Anyone know any good dinner ideas?



  • MassiveDelta
    MassiveDelta Posts: 3,271 Member
    Turkey Burgers with feta and spinach (I think this is close to an Atkins receipe) - my favorite dinner!

    1lb lean ground turkey
    1 container of LF feta crumbles
    1 Egg
    1/2 cup chopped Spinach (I use fresh)
    1/4 cup of chopped onions
    dash of cayenne pepper, salt, and pepper
    optional 1 tbsp of finely chopped black olives

    Mix all of the above ingredients and form burger patties. Spray a pan with cooking spray and cook.
    Put turkey burger on an whole grain English muffin with a slice of tomato and 1/2 tbsp of lite Ranch dressing

    I usually eat this with a small side salad with Newman's Own Lite Balsamic Vinagrette.

    Hope you all enjoy this as much as I do!

    Scratch what I wrote this ^ is what Im making
  • Awesome! I promise you won't be disappointed, I usually make about 5 or 6 patties on Sunday and freeze them for dinner throughout the week. Just a note, the egg is to keep the burgers together when cooking them. The recipe calls for a whole egg, but I usually mix the egg and then only add half to the mix. Enjoy!
  • soup soup soup soup soup!!! make a few batches on a sunday and they'll see you through the week. i like to add lots of spice to keep them interesting. if you cant bear to eat it without dunking something in it, steer clear of bread but have some low salt crackers instead.

    stock up on fruit and seeds for snacking, and chop up some oranges into segments and freeze them = sugar free ice lollies.
  • Amanda42657
    Amanda42657 Posts: 45 Member is my fav site! I just made the Cream of Zucchini Soup and it is great! She has tons of stuff on there and gives you all the nutritional info as well!
  • fbref9
    fbref9 Posts: 74 Member
    How about turkey bacon blt's.

    We use Jennie O turkey bacon and load it up with lettuce and tomato with some .... add some light/low fat mayo. Depending on the type of bread you use, each sandwich could be less than 200 per sandwich. I like using Stop & Shop's whole wheat sandwich thins which are only 100 calories.

    Give it a try!
  • we did this tonight! and I do the same thing, I get the oriental frozen veggies. But I made sticky rice to go with it. LOTS of veggies and filled me up!!
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