Sweet Sixteen: 1/24 - 5/9

Hello Everyone! :) I would like to form a group to support and encourage one another with our goals. In the next sixteen weeks (Monday, January 24 - Monday, May 9th) I would like to lose 13 lbs. I joined MFP in Feb 2010 - lost 20 lbs - but after getting married in August and starting a new job, I lost focus on my fitness routine and gained some weight back. I have begun training for my 2nd half-marathon and would like to get back in shape for good! Join me for the next 16 weeks to accomplish our goals and share our stories.

Starting today: 138
Goal for May 9: 125


  • ErinGiam
    ErinGiam Posts: 396 Member
    I think this is a great idea Aimee! My goal weight is by June 4th ( my 25th bday) but I think a 16 week goal is awesome. :smile:
    I'll update with my current weight tomorrow when I weigh myself at the gym!
  • emmaleigh47
    emmaleigh47 Posts: 1,670 Member
    When is your next half marathon?
    My first one is one week from today and my next one is apparently 17 weeks away on May 16th :)
    I have alot to lose, but I like the idea of this challenge!
  • Naomi91
    Naomi91 Posts: 892 Member
    Thats the end of the semester for me! I would love to join the group. My goal is to lose 13lb by then as well :]
  • Mandee87
    Mandee87 Posts: 35 Member
    Sounds great, I'm in!

    My name is Mandy
  • kri5tin
    kri5tin Posts: 23
    Sounds good! I'm in!

    CW: 140.8
    GW: 130.0
  • Natolee72
    Natolee72 Posts: 122 Member
    I'M IN!!!! I am a bridesmaid in a wedding on May 7th and this will be perfect!!! :smile:
  • juleslianne
    Me too! Hey why not, haha.

    SW : 150
    CW : 143
    GW : 125

    So this is my first challenge... how does it work? I mean as far as everyone keeping up with each other?
  • Ding724
    Ding724 Posts: 791 Member
    Starting today: 167.4
    Goal for May 9: 159 or less

    *I have 4 weddings to attend in May so this should be just the push I need to reach my ultimate goal weight!*
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    Weddings, Marathons, Mother's Day, Birthdays, Bikinis, Sundresses...Yourself! Whatever the reason....now is the perfect time! :) 16 weeks to reach our goals...together! Weigh-in once a week (whenever you can) and I will update the spreadsheet (probably Sunday nights).


    If you haven't posted your weight or goal...I will add it when you do! :)

    I think everyone has very realistic and achievable goals. Good Luck! :)
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    Hello Everyone! :) I would like to form a group to support and encourage one another with our goals. In the next sixteen weeks (Monday, January 24 - Monday, May 9th) I would like to lose 13 lbs. I joined MFP in Feb 2010 - lost 20 lbs - but after getting married in August and starting a new job, I lost focus on my fitness routine and gained some weight back. I have begun training for my 2nd half-marathon and would like to get back in shape for good! Join me for the next 16 weeks to accomplish our goals and share our stories.

    Starting today: 138
    Goal for May 9: 125
    Sent a friend request I'm training for my first triathlon
  • MissJanelle5
    im in!! let me know what i need to do!
  • neebelung
    neebelung Posts: 115
    I'm in!

    SW: 235
    CW: 235
    16 wk GW: 210
  • Loribell23
    I want to join in! :smile: I can't believe that may is only 16 weeks away. That is exciting because let me tell you, I am so sick of all of this snow! :noway:

    I would like to lose 14 pounds. That would put me at my first goal of 165.
  • liscar
    liscar Posts: 311 Member
    I'm in

    CW 153.6
    GW in sixteen weeks 140
  • aimeeclaire
    aimeeclaire Posts: 93 Member
    I was planning to go to bed 2 hours ago...but FINALLY figured out how to add the spreadsheet. YAY! pretty excited about this now. haha. good night :smile:
  • daisy89
    daisy89 Posts: 151 Member
    I would love to join as well! Hope it's not too late, I just started on MFP and this is one of the only challenge groups in the middle of January.

    SW: 155
    CW: 153.6
    GW: 139 (sixteen weeks from now)
  • Loribell23
    Great job on the spreadsheet! You rock!
  • RebeccaM2386
    I am in
    CW: 155
    Goal weight in 16 weeks: 135
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    I have to similar goals & would like to join too. Will update with my stats tonight!
  • spellbinder25
    spellbinder25 Posts: 331 Member
    Here are my stats:
    CW = 143.3lbs
    Goal Weight for 05/09 = 130.3lbs