HCG Diet



  • Bonnie1974
    I asked my Gp the other day about this diet, becus I have a friend on it, and has lost large amounts of weight. And he said PORTION CONTROL... and cut out the junk. So I am starting there.

    He did mention that all we read is the positive effects of HGC, what about once u get off, then what??

    Good luck to you all, and please keep us informed as I am curious :wink:
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Yes I am actually working on my PHD in fact but it is not even close to the medical field.
    Id like to see something statistically significant with like a couple hundred participants. How would you control the diet though? In order for the study to be fair they would have to follow Simeon's protocol, as described in the 1950's to a tee. Alot of the studies that were conducted simply failed to follow that protocol in their testing. I honestly think the study would get burried, there is alot more power and money behind not studying it as there is in studying it.
    See the problem I have with studies, or the lack of studies conducted in the United States is that the only way a drug manufacturer is going to research a medication is if they can profit off of it. Because HCG is a hormone it can not be patented, and much of the money associated with the research neccesary for FDA approval would be lost. Also, the FDA is a government entity and like all governement entities it is ultimately swayed by the biggest piggy bank aka Lobbyists. There is alot of reason not to allow or endorse HCG for weight loss, to include the billion dollar weight loss supplement market, and the billion dollar weight loss drug (of patented drugs like alli) market. The only way HCG will ever get a fair shake is through an independent research effort conducted at a college somewhere...and even then most will dismiss the results.
    @ambrosij...ok, I wanted to do that because the quote is getting really long:) That study I do not believe was done in the US. It's by indexmedico and intersol, and the conference for hCG is in Argentina. I'll keep you posted. I found your lnks for the other articles you posted, and I'm reading them too. I do have a couple of problems with them...but I'll continue to read and make my mind up at the end.

    Yes about the independent study!!! Anyone in the medical field who wants to do a research study?? This would be a great on done in the US, with US standards for significance ratings! You'd get published A LOT!!! Any takers? :)

    I agree..but I don't think 100 participants is a good idea. The margin or error increases a lot with that many. In my field of statistical study, 30-50 people is a good number for generalization for the public. I would think that for this study, it would be best to have groups divided by men and women, and then broken down into groups one more time of similar body types (for example, height and weight...etc).

    I wish I could branch off into this study. I'm not MD though, will just be PhD.....I'd make some good money and have many publicaions if I could! :)
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    dumb double post
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    I cant answer your questions, all I can do is direct you to the links a few pages back in the thread. But even those studies arent going to answer your questions. Bottom line is that there really has not been an in depth study done on this hormones true effect on weight loss and why it works, there are a lot of questions that could be answered by a couple good studies, they simply dont exist. I believe the science of it lies in the natural production of HCG within a pregnant woman and how it triggers the body to release excess fat stores to provide nutrients to feed that baby, as I understand it, it is a fallacy that a woman needs to eat more when she is pregnant, and HCG is responsible for why many women experience a significant weight loss after having the baby, as their fat stores have been significantly reduced through breast feeding, and nuturing the baby for nine months. But, I am no scientist. All I can say is that I lost 32 pounds in a months time, saw no significant reduction of muscle mass, experience more energy, better sleep, and felt healthier. I never experienced one head ache or ever felt hungry, unless I was delayed in taking my drops at the appropriate time. I can only go off of what my body told me, and my body says...I am healthier now than I was a month ago. I believe you will hear thousands of others tell similar stories.

    I'm curious to know the detailed biology behind the diet. I know it's been mentioned but can you direct me to a scientific source that specifically outlines the chemical processes that would support the use of the hormone in burning of excess fat. The more detailed the scientific explanation, the better.

    I know that in the case of some vitamins, any EXCESS of the vitamins are stored in fat cells for later use. But if you are not getting the vitamins in your diet, then would you not run out of excess stores quickly? Also, you risk not getting proper amounts of vitamins and minerals that are not fat soluble and thus will not be stored in the body (vitamin B, C, thiamine, etc...). Is it possible to get sufficient amounts of these vitamins from the restricted diet and/or use of a supplement?

    The diet may be effective, whether this is due to the restricted calories or the hCG or a combination of the two, but does that necessarily mean that it is healthy for your body? Is there evidence that it is? I just can't imagine how it doesn't cause headaches, fatigue and trouble concentrating the way that not eating in general would (I expect I'll be told that it's because of the calories burned from the fat cells, but I'm skeptical). Is it advisable to exercise moderately or heavily while eating so little?

