SAHM 1/24 to 1/30



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Melissa~Way to go! I also started at a size 16 (april 2010) and now down to a 10. Such a great feeling isn't it?

    The kids are driving me crazy so I though I would take a break for a min and get away:laugh: . So here I am unfortunately breaks over time to get back to the grind and feed my lil ones dinner and get them off to bed. Just wanted to ask do any of you watch the Bachelor??
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member

    The kids are driving me crazy

    Duct tape. :laugh: I kid, I kid. But sometimes it's tempting. :wink:

    I am happy to report that between my smarter food choices and my workout today, I was able to have enough calories for a snack AND have some left over (I didn't want to use them all up, in case I'd under-reported something by mistake). That's the first time I've earned myself a snack since I started MFP. Woot! And with that, I'm going to go get the kids out of the tub and ready for bed. Night all!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    whoa nellie! so much posting today. i've got to read some reflexns and get to bed....but

    thanks for sharing all your workout plans! we are an amazing group!
    and congrats on the accomplishments--clothing sizes, inches, pounds, exercise--wow! look what we can do. katie--i'll chk out your success story tomorrow. excited!

    well....i did NOT exercise today. i wound up so busy that i didn't even get to shower till 7pm. just a lot of back and forth--to speech, costco, gymnastics, library, hebrew school. i cooked dinner, baked brownies (which i sampled, but way less than usual and i'm done), baked bread (honey whole wheat with raisins, craisins and walnuts--mmmm---froze half so i won't chow them all) and did laundry. also schooled dd2--lang arts, math and her reading aloud to me. see? a lot--yay me!

    ok, time to read. have a great tuesday!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Melissa ~ YEAH!!! Congrats on the new jean size :):)

    I am going to look for some Vit D supplements today, along with regular vitamins. I really need to take them!

    Stacey ~ You are always a busy lady, lady!! :tongue:

    Today is legs and swim day! I am pretty sore from my arm workout, which is crazy to me because I'm only doing one set of 12 right now, baby steps, right?
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    mornin fun to have a swim day.....swimming burns calories like crazy!

    Stacey....I hear ya busy lady.....your life sounds like mine.....and its ok to have a no exercise day.....Wed. are mine cause life is crazy on Wed. for me....

    Katie M....I agree w ith the duct tape you feel like using my guys to death but boy they do know how to push each others and my buttons:)

    Will be makin my run this evening...not too cold here in central PA.....we should be in the 30's later on today........saw progress on the scale today......actually made my goal and have lost 15 just want to lose 5 more and I will be soooo happy.......have a great day all.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Got some snow this morning. Looks like I get to burns some calories doing some good ol' fashion shoveling! Beats doing cardio! My youngest is getting sick of the snow, or at least the 20 minutes it take to get all the snow gear on and off. Don't know if I'll be fighting him later to go out and blow off some stink.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Morning girls! Kris and DJ, have fun out in the cold! As for me, I'll be holing up in the house all day, thankyouverymuch. :tongue:

    The mild cold I had yesterday is worse today, so I'm going to take it a little easier today. But it's my weigh-in day, so since I'll have to drag out the balance board to weigh myself I might as well do a little light cardio and yoga, eh? Maybe I'll earn myself some comfort food. Or at the very least, I'll earn myself a nap. :yawn: Have a good Tuesday, everyone!
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Kris, congrats on making your goal! So exciting!

    DJ, I love waking up to new snow! It's starting to melt again here so I'm taking the boys out this afternoon for some snowman building :)

    Aj ~ Hope you start feeling better soon!

    This morning's workout was awesome, I feel great! Ran 2 miles, did weights (legs), and went for a 20 minute swim! I love the Y :love:

    Going to try to finish up laundry and pick up the house a bit, you ladies have a great day!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Good afternoon, ladies!

    Wasn't on much yesterday, trying to catch up on all the posts. This past weekend was ok. Both Saturday and Sunday has been pretty quiet. Saturday didn't do much, sat at home and relaxed. Sunday, did laundry and walked the mall. Spent some nice family time with no inlaws....and as soon as we can file taxes and find out how much we're getting, we should be able to start looking at apartments or renting a house and be able to move out this summer! I can't wait!

    I was doing Jillian's 30DS twice a day during the week and once a day during the weekends, I am thinking about just doing it once a day every day, I think I'm getting burned out from it, I'm on day 12 and kinda not looking forward to doing it every day....Well, time to go get my daughter from her bus stop, talk to you all later. Have a wonderful afternoon!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    katie, woman, you rock!

    i just finished my workout. congrats to me--cuz it took some energy to get going!
    i didn't finish schooling yet, but i decided i REALLy needed to get this done for me. we'll tackle math and language arts this afternoon.

    later girls
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Kris~LOL I sometimes think that would be a good idea but then the "good" mommy in me takes over and gives the "bad" mommy in me a scolding. :laugh: I am sure you know what I mean. I just end up sending them to their bedroom if it gets too bad. Yesterday I had some time away for a little bit so I recharged for today. Way to go on the loss!!!

    DJJW~It's snowing here too. Luckily my neighbor always plows my walks and driveway for me. I don't think I would make it today though because my workout today WHOOPED my butt!

    Aj~Get feeling better and plenty of rest.

    Katie~You are a machine! :wink: I can't wait to be able to run but for now I am happy where I am.

    Barb~Hang in there you can do it.

