The 3 letter word: S_E_X



  • I'm not sure exactly what your situation may be however, it has been determined that the hormonal distress associated with abdominal obesity is a major factor behind a lowered libido. The imbalance caused by excess belly fat for example could mean high estrogen, low testosterone, low DHEA, high insulin and/or high cortisol all of which can have an adverse affect on your sex drive.

    I can tell you that I noticed a dramatic decline in my libido as well as my boyfriends late last year and it perturbed me. My boyfriend of 10 years and I discussed our weight possibly being the cause. I started MFP at the beginning of the year, he a few days after me. It's been three weeks and there has been a significant increase in sex drive in this short time. We're both down 10 pounds and we've plenty to loose, I'm at 265lbs and he's at 210lbs however, as dramatic the loss, so was the gain.

    I can appreciate not being 100% pleased with your appearance and feeling "unsexy" however, from my perspective I've found that, that didn't seem to matter anymore.

    I think as you shed the weight you'll see a significant change in sex drive and quite obviously one in self-confidence as well. Don't give up, you're on the right track now as far as working on your perception of self, that's easy to change once you accept where you are now and move on from there.

    Hopefully, this was helpful.

  • tassles
    tassles Posts: 172
    I don't really ever get in the mood. :( I don't ever feel like it. I don't feel good about how I look either. :( im not sure what's wrong.

    I've been there too....

    Having a baby is a natural way to lose your libido, you're exhausted, feeling unappreciated at times and probably no longer feeling like a "woman" but a "mum"....your roles have changed and your partner is possibly feeling unappreciated too....don't be down on yourself and don't feel sad about the new lack of feelings..they will come back, but you also need to make an effort too. try to get a date night together at least once a fortnight to give yourselves a chance to dress up a little and have some fun together as a couple. The sexual desires will come back but you may have to "force" yourself to get into the you do you may actually find that you enjoy it again. Take control and show your partner that you still find him desirable ....and let yourself be loved as you deserve.... mothers can still be lovers!

    Enjoy your womanhood ...regardless of your size...
  • I am a new member and first time poster.

    Speaking (writing? texting?) as a man (and feeling a good bit self-conscious as a member of what appears to be a small minority of male members on this site), and as someone who has lived 58 years and who has gained weight over the years (~40 pounds, lost much of it, then regained it, I would say it may be difficult to focus on sex if your self esteem is low. It is understandable that your self esteem might be low if you feel your weight is growing or is out of control.

    As we know, the formula for permanent weight loss requires a combination of increasing activity (exercise) and adjusting/limiting diet. All of this requires breaking old habits and creating new habits. We are all creatures of habit. If you want the good life, create habits that give you the good in life. Sex is one of the many good things in life.

    Changing habits requires maintaining a positive, focused attitude. We can control, to a large degree, our attitude.

    For weight loss, create new habits that incorporate more activity, less food consumption. Make it a habit to focus on a positive attitude toward sex and all of the good things in life. Examine your life and recognize all of your existing habits. Some, like brushing your teeth are good habits. Some, like over-snacking, are bad habits. Make it a habit to break your old, bad habits.

    For an improved sex life, start a regular date night, at least once a week. Make it a new, good habit. Keep your attitude positive You don't have to have intercourse to enjoy each other's mutual company and intimacy. Give it time. Persevere. Remember, sex is one of the many good things in life. It gave you your child!

    You'll be surprised what can happen.

    I hope this helps. It has already helped me focus on what I need to do. Thanks, and good luck.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I guess my question is at what point do you give up??? Can it get better? Does anyone have experience with this?

    In my opinion, you DON'T give up. You open a dialogue with your BF, let him know you're feeling this way, and the two of you work on improving things together.

