Is a 'perfect' body worth it?

I posted a topic earlier today about my struggles with the last few pounds. Part of me knew it all along, but I think I know what I need to do. Being that I am close to my goal, not a lot of weight to lose, never been that small in my adult life, not 'naturally' thin, etc....I need to be close to perfect in my eating.

That is why I posted this topic in Nutrition. It is going to take, little to no dry carbs, high protien, little to no cheese, lots of veggies, no alcohol, no sugar, no little cheats here and there....we are talking egg whites, grilled chicken and broccoli for the majority of the time.

For those that are at a similar point, I it really worth it? Is it worth saying no to drinks with the girls (or guys), no to pizza night, nachos at the game, or an ice cream on a hot summer day???

Other of my friends here on MFP were just talking about becoming a little crazy about food when you get on a roll. That you almost don't want to eat anything. Or you look at a normal dinner or small portion of homemade lasagna and cringe.

I have seen people who live a closed life because their diet doesn't allow for error, but they have amazing rock hard bodies.

So it is worth it????


  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    HELL YEA IT IS!!!!! I don't allow for these little "cheats". Not worth it at all to me.
  • usmcpatience
    I'm certainly not at this point yet, but I really enjoyed reading your post. I've thought this many times. I have a good chunk of weight I want to lose for my health...but if I get close to it...Am I going to starve and deprive myself for those final five to ten pounds?

    I guess it'll all boil down to this:

    Am I HAPPY with myself?
    Do I like who I see in the mirror? Do I FEEL good about myself? Am I healthy? Do I have the energy I want?

    If I can answer, "yes," to all those questions when the time comes...well...then I think MY perfect I will have already hit.

    Good luck.
  • Amcantar
    Amcantar Posts: 43 Member
    In my opinion, No.
    I wouldn't want to be alone with my perfect body, I would want to be out having fun enjoying life with others. And if that meant I had to take "darn near perfect" over "perfect", I would.
    Your perfect body is your opinion of course, most people would think you are crazy for thinking you need to change anything ;)
    And when it comes down to it, it is all your choice.
    But I, personally, think no, and I think it's sad, and I know I don't want to get to that point.
    You can always monitor things, but being that stringent...
    not for me, and I don't understand it really.

    Just my two cents :)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    It wouldn't be worth it for me. I'm married, I have two kids, I'm almost 30 -- I'm not trying to impress anybody. But for a lot of people, having a perfect body is a priority, and to those people I say, rock on! Go for what makes you happy. If your body is a priority, then do what it takes to make it what you want it.
  • tolygal
    tolygal Posts: 602 Member
    For me, no! When I get to 130, I'm pretty sure I'll have at least 10-20 pounds of fat left that I could lose (I'm 5'3 and a half), but I really don't want to work "that hard" to maintain it. I have more that I really need to lose - I really want to feel comfortable in shorts and a tank top. No, that's not entirely true. I want to feel good in shorts and a tank top! But I hope that I won't push myself to perfection because I want to enjoy life and not be obsessed with my body and the little bits that "could be better." When my legs are shorts-worthy, I'm switching to maintenance! I have friends that look really great to me, but are obsessed with getting "just 5 more pounds..." I just don't want to do that to myself. I think maintenance will be hard enough.
  • KadieA
    KadieA Posts: 167
    I was actually thinking about that lately.
    I haven't started dropping much yet but with food I'm starting to borderline get worried about what's in it. Like tomorrow some friends have invited my bf and I to dinner (out to eat) and I'm already thinking of what I'm going to order. My portions are smaller, I'm looking at labels.
    I do think it's worth it in the end. You'd have made a completely different and healthy lifestyle change. While I think you should splurge reasonably once in a while, maintaining a healthy lifestyle and becoming concerned with what is in your food is totally worth it. That's what is wrong with people these days, not caring about what is in their food.

