Do you think you look as heavy as you are?



  • TheReluctantDragon
    Maybe because almost every person on the planet lies about their weight, we all have a skewed perspective of what weight actually looks like.

    Jk. =D
  • kelsully
    kelsully Posts: 1,008 Member
    I am 5 ft tall and weigh between 115-120 lbs. That seems like a huge number for my height but I wear 0's and 2's so I know I don't look huge.....
  • nikki275
    nikki275 Posts: 4 Member
    i know how you feel. I think I look heaver than I am.......and it sounds crazy but I have this worped (spelling??) mirror in my bathroom. On one side I look overweight, on the other I look HUGE!!! I have to get rid of that thing lol
  • loriefolk
    loriefolk Posts: 352
    I think I look a tad heavier :P I'm 5'2" and weigh 128. I prefer to rely on my Doctor's observation of me :)
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I am 5'4 and currently at 113. I know I am not heavy, but some days what I see in the mirror and what I KNOW are two completely different things. I try to think about two recent interactions when I feel heavy. 1) The other day a friend picked me you with one arm and carried me several feet. When he put me down he said "wow, you really are small". 2) While wearing leggings another friend compared his bicep to my upper thigh and stated that they were the same size (granted he does have some nice muscles going on). My point is I know what size I am and I think I am small, but what I FEEL on occassion is in fact HEAVY.