SAHM 1/24 to 1/30



  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member
    Katie~thanks for the tip about the breastfeeding. I looked for one under exercise & it wasn't there so I just never put anything, never thought to look under food! So you just clicked on that once a day? Wow it put -500 calories, does that mean I am then suppose to eat back those 500 calories on top of my normal calories? If so I don't think I am going to be adding that, haha. I have a hard enough time some days getting over 1200 calories & right now MFP has me at a 1600 calorie count, that would put me at 2100. yikes! :laugh:
    Yep, that's how it works. I've been eating an average of 2100-2400 calories and am losing for the first time in 9 months, I wasn't eating near enough before. Right now I use the "Infant 6-12 months) which is -300 and I burn 400-600 exercise cals which I also eat. My net is consistently at 1550. If I was only eating my MFP recommended intake and didn't add in the nursing and exercise burn my net would only be 600 some days and that's not enough for a body to run on, let alone support milk production. A few moms have said 1700-1800 is a better net for someone nursing, which is why I'm waffling. I don't know how you do 1200! I was starving doing that even when I was smaller and wasn't nursing.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Wow! The breastfeeding stuff is great to know considering we are trying to get preggo!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Christi~get some higher calorie items like nuts, I get almonds and sunflower nuts but all nuts that I have seen are high calories. Very healthy for you BUT don't make you feel overly full. In fact I have never felt full on them but they are calorie packed and yes with nursing you do need to bump up your calories more than the 1200. When I was nursing I was trying to get in 1600 or more a day. It was hard for me to get that in until I started to eat the nuts and seeds.
  • 1ofthegang
    1ofthegang Posts: 76 Member
    I am so glad to see this thread! I am a SAHM of a wonderful 9 month old baby girl. I gained A LOT of weight while pregnant and have yet to lose it. I could sure use some support and encouragement. And hope I can offer some to you girls. Can I join? lol
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Just found out last night, my mom is having her heart surgery done tomorrow morning, down in Indianapolis at 7:30. Sadly, I can not be there. The drs told her it would be anywhere from 6-8 hour surgery. She won't be able to talk until either Saturday morning or evening. So, I'm a little worried about everything, so I'm not sure if I can keep my mind set from worrying or not. Tomorrow my day may be off.

    Otherwise, all is well. I love all the motivation on here! It's so nice to have so many friends on here that are going through the same issues with weight loss and just sit and talk about everything!

    That's it for now, time to help my daughter with her homework.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Wow! The breastfeeding stuff is great to know considering we are trying to get preggo!

    no WE aren't:noway:

  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Katie~thanks for the tip about the breastfeeding. I looked for one under exercise & it wasn't there so I just never put anything, never thought to look under food! So you just clicked on that once a day? Wow it put -500 calories, does that mean I am then suppose to eat back those 500 calories on top of my normal calories? If so I don't think I am going to be adding that, haha. I have a hard enough time some days getting over 1200 calories & right now MFP has me at a 1600 calorie count, that would put me at 2100. yikes! :laugh:

    Yes, that's right. And you do need to find a way to eat them back, not just for your supply, but for your overall health and your weight loss progress. Your net needs to be over 1200, including the nursing calories.

    DJJW, I'm with you! WE aren't trying to get pregnant. :laugh: But good luck to you, Nicole! :)

    Barb, prayers for your mom. Let us know how it goes, ok?

