February Walking Challenge

This is continued from the January Walking Challenge, but thought February it needed its own thread.

Check in everyday with how far you walked or how long, this is just to motivate us to get in at least some exercise everyday.

You can make a ticker and keep it in your signature to remind you of your goal, and show everyone how well your doing. I'm going to also try to put together a graph every week to show how far we've walked as a group, or how long. Go to this website.


Pick out your ticker pictures, set your miles or minutes, and your goal. Then copy all of the bbCode into your signature. :) It will look like this (but in your ticker...like mine) You use the url (from the bbCode) to update your ticker everyday, just remember your pin.

Example of Tracking Miles - 1 mile everyday


Example of tracking Minutes - 30 min everyday


Walking seems like the easiest way to start getting exercise, and even if you can't track distance (or don't want to), tracking time is good too...go for a 10 min walk after dinner, or up it to 30 minutes, you'll be amazed at the end of the month how much more exercise your getting in. :)

I want to try to keep this mostly to walking or walking type exercising.

Hope to see some more faces in this challenge, we'll start tracking February 1st!


  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Oh, and for some of you stuck in the icy cold weather..like snow *shudder* .I found this on youtube.com (or you can get her videos at Walmart for like $10...). That way if you feel like you can't go outside for a walk, or don't have a treadmill, gym membership etc there is still a way to get some walking in. :bigsmile:

    Leslie Sansone Walking at home - (she walks one mile in this video) - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ndVjwkaLGDk

    Hope it helps :flowerforyou:
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    I'd love to join! I'll go make a ticker right now....my goal is to log in 1250 minutes of walking in February. :smile:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    yay :bigsmile:
  • ChubbieTubbie
    ChubbieTubbie Posts: 481 Member
    Well, you know us weight-loss twins have to stick together. lol!
  • RebeccaM2386
    Im in
  • danlyn
    danlyn Posts: 157 Member
    Thanks for the YouTubbe info. We just got hit here in Massachusetts with ANOTHER 2 feet of snow. I won't be walking outside anytime soon, so this should really help!
  • CricketKate
    CricketKate Posts: 3,657 Member
    Thanks! The January thread has definately helped me to keep going. I'll make a new ticker next week.:smile:
  • BeckyJill7
    BeckyJill7 Posts: 547 Member
    I'm in for 50 miles in February. I've been wanting to jump in one of these for a while and now seems like the perfect time. Thanks for starting the thread.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Awesome, Glad to see everyone joining in :bigsmile: :bigsmile: I decided to start this a littler early so people could actually have time to join in before it started. :laugh: I'm excited to see what we accomplish.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Thanks for the YouTubbe info. We just got hit here in Massachusetts with ANOTHER 2 feet of snow. I won't be walking outside anytime soon, so this should really help!

    I don't know how you do it. I live in the warmer parts of Arizona, I don't think I could handle walking out my front door into that much snow. Even now when we go "visit" the snow on the mountain after about an hour I'm like a little kid "I'm cold and I'm wet, take me home" :laugh:
  • kimberlyrenee
    I wanna play too! I use the Leslie Sanone videos all the time. We don't have a much snow right now as a lot of folks, but it is just so cold that I am not walking outside, so the videos help me. Can't wait to start logging my miles!
  • mama2healthy
    I would like to join too I love Leslie and she gives me a great workout. I would like to do 50 miles since im new at the exercising thing I hope I make my goal :).
  • riley22
    riley22 Posts: 27
    This is great. I'm going to say I'm in on it. I am recovering from pneumonia right now so have been very sedentary.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    Awesome! Don't forget, you can start small, just 10 minutes a day...if you beat your goal, you can always make it bigger....its all about being motivated to get started :smile: :flowerforyou:

    I'm getting better at the graphs, so hopefully I'll be able to do a better job this time around haha. I'm thinking about doing one every Monday, since its after the weekend so I "should" have time to do it, and that will let me do one once a week to show our progress. :bigsmile:
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    You don't have to make a ticker, but it helps me a lot when making the graphs...just saying :blushing:
  • bigmama65
    bigmama65 Posts: 2,529 Member
    I am joining also :flowerforyou: Thanks Virgo. Not sure how many miles I will set...tired of not meeting my goals each month. I have to do some thinking about Feb:huh: I will post before Feb to let everyone know.

    P.S. Thanks for the link to the Utube walking video. I watched a few mins of it and I will try it one of these days. I seems just the right speed for me I think.
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I noticed in Leslie's videos that she even says that if she is going fast (like sometimes she tells you to jog or do bigger steps etc), that to just keep doing the basic walking because that matters. She's a little "peppy" for my taste, but I like that she's motivating at a good pace...not like some of my work out videos were I feel like they are drill Sargents!
  • NeuroticVirgo
    NeuroticVirgo Posts: 3,671 Member
    I am joining also :flowerforyou: Thanks Virgo. Not sure how many miles I will set...tired of not meeting my goals each month. I have to do some thinking about Feb:huh: I will post before Feb to let everyone know.

    You did really good last month, why not set it for 1 mile a day (and if you walk 2 your ahead of the game!). :wink:
  • sassyshelley
    sassyshelley Posts: 90 Member
    would love to join for a walking challenge
  • chrysnel
    I'm in! I have my ticker set up - just waiting for February to start now! :laugh: