Lowest calorie Alcohol?



  • trinityj1
    trinityj1 Posts: 97 Member
    I don't have a link to the material, but I have read again and again that red wine is actually extremely beneficial to not just weight loss, but good general good health. That's a glass a day, though. It's a bit high-calorie for a social drinking night. There you want to go with vodka, pretty sure it is the lowest cal liquer, and if it's decent vodka, you can drink it with nothing but water. 3 to 1 or 2 to 1 with ice.

    Stay away from pop. Might as well have wine in that case, at least wine is good for you (in moderation).
  • riley711
    riley711 Posts: 298 Member
    Dewars White Label scotch has 65 calories per 1 oz. shot. Use water as a mixer - no additional calories; nice clean, crisp taste
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    It is my understanding for weight loss purposes wine is better than liquor, and both are better than beer. I started drinking a lot more beer this past year, and I put on weight. While that wasn't the only reason I, I do know I drank MORE because it doesn't get me as drunk and I have no problems running the next day :-) I watch what I drink much closer when I stick to wine and vodka.

    Whatever you do, drink a glass of water for every drink. That will slow you down tremendously!!
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    I dont like alcopops anyways and beer isnt my thing either. I like vodka and diet coke though and i like ciders which i dont think are quite as bad as beers. Not a big fan of gin and tonic i must say :(
  • Redbella
    Redbella Posts: 58 Member
    What everyone is saying is good advice the clear alcohol is the least in cals...just remember its all empty cals ur taking in and they still count. U may want to start meeting ur friends other places where u wont be forced to drink and ruin what ur trying to accomplish by being here.
  • bode1all
    My drink of choice is flavored vodka (citrus, mandrin, blueberry, rasberry etc) with soda water and some lemons or limes. You can also had a splash of cranberry or bring in your own crystal light packets.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    ye its true I really should do something else with them but when we do meet up there are soooo many people (most of my friend are at uni so they all come back at the same times) that we have to go somewhere like a pub or bar otherwise there just isnt any other place to go!
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    ye its true I really should do something else with them but when we do meet up there are soooo many people (most of my friend are at uni so they all come back at the same times) that we have to go somewhere like a pub or bar otherwise there just isnt any other place to go!

    My only other point is that what you're trying to achieve here (at least what most of us are) is a lifestyle change and it shouldn't restrict anything you like if you want it to work. The key is to learn how to do it all in moderation. Alcohol will screw up your weigh in if you weigh the next morning. But if alcohol isn't something you can see yourself living without for the rest of your life, you shouldn't cut it out now because otherwise you'll never learn how to drink it appropriately.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    Dont worry ive learnt how to drink appropriately. I could live without alcohol quite easily but it does make you feel a bit more included in the group and plus I am not going to a club or whatever and not drinking. I cant dance unless im merry xD (I probably cant even when i am merry but thats not what we are disscussing here xD)
  • HMKan
    HMKan Posts: 472 Member
    I cant dance unless im merry xD (I probably cant even when i am merry but thats not what we are disscussing here xD)

    hehe. I'm with you there!
  • RMinVA
    RMinVA Posts: 1,085 Member
    My drink of choice is flavored vodka (citrus, mandrin, blueberry, rasberry etc) with soda water and some lemons or limes. You can also had a splash of cranberry or bring in your own crystal light packets.

    I'm drinking wine now, but flavored vodka/soda is my cocktail of choice. And I have a ton of friends that do the Crystal Light thing.
  • tuduis
    tuduis Posts: 67
    Vodka / Soda - You can get those zero calorie flavored waters that are good with it too... That's my personal "low-cal" poison
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    good choice! :)
  • Tamishumate
    Tamishumate Posts: 1,171 Member
    I just have shots of vodka, I dont want the chemicals that are in the diet coke :bigsmile: . I am big time serious too. :drinker:
  • neebelung
    neebelung Posts: 115
    Generally clear liquors are your best bet:
    Vodka & Sprite Zero is no carb and low cal (Stoli orange is particularly yummy in Sprite Zero, or in Low Carb Red Bull)
    Spiced Rum & Diet Coke is my other favorite (though the spiced rum I believe has some carbs to it)

    Bud Select 55 is actually REALLY tasty for a light (super light) beer.

    And believe it or not, Guinness is one of the "best" beers in terms of your waistline (according to "Eat This, Not That.")
  • pgp_protector
    Given whenever I go out, I'm normally driving, I just drink ice tea (0 cals :D) but If I'm drinking, light beer will work.
  • julianpoutram
    julianpoutram Posts: 331 Member
    I just have shots of vodka, I dont want the chemicals that are in the diet coke :bigsmile: . I am big time serious too. :drinker:
    I dont know if i like vodka neat but im ok with chemicals lol Ill have diet coke with it! xD

    May I compliment you on your weight loss also! That is a truly incredible amount of weight lost! You must be very proud of yourself! :)
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    I just have shots of vodka, I dont want the chemicals that are in the diet coke :bigsmile: . I am big time serious too. :drinker:
    Oh man, you're totally a woman after my own heart <3 haha

    I attempt the method of not caring about how many calories are in the drink, and just go with moderation. I figure that if you only have a couple drinks in a week then it's all right.