

  • esorcel
    esorcel Posts: 459 Member
  • steampunkgirl
    Can I join this group? How does it work?

    MOM2LAYLA09: I am the same way with the water. My goal this week is to drink more water. I tried something different today. I had a class of water before my morning workout and ended up having another after. I ended up having 12oz before breakfast. It really helped me get through the day. Also using a BPA free bottle with the oz listed on it. 2 of those in a day I will know I got my 8 glasses.

    so if I can join this group here are my mini goals? 64 oz of water the rest of this week!! And to work out at least 30 minutes. I have been able to do the workout everyday so far this week.
  • soccermum75
    soccermum75 Posts: 588 Member
    mini goal this week : lose the last 0.4lb to officially not be obese anymore. i will exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes.
  • asm12707
    my mini goal is also to exercise at least 30 min every day this week
  • 123nikki123
    Can I jump in and join the group!!! :flowerforyou:

    Of course you can:) I'll add you! We have weekly weigh in every Tuesday. March 1st is the last weigh in for the 10 pound challenge. I'm not sure if you can find the arlier thread but we all posted ourstarting weight on there. Glad you joined and good luck!
  • Fgillies
    Fgillies Posts: 194
    you are awesome to add 5 minutes ,somedays i thnk why is this so long to begin with ,but to have the motivation to add i commend you

    Thanks-- lemme tell you, it was ROUGH..haha i actually ended up adding 10 additional minutes of dancing (in a class) to my hour long cardio class, so it whooped my butt tonight. But my dinner plans got all sorts of messed up, ( pulled out turkey burgers, and then had car problems and still didnt eat dinner, so i had to make due...) ANYWAY, thank goodness for my intense workout tonight, i would have been way over!!
  • zgolub
    zgolub Posts: 90 Member
    Go SoccerMom. Congrats!

    My minigoal for this week is to cut the calories I drink. Ski weekend this weekend...which means lots of beer after the slopes. This weeks minigoal is to cut to two drinks a night...and stick to wine instead.
  • oxavecamourxo
    oxavecamourxo Posts: 270 Member
    My mini goal this week (today to next Wednesday) is to burn 3500 calories with just exercise.
  • 123nikki123
    My mini goal this week (today to next Wednesday) is to burn 3500 calories with just exercise.

    Great Goal! Good luck:) We can do this!
  • 123nikki123
    Go SoccerMom. Congrats!

    My minigoal for this week is to cut the calories I drink. Ski weekend this weekend...which means lots of beer after the slopes. This weeks minigoal is to cut to two drinks a night...and stick to wine instead.

    I love wine! Which is your fav...red or white?
  • brittanymonster
    This gives me a good idea. I'd like to replace my nightly cup of swiss miss w/ marshmallows with a glass of wine.

    You see, you're supposed to use 1/4 cup of cocoa mix, which is 150 calories. Combine that with marshmallows and I'm looking at 200 calories. However, I use only 1 tbs of mix instead, and...it tastes like butt. I'm pretty much in it for the marshmallows at this point.

    So I figure, after a glass of good red wine, I'll likely forget about those pesky marshmallows. =D
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    Mini Goals:

    Tonight: Dancing, sit ups and press ups
    Friday: Gym, weights and light cardio
    Saturday: Wedding dress shopping, more motivation to get in shape!!! - Power walk up the steep hill at the end of the road
    Sunday: Dance practise and to go for a run, interval training
    Monday: Dancing class
    Tuesday: Weigh in, looking for at least 2 pound loss this week and if I do it I will buy myself a new eyeliner in electric blue for a night out in Feb!!!!!!

    Am so excited about this challenge!
  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    This gives me a good idea. I'd like to replace my nightly cup of swiss miss w/ marshmallows with a glass of wine.

    You see, you're supposed to use 1/4 cup of cocoa mix, which is 150 calories. Combine that with marshmallows and I'm looking at 200 calories. However, I use only 1 tbs of mix instead, and...it tastes like butt. I'm pretty much in it for the marshmallows at this point.

    So I figure, after a glass of good red wine, I'll likely forget about those pesky marshmallows. =D

    LOVE THIS!!!!!!!! I have the exact problem but that sweet tooth gets the better of me!!! I'm going to try this.
  • dlj1970
    dlj1970 Posts: 186 Member
    This gives me a good idea. I'd like to replace my nightly cup of swiss miss w/ marshmallows with a glass of wine.

    You see, you're supposed to use 1/4 cup of cocoa mix, which is 150 calories. Combine that with marshmallows and I'm looking at 200 calories. However, I use only 1 tbs of mix instead, and...it tastes like butt. I'm pretty much in it for the marshmallows at this point.

    So I figure, after a glass of good red wine, I'll likely forget about those pesky marshmallows. =D

    Ha! I love wine, but after one glass, I usually have another and then the marshmallows would be toast:blushing: So, I like the goals of 1) burning 3500 cal by next wed and 2) limiting the cals i consume from wine! I'm going to borrow those.

    Missed the first few threads, but my SW for this challenge is 136 (4 lbs lost) and my name's leanne:flowerforyou:
  • kezereth
    Ooo i'd love to give this challange a go. March 1st is an added incentive for me, it's my birthday :)

    Please can i join in?
  • stephr2014
    stephr2014 Posts: 311 Member
    My Goal is to start exercising 5 days a week.
  • sundaysurf
    sundaysurf Posts: 72 Member
    I would like to jump in to the group. My goal is to exercise 6 days a week and not eat my daughters left over food from her highchair tray.
  • MrsKAddy
    MrsKAddy Posts: 52 Member
    Great! thanks!! I will look for that post and add my weight
  • 123nikki123
    Ooo i'd love to give this challange a go. March 1st is an added incentive for me, it's my birthday :)

    Please can i join in?

    Sure you can join! We are weighing in every Tuesday, March 1st being the final weigh in:) I'll add you and if you can check on my profile under my recent posts, you'll find the post where we enter our starting weight. Also, theres the mini goal post and the name game. Good luck:)
  • ♥Amy♥
    ♥Amy♥ Posts: 714 Member
    My goal for this week is to fit in some exercise everyday. I also want to drink my 8 cups of water each day.