Over 400 pounds



  • athaliah
    athaliah Posts: 24 Member
    Another formerly 400 here as well. I've only started my journey myself, but have found that everyone here is great. For me, having the open journal to friends makes me feel more accountable even if no one looks at it. Just find what is working for you and don't beat yourself up if your not perfect on each thing every day. Each day is a new day to do better for yourself and to learn more and improve.

    There are many inspirational people here that started at the same point and they share what works for them. It helps a whole lot.
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    I hope everyone is having a good weekend :smile:
  • StrongHeart
    StrongHeart Posts: 294 Member
    My calories were raised a little bit this week because I was losing too fast. So now I am suppose to try to keep my daily calories between 1300 & 1500 now. Sodium is still to be kept under 1900 mg for the whole day. Both of my ankles have returned to a normal size - and I am feeling a little healthier :smile:
  • Icewolf_The
    Icewolf_The Posts: 308 Member
    Hello everyone.
    I started out (again) this time at 466.. which was already down from my highest of 496 about 1.5 years ago. So far so good. I am determined this time not to stop, and not to quit till I get to the bottom so to speak of 160. ;) I really wanted to get below 400 by the end of June, BUT a lovely 2 week stall while my body adjusted slowed it down and ate up most of the month. Ah well... there's always next month ;)

    I would like to be around 350 by the end of July, but HA that's just not reasonable. ;) So I'll happily settle for 375. Especially since it's so very very hot here this time of the year, I think it's taking more out of me. I definitely am eager to chug-a-lug that water!

    I am doing this the hard way, no surgeries, just willpower and diet. Doctor will be very happy I think when I check in with him towards the end of July. ;) Being down (hopefully) almost 100 lbs by then I think will get his attention and let him know, yes, I am serious this time.

    350ish is also important because that's what I weighed when I met my husband almost 17 years ago. So everything past that will be all new frontier for him, and I think he deserves it, he's been pretty awesome about my weight all these years.

    I'm doing a low/no carb diet. Basically meat, veg, fruit, dairy.. but no processed foods of any kind. No carb heavy foods, breads, pasta, rice, etc.. Except for my burble last monday :roll: , no breads for almost 2 months. Very proud of that.

    I'm working out 3x a week, have worked up to 30 mins on elliptical, 60 sit-ups with 25# weight, 60 push-ups (lowest bar setting, it'll be the bench next for me!), plus weight training, squats, and stretches and flexibility. I have a Heart Rate Monitor now, which amazed me how much you can burn! Plus this application, which has reaaallly let me track everything quite well.

    If anyone wants to add as a friend, no problem! I have all my data, even a few recipes. More I'm sure I'll put in eventually. I have to change out how I cook things from the 'luv the buttah' method to 'I don't want to BE the house' method. So ;)

    Good luck to all of you, I hope we can all cross the finish line together. :)
  • TNFirefly
    TNFirefly Posts: 169 Member
    Have felt totally discouraged for some time. Right now I am reading Body Clutter from the Flylady site - highly recommended. Starting babysteps to get going on this journey. Wanting to log in each day even if I don't get all my food in. Also looking to exercise 5 days a week. I am actually starting to enjoy the walks as 'me time'. I used to love doing aerobics but feel silly being seen doing it at my size. Walking is something I can do that I don't feel rediculous doing. Plus my dogs are benefitting as they take turns going with me. it is worth the risk of having to carry a little bag of poop around just to know that they are getting exercise and some behavioral work as well. My mini-pin is less yappy and nippy and the bigger dogs enjoy the attention. I am also using the time to listen to audio Bible so I am feeding my soul as well. It is peace that lasts for several hours after, and I find that I no longer HAVE to take a nap in the afternoon. Increased energy, decreased distractedness for study time.
    Decreased guilt and Increased sense that I am going to make progress if I just keep doing it. Also less cravings as I don't want to waste the calories I burned.
    So if you aren't moving, try just a little. Right now the temps are cooler and you won't be fighting the sweating and heat. GO FOR IT!!!!:glasses: