

  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Cp you look great keep it up. Buckeyebabe I know people hardly check in. But it is summer and I love to go out for nice long walks on lunch and run around all week end. From the check ins everyone seams to be doing good. Have a great day everyone. :drinker:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    :blushing: Thanks, Sindy and Buckeye! It is a little scary posting pictures. :noway:

    I had to post to keep us on the front page of this forum section - everyone really has disappeared for summer! Of course, I know our gal Jenbar had her meeting yesterday with other MFPers - that sounded like a blast. I'm enjoying the weather, though - it's great to get outdoors.

    I am a little worried about the next few weeks - my parents are coming to visit and I have a feeling I'm not going to be exercising as much, because I'll feel bad about leaving them alone. So I am just going to have to be really careful with my calories... and maybe try to sneak in a walk at lunchtime or something. I was hoping to be down another 5 pounds by the time we leave on vacation (July 11) but I am feeling a little doubtful that I will get there. I still think I can be in good shape (150s!) by Labor Day. I'm going to need to go to Steve and Barry's or someplace that I can get some cheap clothes to get me through the summer - alot of my stuff doesn't fit well anymore!

    Hope you all are enjoying your week! :flowerforyou:
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    Wow Looking good CP!!!! :D

    I put on some weight, and just lost 4 lbs of it! Been taking the puppy on long hikes! Still about all I can do, but here's hoping! I also move back out when my place is ready in Aug! That will lead to eating better. It's easier when you do the grocery shopping. ;) Well, mostly. Also the move means that I can rejoin fencing! I can't fence, but I can at least do the footwork.

    I have a wedding to attend in Oct so I'm also using that as motivation now! See if I can't get into a new dress. (:

    Thanks guys - reading this really keeps me motivated! Even if I'm kinda stuck for now. (: (Sitting around I just can't be as good with what I eat b/c I was sooo bored. Now that I'm healing it's getting a lot easier but I'm busier, go figure!)
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Well, I'm going on vacation tomorrow. Hopefully I'll maintain or lose. I will (try) to go the fitness center they have there before breakfast and get it over with before we hit the beach! My kids are bringing their bikes, and maybe my husband and I will rent some. We'll see! I'll be bringing my laptop (so the kids can watch dvd's on the ride down) and the house has wifi, so I'll be online. If you don't hear from me, have a great week!
    :heart: :heart: Jennifer
    :drinker: Here's to VACATION! WOO HOO!:drinker: :drinker:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    yay vacation time for jenbar!! thats awesome that you have wifi on vacation! thats the best!

    i dont get to take my beach vacation until december when we go to Cancun!! well worth the wait, and maybe ill be able to look good in my new magental two peice with a ring in the middle of the top which i think is realllly cool.

    yall my nails are growing like crazy! ive never in my life had nails that were worth anything, and now they are actually there! ive had to file them twice now! They are no longer breaking and peeling, so neato burrito on that.

    my man and brother in law are putting up wainscoting in our livingroom so yay, but there are so many loud bangs!

    today went a little better on the calorie front. I tried to make myself eat breakfast which i never ever do. I had a banana.

    then we went out to lunch which helped me because my friend Lorraine and I split a tuna shishi roll that was fried, and a burger with avacado on it. yummy and filling. So i felt more energy during zumba and strength training (we did kickboxing today)

    A few people in class actually told me that i looked slimmer..and im so glad! it made me feel much better... they are all so nice..and to think i was scared to go! im so glad yall encouraged me to go!!

    I think ive been going to zumba down for exactly 7 weeks, pilates for 6 weeks, and strength training for 3 weeks now, and i can definitely tell a difference.

    I am such an OCD when it comes to food, that i think ive kinda transfered some of that over to the gym, but i definitely realize that im overdoing it a bit on some days and that i really should have eaten more. Im trying to write on here to hold my self accountable so that i will attempt to eat more during the day, because i've gotten into the little habit of not logging my food because of how many stinkin calories im burning, i was afraid cuz i knew i was under, and that i need to know where the limit is and i need to be more accountable!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Hi everyone. cp005e maybe you can take your parents for a walk with you. I know mine can be very supportive when it comes to being healty. Jenbar have fun on your vacation. WTG kerridwen on the 4lbs. iluvsparkles you are looking great and it is good that you are eating some of those exercise calories. I got on the scale today and was up 2lbs. I think it is water weight but today is my big day. I have my doctors appointment and I wanted to loose 30 pounds before this and now with the 2lbs water weight I am so afraid of the doctors scale. I am hoping he tells me I do not have to be put on medication for my diabetes.:sick: But even though I will be disappointed if he does, I know I am on my way to being healthy. I have been so worried this week. Well wish me luck, hopefully I will be back with some good news. :drinker: :sad: :smile: very mixed feelings now.
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Good morning!! Nice to see that everyone is still doing FANTASTIC!!! Just checking in...I am at 165. I wanted to be at 160 by the forth but, I am happy with any kind of progress. I am half way there, 15 more pounds to go!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    ditto jlauren! im at 161 last i checked, and i was hoping to be closer to 155, but oh well! im telling myself its the muscle for now, and using this week to balance my diet a little better than i have for the last 2 weeks!
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    hey sparkles, I just ordered the Pulseware Duo on your recommendation. I can't wait to see how many calories I am ACTUALLY burning doing these kickboxing videos!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    i looove mine. it takes a minute of reading the manual to get it set up, which overwhelmed me at first, but now that i know how it works, it is user friendly and i cant workout with out it!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Sindy, good luck at your doctor's appointment! You know we are all pulling for you. :flowerforyou:
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    :bigsmile: Thank you cp005e. Very good appointment. I DO NOT have to be put on medication. My sugar dropped since I lost the weight. Still not were it should be at but he told me to keep up the good work and was very impressed that I changed my life style and dropped the weight. I have 4 more months and have to have it rechecked. If it doesnot go any lower will have to be put on meds then but where it went down it looks like it can be controled with the weight loss. The best part was LOL the scale at the office matched my scale at home. :drinker: It is nice to know that all my hard work paid off. Thank you everyone for all your support could not have done this with out you. :flowerforyou:
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    :bigsmile: Thank you cp005e. Very good appointment. I DO NOT have to be put on medication. My sugar dropped since I lost the weight. Still not were it should be at but he told me to keep up the good work and was very impressed that I changed my life style and dropped the weight. I have 4 more months and have to have it rechecked. If it doesnot go any lower will have to be put on meds then but where it went down it looks like it can be controled with the weight loss. The best part was LOL the scale at the office matched my scale at home. :drinker: It is nice to know that all my hard work paid off. Thank you everyone for all your support could not have done this with out you. :flowerforyou:

    WOOO-HOOOOOOO!!!! That is great news. I am sure that you will keep on losing and be in great shape by the time you get to that next appointment in 4 months. And it is nice to have another VERY TANGIBLE benefit that you can look at to keep you motivated. Way to go! :drinker:
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    Hi everyone!

    i just wanted to check in!

    i made the mistake of weighing despite TOM, and was very dissapointed to see my numbers waaaayyy up. But im trying to convince myself that it is all water etc.

    PLUS today at work, one of the ladies said she was jealous of how small i was looking. She also said on Wed. that she noticed up around my collar bone that i was losing.

    i have been very bad about entering my food lately, even tho i still sign in every day, multiple times a day!

    pilates and zumba are going well for me still, and im so glad to have an exercise that i truly look forward to doing each day!

    i even bought a bikini!!! i have to get separates because my upper half is a much larger size than my bottom half, but it is black and magenta, and i hope i am comfortable enough to wear it soon!

    anyway, how are you folks? hangin in thre? i know jbar is on vacation (lucky! i cant wait to see pictures!)
  • jlauren6
    jlauren6 Posts: 209
    Hey Sparkles! I just got my HRM and the instructions are SOO overwhelming. I am going to have to take a while to get it set up!!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    yes. they are. But if i could figure it out, i know you can too! let me know if you need any help!
  • iluvsparkles
    iluvsparkles Posts: 1,730 Member
    well good news for me on a couple of different things!

    i thought my HRM flaked out on me, but i took the batteries out and reset the stats, and it seems to be working again like normal. i guess static or something got reset it.

    there was no zumba class friday because of the holiday, so guess what?! i downloaded the cd from itunes and did it today in my living room! (i am so thankful for hardwood floors!) and i burned just as much here as i do at the gym!

    its been TOM and i made the mistake of weighing the other day, tho im starting to understand more about muscle replacing fat and how it weighs more, because i still haven't lost another pound, but now even i am beginning to feel a difference through the middle.

    pilates is doing wonders for my posture and core muscles. i feel better balance and better reflexes, and i find myself actually using the muscles a lot more in daily life. I think one reason i really took to the pilates class is that is it so similar to alot of yoga practice that i already knew, so i feel like i caught on quickly.

    anyway i just wanted to check in and keep the board going. I think ill do my measurements again soon to see if there is any progress there since there is none on the scale!
  • jenbar
    jenbar Posts: 1,038 Member
    Bumping and I'm back!
    gained a couple. Wedding is this coming Saturday!
    Not at the weight I originally thought I'd be by now. But, that's okay. I'll get there!
    Vacation was fun and some crazy things happened.
    Didn't mention we got stuck at the beach (fireworks were almost cancelled) b/c of a huge rainstorm/thunderstorm. Got stuck under a parking garage waiting for the rain to stop. Poor kids thought they were "gonna die!" We covered ourselves with blankets, took our flip flops off and walked really quick through A LOT of floods and traffic 1/2 mile to get home! Got there safe, but wet! Another event to add to our books!
  • sindyb9
    sindyb9 Posts: 1,248 Member
    Welcome back jenbar, glad you had a great vacation. iluvsparkles measurements are way better than the scale, the scale is evil. No loss again this week :grumble: no gain so that is good. I think I am building muscle. Have not heard from a lot of people. Hope everyone is doing good.
  • kerridwen
    kerridwen Posts: 165
    WB Jen!

    That's GREAT news sindy!!!!! :flowerforyou:

    I've been pretty frustrated. My bone hasn't grown, but finally have a soft callus going on so it's a lot more stable. I spent the last month weaning off advil and caffeine and altering my diet even more drastically! Here's hoping.

    Now that the arm is more stable I've started jogging. I get an hour or so walk (usually) with the dog, but she's just been spayed. As well I go for a little jog in the evening. I'm over 1K now, not sure where, but that's something from nothing so I'll take it.

    I sprint a little at the beginning and end (go as hard as I can as far as I can and then a bit more) so I"m hoping to see some changes finally!

    PS> Sparkles wow, good work you look fantastic! Pilates and Z must be really paying off!