Guys, you're killing me!



  • mariasheehan
    Hi Everyone!!!

    My name is Tara and I am totally the first person to admit that I am NOT the best at spelling, grammar or the English Language!

    *Everyone says HI TARA!*

    When I first read the initial post I laughed, or lol'd...if we are going to go with texting lingo. Lose VS Loose, Ha ha! Then as I read on and saw all of the mixed reactions with all of the different replies, I fell silent. While I understand "Pet Peeves" and the like, this really hit home for me. There are times when I'm writing or even speaking that I can get incredibly irritated with myself because my brain just doesn't think of what I'm asking it to think of fast enough. Mind you, I have had several strokes. I know this plays a part (I literally just wrote "Place a part" instead of "Plays a part." My brain does NOT function correctly, lol!) in the stuttering or using words correctly or remembering things. I recognize that you all said that your frustration comes into play with more of an "ignorance" of a grammar error because of upbringing or perhaps not caring to phrase things correctly. Either these people are too pompous or actually illiterate to realize what they are doing, but do they deserve our scorn?

    Regardless of whether they don't want to do it, they weren't raised to do it, or they have a medical reason for not doing it, its more a reason to feel sorry and move on. Not an opportunity to bring it to light. The same idea that someone HAS to WANT to "lose" weight in order to actually DO IT. You can't tell point a finger at an overweight person, tell them they are overweight, all with the hopes they will change their lifestyle and start eating healthy. They have to want it. And if someone were to tell me on a public website that I was writing incorrectly, I would feel attacked: Not helped. Maybe one day they will realize when they go for a job that this is something they need to improve on. But honestly? We just come across as the pompous ones, holier then thou, ready to correct them at the drop of a dime without ever having met them.

    I say all of this from the bottom of my heart and without any anger towards anyone on here! No one said anything incredibly inappropriate! I just know how incredibly frustrating it is to be thinking one word and have my fingers type something totally different. Have to reread everything a million times. And I was blessed with an amazing education, just bombarded with strokes at a young age. Others may not have gotten my education. Others may be lazy...who knows?? Just sharing. :o)

    Tara, very well said. I don't feel sensitive about the spelling issue; I just care about other members on this site who came here for motivation and support and would feel the opposite having read the post. You seem like a really lovely person.
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I dnot raelly crae aobut sepllnig msiatkes as lnog as I cna udnresatnd waht the psoetr is tyrnig to cnoevy and it mkaes snese to me. It is teh cnoetnt of the psot wihch is ipmrotnat not the seplilng or garmamar...

    Holy Toledo ... how hard was that to type? It was actually quite easy to read. Thank you for doing this; it proves that people can get their point across without perfect grammar or spelling. There are tons of reasons for poor spelling and grammar but I hope everyone feels comfortable enough to post to MFP for support without feeling intimidated by anyone. Since we probably can't stop these kind of pet peeve posts, I hope everyone who reads a thread like this takes it with a grain of salt ... learns from it ... laughs with it ... and moves on.
  • elfie9863
    elfie9863 Posts: 337
    OK...just gotta chime in with this...SHHHHH...PLEASE BE "QUITE"...ARGHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!! and...being around the horse world I can NOT believe people actually spell "RIDING" as "RIDDING"....GOOD LORD...

    OK ...all done...just venting not meaning to offend anyone.
  • janesmith1
    janesmith1 Posts: 1,511 Member
    Don't get upset because someone started this thread - it's not as if they started a thread about a specific person to make fun of them. If it hurts one's feelings to have someone point out his or her mistakes in general (without even specifying the person) then the problem is with that person.
    For the record I don't think in my head "oh what an idiot, etc etc". Not at all. It just makes me angry that parents/teachers/society have failed children and young adults to the point where many can hardly put a coherent sentence together. Of course personal responsibility comes into this too.. after a certain age, if someone notices that they are making common and embarrassing grammar/spelling mistakes, he or she should take it upon themselves to improve in that area (barring the 0.1% that have suffered a brain injury).

