*Snowflakes to Sunshine* Weigh-In #5 1/28/11

Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
Ok Snowflakes! Today marks our 4th weigh-in post start date. Very proud of everyone who is still sticking with it! Hope everyone sees great numbers this morning. No one get discouraged if it isn't as much as you would like. The important part is you are living a healthier, more conscious lifestyle. The pounds and inches will follow.

Here is the link to post your weight! Good luck!



  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    LOST 3.6 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so excited!!!!!!!! This makes me 1 pound away from my pre-vacation week. I am not only empowered by this lost, I am also empowered that I am on track! I feel so much better physically and mentally!!!!!

    My goals this week, ummmmm :)

    Stay on track !!!!! Keep my head higher than it has been.....
    I did one day of 30 Day Shred last week...time got away from me and I didnt keep it up, so I want to re-start Day 1. I also fell off of doing my Scuplt Class so I want to get back into that too. Otherwise....I will go to the gym 6 days this week and have at least an hour of cardio.

    Thinking of all of the Snowflakes today, wishing you all luck!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Ok so last week I was 221.4
    Today 216.4!!!! Woooooooo

    A 5lb weight loss I will take it! So excited about it and just inching closer and closer to being out of the 200's....So happy that bringing down the intensity and watching the sodium intake helped. Thank you Jesus!
  • Rocking_Robin
    Rocking_Robin Posts: 238 Member
    AMAZING lost Krys_T!! This encourages me to keep working on my sodium...... Keep up the great work!!!!
  • taletreader
    taletreader Posts: 377 Member
    Congratulations Krys_T and radmills! I'm 2.5 pounds down to 189.5 and broke into the 180s. Very happy with that.
  • Kaylasmom
    Kaylasmom Posts: 116 Member
    My weight today is 168.6, up 2 tenths. I knew I hadn't lost because I had a hungry week for some reason, but it could have been alot worse!! Whittrusty, could you please add me to the spreadsheet? Thanks so much and have a great day!
  • honeybee709
    honeybee709 Posts: 40 Member
    Was so busy getting back into the groove after a week of nannying a 14 and 10 yr old a a dog for a week...can you say "chauffeur"!? haha I was definitely on track with eating this week, which was really encouraging!! BUT I wasn't as dedicated to my workouts...kept saying I was too busy. I got 2 legit workouts in, but that was it. Gotta step it up this week! Restarting 30 Day Shred today! So excited!

    Last week: 209.6
    Today: 209.0

    At least I was down!
  • emma44ny
    emma44ny Posts: 141 Member
    Awesome Krys!!!

    Today I am 219.8 down from 222. Small loss but at least in the right direction.

    This week I definitely need to spend more time at the gym. Small goal is to spend a minimum of two hrs at the gym on Saturday and Sunday. Wish me luck! And good luck to all my fellow snowflakes!! :flowerforyou:
  • klwa
    klwa Posts: 61
    155.7 . . . Down .6 from last week. Lost about half of my vacation gain. That's not great, but at least it's headed back in the right direction! Looking forward to the weekend and lots of cardio!
  • givprayz
    givprayz Posts: 328
    Start of S2S: 180. Last week: 176.4. TODAY: 172.4 DOWN 4 LBS!!! Finally the scale has moved to make up for standing almost still for 2 weeks. YAY!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Super job everyone who has weighed in so far! You all rock!

    I'm happy to report that I weighed in at 204.2 that is a 3.1 loss for me this week!

    Keep on Keeping ON! You all are awesome! Lots of LOVE!
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
  • forgiven4life
    Good morning Snowflakes! Holy buckets, you people are rockin'!!!! Congrats on the great numbers.

    This week I was down too. Last week: 191.2, this week: 189.4. While I am happy with that, I am a bit disappointed too. :frown: Stil not even a 2 lb loss. What gives? I'll post more about it in the discussion group.
  • netter43
    netter43 Posts: 110 Member
    252 today - 2 pound weight loss for the week even though I did not workout doing to not feeling well, but stayed within my calories. headed out of town for the weekend with the family - going to try to eat right and even workout!! - Great job everyone - Take care of yourselves!!!
    (9 pound weightloss since starting the S2S challege and 18 pounds down since starting MFP 10/25/10) - YAYYYY!!!!
  • barefootbeauty
    barefootbeauty Posts: 188 Member
    AWESOME progress everyone!! :)

    I'm down 1.9 pounds from last week! Which is amazing considering I had a massively "hungry" week, but I stuck to it. I really need to work on getting exercise into my day - maybe starting with some yoga and weights? My hope is that I'll be below 180 by the end of Febraury. I haven't seen the 170's for four years.

    Another note - I finally found my camera cord so I can upload my "before pics".
  • rula39
    rula39 Posts: 26
    last week 193 this week 197. A 4 pound weight gain.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    My weight today is 168.6, up 2 tenths. I knew I hadn't lost because I had a hungry week for some reason, but it could have been alot worse!! Whittrusty, could you please add me to the spreadsheet? Thanks so much and have a great day!

    Got it! :smile:
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    :-( Up 1.6 from last week. Sick kids and sick me means not enough exercise, not always the right foods (even if staying within calories) and not enough water. Today's weight 283. I hope next week is better. I feel like I take 2 steps forward then 1.5 steps back. I'm still making progress though. Overall, I'm still down 7 or so lbs for the month.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member
    I'm down 0.8lbs from 199.2 to 198.4 lbs this week. I was really hoping to be around 197, but I'll take it. I had a great week; I'm fitting into all my skinnier clothes, I'm working out hard, feeling great about my body and I look really cute today, if I do say so myself. :smile:

    My personal trainer measured me and I lost 0.75" and 1.8% body fat this week, down to 28% body fat, ONLY 3% away from a HEALTHY body fat. I couldn't be happier. The number on the scale does not define me. It'll come down again soon! :smile:

    Congrats to everyone who had HUGE losses this week! I'm so glad that you didn't get discouraged from what previous weeks may have been and kept going! This isn't a sprint! It's a MARATHON!! :smile:
  • kimmiebear70
    kimmiebear70 Posts: 384 Member
    last week 193 this week 197. A 4 pound weight gain.

    I feel your pain. I gained this week too. We will hang in there and be back on top next week!
  • CassieH818
    CassieH818 Posts: 221 Member
    Im at 191. Down 1lb. Almost out of the 190's :) Hopefully by next week!!!!!!!!!!!! Great job gals!!! Were all doing great!