    I agree with this to a point. In my opinion, a healthy sex life is pretty important to any relationship. That being said, you've got so much going on in your life right now with the new baby, it's probably best to work on communicating with your boyfriend. I know that a dry spell can feel like the end of the world (or, at the very least, then end of your relationship), but it's really not. It's likely to end once you guys get into your new routine, weight loss will probably help with feeling confident and sexy - I know that I feel a lot more confident and sexy with my weight loss. I've got cuter clothes to wear and I just feel better in general. My mood and energy level are up, and that helps too. I don't think that there are skinny folks out there boning it up out there while the chubby couples are stuck in platonicville - every relationship has its ups and downs regardless of weight. I hope that you're able to find a good level of intimacy that works for you both. If you are really worried about it, talk to your doctor. She can help you figure out what's going on. Good luck!
  • ChancyW
    ChancyW Posts: 437 Member
    The healthier you get the better it will get! Trust me! Being very overweight takes away a lot of energy!
  • downtome
    downtome Posts: 529 Member
    when I was married, I went through a phase of just not being interested. Blame it on depression, hormones, weight whatever, if it's not there, it's not there period! I went to my doctor and asked her what was wrong with me and if she had a special pill to help me get my libido back?! She had told me No, but it was a normal part of life, that even she had become uninterested in sex as well at times. However, I do believe that the better you feel about yourself, you will want it more. Having a baby is a lot of work and very energy draining for both of you. Give it time and eventually you both will want it again. 7 months isn't that long of time and time it's gonna take to feel in the mood again. It really is a normal part of a relationship, unfortunately you go through phases as your body changes, you get older and you have kids. Don't give up on a healthy sex life, just try ti understand each other and keep the communication lines open. I used to say that IF I I never had sex again I'd be perfectly fine with it but recently, I have felt otherwise, so that's just not true. I thought I would never be normal again but I found out that I do still get the and desire and want it even if I have no one to enjoy it with. So be patient with yourself and each other. Good luck I do know how you are feeling cause Iv'e been there!
  • Honestly after having a child it takes a good amount of time to get your hormones on track and for some that never happens with out medical help. It is totally natural to feel the way you do and its out of your control. If your hubby packed on the weight to thats normal in a pregnancy and so therefore he is feeling the aftermath to. I think feeling better about yourself has a lot to do with it. Im a strong believer in if you look good you feel good. And even though i have weight to lose to i do know for a fact on the days i take the time to look good i do feel good. I have 2 kids my youngest is 3 so i know its hard sometimes to even get in a 5 minute shower but trust me its gonna help. Its a long process but it will happen if you sick with it. And sad to say but humans are creaters of habit. And sex is a hell of a work out so if you can allow yourself to be open to it it will become habit and you will be losing weight toneing muscles and spending some intimate time with your loved one.
  • dlaplume2
    dlaplume2 Posts: 1,658 Member
    I can say after having 5 kids, the desire does ebb and flow. You have to work at it sometimes. Your sexual parts are just like any other muscle if you don't use them you don't know they are there. I didn't read everyone elses posts, but are you using birth control? If you are not maybe on a subconsious level you and/or your boyfriend are afraid of getting pregnant again. I would talk to your OB and make sure you are protected, turn the lights off and have fun. It may take few rolls in the hay to get things really flowing again, but don't get discouraged.

    Best wishes.
  • LFern
    LFern Posts: 141
    I've been married 31 years to the same man. Thirty ONE years! Here is one important thing I can share with you:

    FAKE IT! Pretend that you want him so bad you ache! He's feeling like you don't want him as well as you feeling that he doesn't want you. You're both waiting for the other one to make the first move!

    The more you have sex - the more you want it. . . There are different stages at different ages - When we were first married, good grief we were touching one another ALL THE TIME. Then the later 20's I wanted it and HE didn't. 30 hit and man HE couldn't get enough! 40-it was back to ME wanting it all the time. We are closing in on 50 and have met a happy medium between us both now. At all times - we agreed way in the beginning that no matter who it was that was in the mood-the other would never say no. We agreed that a lot of our friends strayed from thier relationships because of that tiny little word. One too many "no's" and they started looking for a yes someplace else.

    We did counseling at one point and discovered that we didn't talk enough. I found I NEVER complimented him on ANYTHING he ever did. A married couple that wants to stay married needs to focus on the POSITIVES in one another! So you guys are talking about it and that is a GREAT thing! Start slow - by cuddling - reinact a couple of your dates that were especially nice in the beginning - find that "feeling" again - it's a great feeling of satisfaction when you "survive" being married 31 years -the ups and downs are very worth it, a couple learns so much along the way :) Have FUN together - ALWAYS!
  • m00tmike
    m00tmike Posts: 248 Member
    When my wife and I were married I was already big and she was about average. She has gained a few pounds with our two kids but has stayed pretty small through it all. During the times that I didnt care about fitness or what I was eating I had problems wanting to have sex. But now, even though I have only lost 8lbs, it's like we are teenagers again! She loves feeling my arms and my pecks. So I would say just stick with it. As the both of you move in the right direction I'm sure that fire will come back. And before you know it you will be making baby number 2!! lol
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