


  • areason4stars
    Chef Boradee Befforoni ( usually hate the suff) with a big glass of milk!

    Hot wings!


    CHips w/ salsa and sour cream!

    Jasons deli beefeater sandwhich with the au jus and their broc and cheese soup!

    Looking at that I am surprised I only gained 30 lbs when prego.
  • 5KNohno
    5KNohno Posts: 503

    I also loved tart, green apples! MMMMM!!!

    Green apples helped with my morning (all day) sickness.
  • MargieM
    MargieM Posts: 2,248 Member
    With my first, I went through a gallon of chocolate milk every couple of days. I guess I needed the calcium and proteins and my body knew the only way I'd drink milk was if it was chocolate. Couldn't be white milk with Hershey's syrup... nope, HAD to be ready made chocolate milk from the store!

    I don't remember any cravings from the second. Although with both I craved pb&j sandwiches while breast feeding...
  • chilli
    chilli Posts: 211 Member
    I was not too bad
    1st cream
    2nd....sponge eat .....and the making of them!!!
    3rd ...healthy ...pears, sweet and the avocado variety
  • ErinRNinMaine
    ErinRNinMaine Posts: 460 Member
    Ice cream with the first.

    Salad with the second.

    Pineapple and onion pizza with the last. :huh:
  • KrisKabob
    KrisKabob Posts: 1,250 Member
    Actually, I think I am getting the baby fever... :bigsmile:

    My hubby and I talked about it and we were planning on starting to try for number 2 in August... BUT I think I wouldn't mind going on ahead and starting now. :embarassed:

    In fact, I would probably be ovulating this week... heehee :blushing:

    Yeah, we have been talking about starting to try around Sept/Oct....but, it's getting hard to wait!! LOL!

    Haha! I know... BUT it's only two months away before we start trying again so I guess I will tame the lion inside of me... the baby-fever lion that is! haha!:laugh:
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    first baby boy was cheese burger and small fries (mainly the cheese burger) but only when i went to work and from a certain place i had to go there before picking up the boy from kindy (i was a nanny)

    second baby girl was mainly fruit lots of it mixed up

    hubby has other stories but i think he just likes to look big and the cool husband with odd stories of food
  • BlazinEmerald
    Lol, my hubby and I actually got in a fight over blueberry cheese cake..... I wanted it , it was new years day, no stores were open, but they were having pumpkin pie and I wanted some bloody cheesecake! So after fighting and him leaving the house with tears in his eyes on the search for cheese cake I bawled lol. He came back with ice cream i had asked for the day before and swore that he would make me a cheesecake if he couldnt find one by the next day! He also swears i tried to bite his arm off :blushing: but ladies I thought he was trying to take my garlic bread lol :laugh: :laugh:
  • LokiFae
    LokiFae Posts: 774 Member
    I craved macaroni and cheese, but only the Velveeta kind...I couldn't eat the regular Kraft mac and cheese. I also craved Chinese food, but the one time I ate it, I threw up all over the place. It was the only time I threw up during my pregnancy. I also craved Indian food and anything Mexican.

    My husband had some funny cravings too. He gained more weight than I did when I was pregnant. He HAD to have ice cream every single night. And he made french toast way more than was normal too. So maybe I got the spicy cravings, and he got the sweet. But hey, I don't mind!!!! If I had craved sweet stuff, I would have gained WAY more than 25 lbs!!!
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    With my first pregnancy I was close to a McDonalds and I craved anything LOL
    I threw up so much though, that nothing much stayed does one gain 40 lbs when nothing is staying down?? lol
    The night I went in to labor I made my husband go out for nacho stuff, we ate and then POP my water broke in bed! haha
    With 2nd baby I craved tuna sandwiches with still love that!
  • fynendandi1
    fynendandi1 Posts: 122 Member
    Mustard, and it could only be the cheapest yellow mustard (usually I am a spicy brown).