    I also want to point out that different medical journals and sources have different levels of credibility and guidelines for publication, and that it is important to take into consideration who is conducting/funding the study and read it critically taking these factors into account.

    None of this is meant to be combative or judgmental. I'm actually very curious about the ins and outs of the diet from a biological perspective. If the diet is giving you the results you are looking for and you feel good doing it, then that's great and I wish you all the best in your weight loss!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    The protocol is designed to slowly reintroduce normal eating over a six week time frame, it is ultimately up to the individual to change their lifestyle, HCG is just a vehicle to get you started in the right direction. I would argue that someone could eat right for several years and then fall back into old habits just as easily.

    I asked my Gp the other day about this diet, becus I have a friend on it, and has lost large amounts of weight. And he said PORTION CONTROL... and cut out the junk. So I am starting there.

    He did mention that all we read is the positive effects of HGC, what about once u get off, then what??

    Good luck to you all, and please keep us informed as I am curious :wink:
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    That is a South African study, but notice how again they did not address body fat loss as opposed to muscle atrophy? Why do they always leave that out? I find it odd that they saw no benefit in hunger reduction. I would love to see the full report.
    I'm curious to know the detailed biology behind the diet. I know it's been mentioned but can you direct me to a scientific source that specifically outlines the chemical processes that would support the use of the hormone in burning of excess fat. The more detailed the scientific explanation, the better.

    I know that in the case of some vitamins, any EXCESS of the vitamins are stored in fat cells for later use. But if you are not getting the vitamins in your diet, then would you not run out of excess stores quickly? Also, you risk not getting proper amounts of vitamins and minerals that are not fat soluble and thus will not be stored in the body (vitamin B, C, thiamine, etc...). Is it possible to get sufficient amounts of these vitamins from the restricted diet and/or use of a supplement?

    The diet may be effective, whether this is due to the restricted calories or the hCG or a combination of the two, but does that necessarily mean that it is healthy for your body? Is there evidence that it is? I just can't imagine how it doesn't cause headaches, fatigue and trouble concentrating the way that not eating in general would (I expect I'll be told that it's because of the calories burned from the fat cells, but I'm skeptical). Is it advisable to exercise moderately or heavily while eating so little?

    I also want to point out that different medical journals and sources have different levels of credibility and guidelines for publication, and that it is important to take into consideration who is conducting/funding the study and read it critically taking these factors into account.

    None of this is meant to be combative or judgmental. I'm actually very curious about the ins and outs of the diet from a biological perspective. If the diet is giving you the results you are looking for and you feel good doing it, then that's great and I wish you all the best in your weight loss!


    I just found this one too, I can't figure out how to get the whole article, but it's by a department of Medical Physiology and Biochemistry, of the University of Stellenbosch, Parowvallei. This is the abstract posted by U.S. National Library of Medicine
    National Institutes of Health. I don't know how to get the whole article though, I think you may have to pay. But this is the abstract. If you can get access to get the whole article, I bet it would say all the scientific biological info you're looking for.
  • osman2011
    Yes, years ago. You don't need the pills or shots, I tried it without the pills and still lost a bunch of weight. On 500 calories, you will lose the weight, it is very hard to keep up. 500 calories is not much food. Just take a mutil vitamin, you will need it for engery.
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    For those of you interested, the website below was set up by a gentleman who used HCG and lost significant weight on it, his video blogs are well documented on you tube. He started selling the supplied because he was sick of people getting gouged for HCG and the supplies when they are actually very cheap...any how it provides absolutely no scientific evidence and I know he probably invalidates what he says because he decided to become a middle man in the sales process, but I bet he would also be very interested in a double blind study, and maybe even a descent resource for gathering some information. He has started this thing where he uses his body to do the experimenting....any how he has an interesting video clip on there of him doing some hydrostatic testing...if nothing else it is an interesting read, and I would be interested in his research.

  • Sgstrouble
    Thanks so much for the link to this website.

