it takes less than half an hour. Burning 3500 extra calories a week is a bit harder... it would probably take a lot more planning.
  • jAdorelife
    i did a lot more cardio during that week & i tried to do as many cals the first three days as possible so that i wasn't trying to burn 2000 cals the last day. me & one of the other girls in the challenge i did before would do our normal work out & then do ten-twenty minute bursts of push ups, jumping jacks, crunches, lunges, squats & so on because you can do it pretty much anywhere (she got ten minutes of squats in the br at work a few times hahahahahah) & when you push yourself to do as many as possible in the time frame you can burn a good amount of cals. it averages about 500 cals a day, but like i said i tried for 700-900 the first three days so i could have a rest day & not be cramming at the last minute. i also have insanity & easily burn 500 cals in the pure cardio video because it's non-stop movement for 50 mins.

    it's definitly harder than this week & i'm not opposed to maybe building up to it a little more, but i think it's definitly something we should try before the challenge is over, because it's the best feeling ever when you finish...i was a work out queen for like two weeks after because i really felt like i could do anything, it's the first time i really pushed myself to do more than i thought i could & it was deff hard, but so worth it!!!
  • merriedawn
    O.K. I have all of my fruit and veggies done for today. Working on the water. Finished the exercise ....but I am thinking about doing more.

    As for the next challenge 3500 a week sounds like a lot. that is 500 a day and I know I am not up to that just yet. I just stared working out again after 6 months of not doing anything with a broken ankle. If this is what the challenge is I will try my best to do it but I think we need to work up to 3500. Just my opinion.
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    water done; veggies done; fruit done; and first day of adult fitness class with about a 1.9 mile round trip walk from my office to the gym. I'm beat, and looking foward to dinner!
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    I was totally thinking on the same lines with 3500 cal challenge.. But I don't think were all on that level yet! That will be one of our challenges because I really wanna try that but I think we should do that after a few weeks! But maybe we can do a smaller number like 2000 or 2500? What do u think? Also If u can describe ur basic workouts or if u go to the gym because I definitely wanna make the challenge harder next week!
    Today- fruit grape fruit ( more cals than I thought though :( ) veggies check plus, water check mile- 1.3 on treadmill
    Btw do all of u have access to treadmills? cuz I started doing incline to mix it up and really got a great workout!

    Keep up the good work!
  • jAdorelife
    I do pretty much all my workouts at home, but there is a track by my house i could go to. i prefer cardio workout via dvd though...i feel like i work more muscles that way because i end up sore in places i dont even think about hahaha

    i think doing a lower number of cals would be a good way to build up, we could also do a challenge based on minutes.. like 180 minutes, which is 30 mins six days of the week or a little higher since i think we all got that getting our mile in
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    I do pretty much all my workouts at home, but there is a track by my house i could go to. i prefer cardio workout via dvd though...i feel like i work more muscles that way because i end up sore in places i dont even think about hahaha

    i think doing a lower number of cals would be a good way to build up, we could also do a challenge based on minutes.. like 180 minutes, which is 30 mins six days of the week or a little higher since i think we all got that getting our mile in
    I like the minutes idea-- if we start with something like an additional 15 min per week, and keep adding 15 per week, in 8 weeks we will have increased by 2 hours per week!
  • jAdorelife
    actually scratch the track for a while, we just got another foot & a half of snow...& a storm tomorrow & fri hello snow shoveling calories (:

    i also like the idea of minutes, but i don't go by adding to each work out..i'd rather just have a "this is how many minutes to burn" & then everyone can use them as they wish because i'm trying a lot of different work outs right now trying to find what i like best & keep my muscles guessing so i dont have a set routine
  • jAdorelife
    also i'm totally messing up my water intake ): wjenrtjkwe
  • rosebarnalice
    rosebarnalice Posts: 3,488 Member
    fruits and veggies done (had the BEST veggie stew for lunch today!); water done; workout done--in fact, in 4 consecutive days of workouts, I TRIPLED my total calories burned from last week.
  • merriedawn
    the 2000 or 2500 challenge in a week sounds like a good idea. and yes i do have a treadmill. i also used an incline workout yesterday and what a difference the incline makes! today was a horrible day. I hope tomorrow is better . keep up the good work all! i am enjoying this challenge and the extra support :)
  • whatupskinnyjeans
    whatupskinnyjeans Posts: 229 Member
    guys just throwing at idea out: what about doing a 5K together one day next week? i never did one and i always wanted to do one- if youre up for it then let me know- also how many miles is a 5k? we could compare times, etc- let me know if your interested or if i should post it as a site wide challenge? for me monday or thursday would work best.
    i like the idea of total minutes -
    I was thinking that this would be simpler to view/comment if i started a BLOG for each week- so i will start the blog- u should recieve the link in ur newsfeed- i hope!
    ****weigh in is tomorrow morning! dont forgget to weigh urselves and check-in*****
    (last chance workout tonight-lol!)
    GOOD LUCK!!!