    1ofthegang, welcome! Glad to have you here. :)
  • mamato4boys1girl
    Haha thanks ladies! I knew I was gonna get a hard time on the calorie count. I usually get between 1200-1300 but over 1400 on a high calorie eatting day, like Tuesday on my son's birthday when he wanted McDonalds & we had cake. I just have a hard time eatting more food most of the time, heck when I first started tracking my food I found out I wasn't even reaching 1200 on most days. So from there 1200-1300 is a big improvement for me! Like today with only my nightime snack left if I added in the breastfeeding as of right now with my exercise I would only have a net calorie of like 5. And I even ate my son's fish sticks & mac and cheese for dinner cause he got sick. I do have nuts around & try to eat them when I can remember to but most days I barely stop long enough to think to grab a handful. I am still loosing between 1-2lbs a week as of right now but I guess if that stops happening then maybe I will have to look at those calories again. Thanks for all the advice, I will have to start trying to fit in a few more calories here and there!
  • crutherford1205
    crutherford1205 Posts: 18 Member
    Hi SAHM's,
    Just joined this week. This is the first year, I am a SAHM. Although, I love it, it can definitely be difficult. I find it even harder to work out/not eat as much now that I am home all day. By the time naptime rolls around, I just want to sit down. :) But so far this week, I have worked out 3 days during naptime... hopefully this will stick. :) I'm very excited with MyFitnessPal, and REALLY hope this helps to get myself in a good routine.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome crutherford and one of the gang. there are LOTS of great women on this thread. it's gotten pretty chatty in the last few weeks.
    so feel free to jump in when and where you can.
    also, don't feel like you have to read EVERY post. just do what works for you and use this for strength and understanding--not another CHORE in your already busy lives. :)

    i did my ballet dvd this am. whoa! i am so not in the shape i was when i used to do it.
    I am the shining example of how to really put in the effort and then let it slide....only to come back here and have to start all over. it's frustrating and i don't recommend it!
    so for those of you who have also maintained --kudos to you!!

    katie--hope you feel better
    and barb--hope surgery and recovery go well for mom

    christi and others who struggle to get in enuf cals---I AM BEYOND ENVIOUS. my cals are set at 1200 or 1260 and then i'm soooo hungry and always always thinking about food. exercise is the only way i can get more food. and when i let my cals go up w/o exercise to check it--well, that's how the pounds came back.
    i should also add that i'm older than most of the ladies on here, so maybe that has something to do with it. i am 39.
    the advice to go for the Good calorie dense foods is sound. you could also try drinks like ensure to add the cals and nutrients. hth

  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Wow! The breastfeeding stuff is great to know considering we are trying to get preggo!

    no WE aren't:noway:


    I am not amused by this statement .....:frown:
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Welcome crutherford and 1 of the gang!

    Barb- I am sending good energy to your mom!

    Stacey- YAY!!!!:drinker: :drinker: No cookies or brownies!

    Why is it that I started to run harder this week and I stepped on the scale and gaine 3 lbs?! Is there really that much water retention in my muscles when I run?!:noway:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    thanks nicole! and i have no idea abt the h2o retention. hang in there. you know the #s will drop--you work so hard at this and you've come so far. ((hugs))
    hope your hen is cruisin down the road to recovery
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Hi crutherford! Welcome. Yay you for using those naptimes!

    Stacey, you know what, you may have let things slide for a bit, but at least you're starting back up again! That's something to be proud of. And yay for no cookies or brownies! Wish I could say the same.

    Nicole, don't be discouraged! So many things could have factored in this week. Are you coming up on your monthly? That might cause some gain. Keep doing what you're doing.

    I'm finally feeling better. Not 100%, but better. Just in time for running around town like crazy. Just got home from taking C to school, then I have to take Z in for a hearing check (they're doing free screenings, and he seems to be having trouble understanding... always asking what we said), then playgroup for Z, then pick up C and come back home for lunch. Hopefully then I'll still have some energy left for a little workout this afternoon. It's the second day in a row of sunshine, and I'm loving it! Hope everyone has a great day!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    I only lost 0.2 lbs this week, but I slipped on ice/slush mix on Wednesday while I was out paying bills and I wasn't working as hard on my exercises :(

    Hopefully, will be back to normal next week.

    My mom had her heart surgery this morning at 7:30, its a 6-8 hour surgery at least....not sure how things are going bc she is out of town for the surgery, but I'll be calling her tomorrow to check in! Praying for my mom today!