    Much appreciated.
  • rene0618
    rene0618 Posts: 105
    Day 1 of the vlcd! I gained 4 pounds from the two loading days, I hope I drop weight quickly!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Dont worry about that gained weight, even if you only lose five pounds that first week, dont worry about it, by the time that the round is over you will have lost way more than that 4 pounds. Keep us updated!!
    Day 1 of the vlcd! I gained 4 pounds from the two loading days, I hope I drop weight quickly!
  • MamaCarterof7
    I am on day 1 as well. My 7th child is officially 6 months old and yet I have not only gained back I immediately lost after I gave birth and with nursing, but I've gained 2 more.
    My doctor is doing a study right now and asked me if I was interested since other weight loss efforts have have mixed results. I feel like if I could just get these first 10-20 pounds off I could get into a better aerobic routine. I just go to the gym and get so tired after 30 minutes of cardio, I don't even feel like heading over and doing the machines.
    I don't know the terminology, but I am on day 1 of loading. I will start on the calorie restriction on Wednesday.
  • amandazubal
    Hey everyone! i am about to start the HCG drops and want to know the best place to get them! there are SO many websites and i cant tell whats real and whats not! Please help me xoxo:heart:
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Get the real thing...see my posting a couple lines up and follow that link
  • albertagirl73
    Okay I am putting in my 2 cents here. I was very unsure of the HCG diet and not to keen on it. I have since looked at protocol and am on my second round. Yes you are on 500 calories a day,, and take the drops but man,, I feel amazing. First round I quit early as I was going on holidays and thought it would be easier to just stop, but I lost 17 pounds, I did gain back 3. This round I am on day 16 and 17.4 pounds dropped.
    I would never tell someone to do it without looking at the protocol and deciding for themselves. Yes people say bad things about it, but bad things are also said about junk food, smoking and drinking, let me guess all you HCG negative people out there dont do any of that either. Dr's will perscribe it, millions of people do it and lose, if you go back to the way you were eatting before the diet, then I guess you will get fat again, cause you eatting habits made you fat to begin with. Side effects,, all the people I know that have done it, the worst side effect is headache for the first couple of days. constipation, some but not all..
    So please people, please do not be negative about what others choose to do. I think for obese people to get down in weight so that they can exersize for 3 minutes without collapsing, it is a great thing.
    Those of you on HCG and want a friend on here,, please add me.. :)
  • lilviotch
    Day 6 of my vlcd and I'm down 12.5 pounds!! I'm having a hard time reaching my 500 cal cause I'm not hungry at all I know it's sounds weird but it's true!! I am also working out on it and have not felt week or dizzy at all! Granted when I say working out I mean I haven't change my regular routine I play a very intense sport and I practice it three to four times a week!! All I have to say is it works and good luck to you guys just starting I'm looking forward to my complete lifestyle change when I'm done!!
  • ambrosij
    ambrosij Posts: 317 Member
    Sounds like you have had very similar experiences as myself.
    Day 6 of my vlcd and I'm down 12.5 pounds!! I'm having a hard time reaching my 500 cal cause I'm not hungry at all I know it's sounds weird but it's true!! I am also working out on it and have not felt week or dizzy at all! Granted when I say working out I mean I haven't change my regular routine I play a very intense sport and I practice it three to four times a week!! All I have to say is it works and good luck to you guys just starting I'm looking forward to my complete lifestyle change when I'm done!!
  • PeblesHHHH
    PeblesHHHH Posts: 6 Member
    Hi - I am on phase 3 of my second round. I like this diet very much. The only thing that has worked for me in 10 years! Using the MyFitnesspal on my phone has helped out a lot the past few weeks. It is a great way to keep track of everything your eating.

    I am under the care of a doctor as far as this HCG diet. Nasel spray is what I've been using. Very costly doing it this way - however I was a little scared to use the month drops you buy on line? I'm considering going another round - but this time using the drops. Any thoughts on the on-line drops?

    Thanks so much!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    I am on R3P2D16. I had a 2 week TOM (my body must have been working through some hormonal imbalance) and so my weight loss was at a standstill for about 8 days.

    Did morning injection and I am eating Paleo style so I am adding in some other veggies than the protocol. I am experimenting with my own plan and may be writing a book in relation to this plan and working through hormonal imbalances.
  • Bonnie1974
    Hi all,

    I just started HCG drops.

    Only on Phase 2, day 2/ spurge days. Tomorrow is my first 500 cal. satrt date, but after eating the way I have eben eating these past 2 days I am thinking i won't be wanting food for days. lol

    I have heard good and bad about this product and guess the only way to find out, is it to do it myself..

    I enjoy readin other people's stories.. here's hoping a great sucess...