    Great before and after pictures :)
  • Dreamerlove
    Dreamerlove Posts: 441 Member
    I look at this way, if you don't do it...some else will. Are ok with that person not being you? I'm not, If I don't do it some else will and I don't want to look at another human and say " I wish I had her body"!!! Not anymore anyway!!! WE CAN DO IT!
  • JBennis1013
    JBennis1013 Posts: 377 Member
    You can't deprive yourself of things to a point that it may cause you to totally fall off the deep end. If you totally deprive yourself of things that you enjoy you may totally resent your lifestyle and start eating the way you used to. You also at the same time don't want to give into those little cheats here and there and then it become an every day occurance. As long as you portion these things and don't make it an every day occurance you should be fine!
  • kayode1
    When I started this journey back in June 2010 I weighed 190 lbs. Now I weigh 137 lbs. I am smaller now then I have been since I had my first child 25 years ago. I know exactly what you are talking about. My goal weight when I first started was 145 lbs but then I reached it and decided I wanted to be 140 lbs...reached that and now I say 135 lbs. I do have to watch EVERY thing I eat...and I have begun to wonder if these last few pounds are worth it. I am in good shape now and I will continue to work out 3-5 days a week but is some perfect weight worth it? I don't think so anymore!
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I like this post because I've struggled a little lately and it's because I am happy where I'm at. Part of my past motivation was not liking the way I looked. Now that I do, I'm wavering a little in my resolve.

    That being said, I'm about to KICK MY *kitten* in a major way, lmao. I will wear a bikini this spring/summer and I will look and feel good in it! DAMMIT! lol

    It. will. happen. :)
  • hummzz
    hummzz Posts: 384 Member
    I guess it would depend on your motivation. Do you want a perfect body for vain reasons? Or are you basically trying to be healthy? Are you trying to compete in a body building competition or do you just want your man/woman to drop her jaw when he/she sees you? Do you want a perfect body for the attention? Will it increase your self-esteem? Are as pretty inside as you are out?

    I just think having a perfect body is pointless because we will never get there. We will ALWAYS find something wrong with ourselves. And who are we trying to please? Ourselves? Others? I think if you strive for healthy habits you feel perfect more so than "look" perfect.

    I'm quite large and my goal is to get to 200 lbs which is in no way a perfect body but for me it will be perfect because I will feel a lot better and by time I get there I will have learned to eat healthier. So I guess you need to ask yourself the hard questions like, "Why do I have to be perfect?"
  • Celo24
    Celo24 Posts: 566 Member
    Am I HAPPY with myself?
    Do I like who I see in the mirror? Do I FEEL good about myself? Am I healthy? Do I have the energy I want?

    If I can answer, "yes," to all those questions when the time comes...well...then I think MY perfect I will have already hit.

    Good luck.

    I agree with this. I want to be in good shape and healthy with a low percentage of body fat but I have zero desire to try to be on the cover of Men's Health. I enjoy beers with the guys every now and then. I love my Friday night cheat meals with my wife. I want to be able to have an occasional doughnut or ice cream cone with my son. I will live a healthy lifestyle and teach my son to do the same. But I think it's unrealistic to go your entire life without the occasional indulgence. And as I get older, my physical appearance is not as important to me as my physical health (if that makes any sense). So, I'll do without the six pack so that I can have the occasional six pack. :)
  • roylawrence87
    roylawrence87 Posts: 970 Member
    I like this post because I've struggled a little lately and it's because I am happy where I'm at. Part of my past motivation was not liking the way I looked. Now that I do, I'm wavering a little in my resolve.