    My wigit says I've lost 50lbs, but I've lost 49.6 lbs, so I guess I can I have hit my 50 lb mark, but I'll make it official when it actually 50.

    Congrats to all those who have lost and we'll lose our weight next week ladies who gained.....we can do it together!

    Welcome all newcomers!!
  • krislshoe
    krislshoe Posts: 459 Member
    hey ladies......just have a quick minute to check my hubby got the AD positon!!!!! so very thankful for that......i took two days off of staying under my calories......was stressing for two days...but today im back on track:0) praying for your mom today......hope all goes well.

    Stacey.....way to go on not eating any cookies or brownies.....that is not easy:0) I made a pan for the kids yesterday and didnt practicwe that kind of restraint.

    you go all you breastfeeding moms.....I know that is not an easy task....breastfed all three of mine and the more kiddos you have the harder it is to find time to do it....kudos to you all...

    well I need to sign off for now...busy, busy weekend...have a great weekend all in case I dont check in till Monday....headin to Zumba.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Barb, yay for hitting the 50 mark, even if it is "unofficial." Prayers for you and your mom.

    Kris, congrats to your hubby!

    I just got back from taking Z to a health screening -- he took so long that we missed playgroup and I'm exhausted. He flunked the hearing part of the test, so then he got frustrated and didn't want to cooperate for the rest of the stuff. Looks like I'll be making a doctor appointment for him next week. But that's why I took him, because I thought he couldn't hear. I had the same problems when I was a kid, so at least he can get treatment, where I never got any help because nobody knew I had the problem. But anyway, now I'm trying to get rested up enough to work out this afternoon. We'll see.
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome crutherford!

    Stacey~Way to go on no cookies or brownies! Ballet not so sure I would have the strength to do that one. I have heard it is hard. I got in my exercise for the day. Thank you for helping me get back on track. How have you been doing on your exercise this week?

    Barb~prayers for you and your mom.

    Nicole~I feel you on the water retention I have been retaining water lately too. I should be starting my TOM soon and someone on MFP told me about PMS tea well I got some and it helps get rid of the water retention. Not to mention that I have not been nearly as moody as I was before. You should check into it. I just got it at Walmart by the other teas but I am sure that they sell it in other stores as well.

    Kris~Congrats on the hubby getting the AD position.

    Next week the hubby is going to be out of town (so not used to him going out of town). He is going to Chicago for some training. It will be an interesting week I am starting my very part time substitute job (2hours a day hoping to be hired part time instead of just being a sub). So the kids are going to be going to a friends house every day after school until I get done and can get them. I guess the one plus of it being then is that the kids get out early so then I will be able to still spend some time with them before bedtime. Hope you all have a great weekend and stay strong.
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Barb- I can't wait to hear the good news that your mom's surgery went great!:flowerforyou: Congrats on the 50lbs!

    AJ- sorry ot hear about your kiddo's hearing. My niece has had hearing problems since birth. She has the cutest little purple hearing aids. Did you get your workout in?

    Krisl-:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: Congrats in the hubbies AD job!!!!!!! *doing a little dance in my chair*

    Katie-I think I have some of that tea, which I forgot all about! Thanks for reminding me. I can't blame it on PMS though...dunni why the water retention.:grumble: Congrats on the subbing position!

    Whew...had a long travel day. We drove to Bob's Red Mill outlet store to get my bulk GF flour! I am set for a while now!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Thanks Ladies for all your support! And Thank you for congratulating me on my 50 lb mark, even though its not official :smile: Hopefully, it'll be official after the weekend....

    Anyways, in case you aren't on my friends list, I posted an update on my mom, but I'll post it here too.

    UPDATE on my mom: I got off the phone with the hospital around 6:30pm my time. She can't talk, there's no phone in her room, plus she's on a ventilator. However, she's doing good and she's in stable condition. Hopefully I will get to talk to her either Sunday or Monday.