    I completely agree. People should grow up and stop being so sensitive for crying out loud. So someone corrected you. Well cry me a river, build a bridge and get over it! I've been corrected before on my grammar, it's no big deal. Learn from it, correct yourself and move on.

    Further, we grammar nazis / grammar queens ALSO spell incorrectly at times.....oh gosh, when that happens it's bad...I keep going to myself "OMG did *I* just write that?" LOL....I feel so ashamed. Then, I get over it and try to do better next time!
  • heyitsmekatie
    heyitsmekatie Posts: 544 Member
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    Hi Everyone!!!

    My name is Tara and I am totally the first person to admit that I am NOT the best at spelling, grammar or the English Language!

    *Everyone says HI TARA!*

    When I first read the initial post I laughed, or lol'd...if we are going to go with texting lingo. Lose VS Loose, Ha ha! Then as I read on and saw all of the mixed reactions with all of the different replies, I fell silent. While I understand "Pet Peeves" and the like, this really hit home for me. There are times when I'm writing or even speaking that I can get incredibly irritated with myself because my brain just doesn't think of what I'm asking it to think of fast enough. Mind you, I have had several strokes. I know this plays a part (I literally just wrote "Place a part" instead of "Plays a part." My brain does NOT function correctly, lol!) in the stuttering or using words correctly or remembering things. I recognize that you all said that your frustration comes into play with more of an "ignorance" of a grammar error because of upbringing or perhaps not caring to phrase things correctly. Either these people are too pompous or actually illiterate to realize what they are doing, but do they deserve our scorn?

    Regardless of whether they don't want to do it, they weren't raised to do it, or they have a medical reason for not doing it, its more a reason to feel sorry and move on. Not an opportunity to bring it to light. The same idea that someone HAS to WANT to "lose" weight in order to actually DO IT. You can't tell point a finger at an overweight person, tell them they are overweight, all with the hopes they will change their lifestyle and start eating healthy. They have to want it. And if someone were to tell me on a public website that I was writing incorrectly, I would feel attacked: Not helped. Maybe one day they will realize when they go for a job that this is something they need to improve on. But honestly? We just come across as the pompous ones, holier then thou, ready to correct them at the drop of a dime without ever having met them.

    I say all of this from the bottom of my heart and without any anger towards anyone on here! No one said anything incredibly inappropriate! I just know how incredibly frustrating it is to be thinking one word and have my fingers type something totally different. Have to reread everything a million times. And I was blessed with an amazing education, just bombarded with strokes at a young age. Others may not have gotten my education. Others may be lazy...who knows?? Just sharing. :o)

    Tara, very well said. I don't feel sensitive about the spelling issue; I just care about other members on this site who came here for motivation and support and would feel the opposite having read the post. You seem like a really lovely person.

    Tara is one of my "peeps", and, in fact, a really lovely person! There is a web site, www,, that has a feature called "10 words you are misspelling", along with other helpful items regarding grammar and punctuation. And it's funny.:wink:
  • Tomhusker
    Tomhusker Posts: 346 Member
    I hate text speak, but most of all "2" instead of to and too.
    Also, the phrase "Point and time," instead of "Point IN time."

    I am guilty of fat fingering "AND" when I mean "AN", Also "nad" for "and"....... but that one makes me giggle.
  • SandraMay1982
    we're all guilty of typos.
  • kiannlouise
    kiannlouise Posts: 310 Member
    I was starting to wonder whether the US does it the other way around to Australia lol
  • robin52077
    robin52077 Posts: 4,383 Member
    Milo, I LOOOVE "The Oatmeal!" Did you see the stuff about the Alot? I want one for a pet...we would have Alot of fun! :laugh:

    SandraMay, damnyouautocorrect kept me up in tears for about 3 hours the day I discovered it. LOVE that page!:laugh:
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    Another favourite is "of" instead of 've....

    for example

    "I could of tried and should of learned to spell..."

    :sad: :sad: :sad:

    So you know you just spelled favorite wrong right?
    Actually favourite was correct (using original UK English), favorite is the way Americans spell it (which is incorrect from a proper English perpective). Same as humour vs humor, colour vs color to name a few.