Morning Exercise Vs Evening Exercise



  • Levesque_7
    I dont think it really matters when you work out. I do it in the morning only because i like to spend the evenings with my husband and just relax after a long day of work.
  • GradatimFerociter
    GradatimFerociter Posts: 296 Member
    For some reason my workouts have always felt much less productive the later in the day that I do them. Personal preference really.
  • molissep
    molissep Posts: 452 Member
    I'm not a morning person. On weekdays I hate getting out of bed early for work, so trying to get up extra early to hit the gym just wouldn't happen, so I go in the evening. On weekends once I've had time to wake up on my own I will sometimes go in the morning, but then I find I'm exhausted the rest of the day and don't want to do anything. For me, evening seems to be best. Get my workout done, have dinner, do chores and then get ready for bed! Of course everyone is different, but I say do what works best for you :)
  • christinacavin1
    Morning is best for most people because when you wake up and go, you are less likely to make excuses or allow daily junk to interrupt your workout. If you are going at night and that is working for you...stick with it.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    Exercise is for health and fitness. Weight loss is dependent on calorie deficit, so regardless of the time you exercise, this isn't affected. Exercise at a time that you'll actually do it.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • rjmwx81
    rjmwx81 Posts: 259 Member
    Except for the actual getting out of bed part, I much prefer morning workouts. I have no idea if it's more effective in terms of metabolism, calorie burn, etc. No, I like the mornings better because there are simply fewer people around, and those who ARE there are serious about their workout. Nobody's taking up a machine or bench I need while sitting there yammering on a cell phone, there are more lanes open in the pool, and I can park closer to the building. (Sure, the walk is good for me if I park further away, but the frostbite is not!)