    Stacey~You are one busy woman! Take a day off if you need it. Way to go on squeezing today's in though. If I hadn't gotten in my exercise yesterday morning or even this morning I wouldn't have gotten it in. Yesterday afternoon was nuts and so far today has been too.

    I had to take the 4 & 3 yo to their yearly exams this morning ended up having to find a baby sitter for the baby because 4 yo still not feeling well. He is very weak and can't walk without losing what energy he has. I have found him curled up in some strange places (like the landing) :frown: So it is kind of hard to carry two children everywhere. The Dr. said that it is just a virus going around. He thought it was strep but that test came back negative. Went and got some pedialyte and having him drink that. I finally was able to get him to eat something today (jello) better than nothing. Not too worried about him not eating as I am about the drinking though. Do not want him to get dehydrated. Well got to get going. Hope you all have a good day.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Katie, AWESOME! That's some serious drive. You're an inspiration. :)

    Barb, I think I would cut it back too. That sounds like a lot, since I've heard that workout is pretty harsh. Don't overdo it and burn yourself out.

    Stacey, GO YOU for putting yourself first.Sometimes we have to carve some time out for ourselves to recharge for when we're giving our time so much to others. Sounds like it was totally worth it. :)

    KatieM7, I hope the little guy feels better soon. That's always stressful when they're so sick like that. Will he eat soup? Maybe he'll take some chicken noodle, so he can get some protein and fluids at the same time? Take care.

    I'm bummed because I already put in my dinner for tonight, and I'm going to be like 250 calories over. I guess it's because of this cold or whatever, but I have just been so hungry today. I'm going to fill up on lemon tea for the rest of the afternoon and try to do better tomorrow.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    YAY! My lil guy is starting to feel better his appetite is coming back...light at the end of the tunnel.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks, Katie and glad to her your lil guy is starting to feel better!

    Aj-this week I think I'll cut back to either in the mornings or evenings on doing the workout....We'll see how I feel next week. I was loving it at first, but boy, I'm not as burned out from doing the actual workout, just kinda getting tired of doing it.

    Haven't done much today. Took my mom to the unemployment office and then to her dr's office to pick up some x-rays to take with her when she goes to Indianapolis tomorrow to find out when she's having her heart surgery, yes, for those who know about my mom's heart issues, she has changed her mind and is getting it done!!! Thank God!!!

    That's it for now, might check back a little later.
  • VeronicaanddMatt0605
    Hi ladies,

    I just want to congratulate all of you on your sucess. It is so inspirational to hear your stories. I have started exercising recently and just today started to add some running in with my walking and I am looking forward to loosing some more weight and being able to run even longer and faster. I'd like to possibly run a 5k in the fall.
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Wow I don't read the posts for a day & I always feel like I fall so far behind!
    Today my "baby" turned 10 years old! And as we have always done he gets to pick dinner so of course in true kid fashion we had McDonalds! I did pretty good got grilled chicken with no mayo & stopped myself after just a few fries. But then there was cake which I also had to have some of, I still came in under my calories though.
    I just finshed spending over 2 hours putting his birthday present together, guess that is what I get for letting him pick out a 298 piece Lego set! So I treated myself to a small glass of wine while I finished putting it together. More calories but hey hubby's not here to do it so I figured if I am going to stay up & do it I might as well enjoy a bit of relaxing me time while I'm at it right!!
    So now that everything is all logged in I should really head up to bed so I'm not dragging in the morning. Good Night Ladies :yawn:
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Katie, so glad he's turned the corner! How's he doing this morning?

    Barb, I don't know your mom's issues, but I'm glad she's getting the surgery she needs.

    Veronica, that's a good goal! Go you!

    Christi, happy birthday to your boy! You did great with your calories in the face of all that stuff. Awesome!

    I must have the flu. I've been progressively worse for 3 days, and today I feel like bleh. And it sucks because MY baby's third birthday is tomorrow, so I have so much to do: baking his cake, wrapping his presents, cleaning the house. We're not having a big party, just us, but still I want things to be nice, and I don't know if I have it in me. I've developed a cough so as per the "above the neck" rule, I'm not going to exercise today. I need to save my energy for housework anyway. So glad I made enough dinner last night for leftovers today.

    Happy Hump Day everyone!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    snow day today in PA.....kiddos are off my run in last night....was able to do 5 miles :)....

    AJ.....hope you feel fun to have the flu :(

    Christi....happy birthday to your oldest is going to be 12 in may....time flies doesnt it?

    Barb....will keep your mom in our prayers.....

    today is usually my rest day but i think i will get to the zumba dvd today since I dont have to run the kiddos im sure i will be out shoveling at some point......have a great day girls......stay strong!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    katiem--we use otter pops or other popsicles on sick days to keep fluids going. just a thought.
    poor lo, tho--hope gets better soon
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    supposed to be paying bills and here i am rdg posts :laugh:

    krisl--nice job on the run! :drinker:
    barb--makes sense on the exercise and your mom is in our thoughts.

    chrsit--298 pieces. wow! that is a big set. that was so nice of you to put it all together.
    aj--you are so good with encouraging comments. sorry that you're the one under the weather now. hope the bday preparations go off without a hitch.

    veronica, welcome! this is a great group for sharing your triumphs AND struggles. :flowerforyou:

    i'm glad i took that rest day Monday. I was pretty sore and the rest made yesterday's walk easier.
    altogether, i want to change my schedule around for this week. i have walking scheduled 3x and i'm not in the mood. i think i'll throw a zumba in there.
    katiem--what workout did you do that whooped you? great work on getting this habit established again!