    That being said, I'm about to KICK MY *kitten* in a major way, lmao. I will wear a bikini this spring/summer and I will look and feel good in it! DAMMIT! lol

    It. will. happen. :)
    Hell yea girl! Kick that *kitten*!! I will look great without my shirt on this summer! Bet on it!
  • pottersclay94
    "French Women Don't Get Fat" has become my motto. The author says you should be comfortable in your skin. Food should be about indulging occasionally, and compensating (and she suggests walking: A Lot). But deprivation? Lack of enjoying food? No thank you. You look gorgeous! Are you comfortable in your skin?
  • Spitfirex007
    Spitfirex007 Posts: 749 Member
    Not really. I mean sure it's nice having that "perfect body". But only if you don't have to give up the things you love. Like having drinks with your friends, eating those nachos etc. You're hot, and guys are still going to look and check you out regardless if you have abs or not.
  • Rjperron
    Rjperron Posts: 150
    Would it be cool for about 5 minutes? Sure. I might push myself before a big day or special occasion, but I would never want to do that my whole life. My goal is 125, which isn't even that crazy for some one who is 5"4, but I expect to hover around 130 once I start maintaining. Why? Because I don't want to have to be crazy about it. I know too many girls like that and frankly, they're no fun. It's all about balance, and for me, working out a little harder the day after a fun night out or delicious feast cooked by my man is well worth those five pounds.
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    Hell yea girl! Kick that *kitten*!! I will look great without my shirt on this summer! Bet on it!

    *high five* Let's get on it, Roy!!!
  • Grokette
    Grokette Posts: 3,330 Member
    In my opinion, No.
    I wouldn't want to be alone with my perfect body, I would want to be out having fun enjoying life with others. And if that meant I had to take "darn near perfect" over "perfect", I would.
    Your perfect body is your opinion of course, most people would think you are crazy for thinking you need to change anything ;)
    And when it comes down to it, it is all your choice.
    But I, personally, think no, and I think it's sad, and I know I don't want to get to that point.
    You can always monitor things, but being that stringent...
    not for me, and I don't understand it really.

    Just my two cents :)

    But you can have the perfect body and not be alone!!

    Being out and about or relaxing at home with family or friends should not rely on having certainfood or drinks.

    I go out to bars with my co-workers all the time and I either have 1 glass of wine or I drink water.

    The enjoyment is being out and socializing, it should not be centered around food / drinks.

    We should Eat to Live, not Live to Eat.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    Am I HAPPY with myself?
    Do I like who I see in the mirror? Do I FEEL good about myself? Am I healthy? Do I have the energy I want?

    If I can answer, "yes," to all those questions when the time comes...well...then I think MY perfect I will have already hit.

    Good luck.

    I agree with this. I want to be in good shape and healthy with a low percentage of body fat but I have zero desire to try to be on the cover of Men's Health. I enjoy beers with the guys every now and then. I love my Friday night cheat meals with my wife. I want to be able to have an occasional doughnut or ice cream cone with my son. I will live a healthy lifestyle and teach my son to do the same. But I think it's unrealistic to go your entire life without the occasional indulgence. And as I get older, my physical appearance is not as important to me as my physical health (if that makes any sense). So, I'll do without the six pack so that I can have the occasional six pack. :)

    Totally agree. If you're healthy and you feel good about yourself EXACTLY the way you are, it's probably not worth it. If you're committed to having a rock hard kind of body, I say go for it. As long as you're healthy, it's your decision.

    As for me, I just want to be happy, healthy, able to run long distances, kill it in the gym, love my body, eat well most of the time and celebrate with a cheeseburger and fries every once in a while! :smile:
  • jessieinblue
    jessieinblue Posts: 287 Member
    For those that are at a similar point, I it really worth it? Is it worth saying no to drinks with the girls (or guys), no to pizza night, nachos at the game, or an ice cream on a hot summer day???

    Other of my friends here on MFP were just talking about becoming a little crazy about food when you get on a roll. That you almost don't want to eat anything. Or you look at a normal dinner or small portion of homemade lasagna and cringe.

    I have seen people who live a closed life because their diet doesn't allow for error, but they have amazing rock hard bodies.

    So it is worth it????

    Absolutely not. Homemade lasagna? Yes, please -- and I'll go back for more. If it's July, I've been out and about all day, and there is local homemade ice cream for sale, I won't hesitate for a second. I'll just eat lightly the next day to make up for it. Life is too short -- and food is way too good -- not to enjoy myself.

    Balance in all things.