Snowflakes to Sunshine Week#5 Discussion (CLOSED GROUP)



  • helengator1 LOVED the article you posted in the beg. of this thread.

    My goal is to watch my net calories ... I think this is my problem so I figured out that I will be doing my 20 min. zumba dvd alternating with 30 Day Shred ... if I feel so inclined I may switch up zumba with some treadmill time.

    Lets see how this works out .......

    Also bought lots of FRESH produce, and I am going to try to limit meat and add better protein items to my diet
  • JulieSue
    JulieSue Posts: 242 Member

    My favorite saying right now. A pound a week is 52 pounds in a year.

    Just saw this . . . That's a good one!!!

    YESSSSSSSSSSSSSS soo great!!! LOVE IT!!!!
  • CuteMommy88
    CuteMommy88 Posts: 538 Member
    SOS Please someone help me!! Its not healthy for me to feel this way!!!---A little Rhianna for you ladies today LOL---But seriously Snowflakes I am in need of HELP!!!

    I can feel myself getting lazy again!!! I have been slacking on the workouts for the past two days. No workout yesterday and I havent worked out today and I have no desire to workout---I am not liking this change:grumble: I hate not having the motivation I had a week ago!! Im not sure what is happening to me but for some reason I am just not as driven now. I am not waking up early anymore to workout (this is what works for me because with a baby it is hard to workout when she is awake and If i workout at night i cant sleep) I NEED TO GET MY BIG BUTT UP AND LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!---I think the hardest part for me is that I have lost almost 20lbs and I am still not really seeing any results, I havent even dropped a pant size yet, i just feel like my boobs are getting smaller (the one thing i wanna keep):laugh: I just hate feeling this way. I am starting to feel wortless and like i will never ever reach my goal weight. I seriously lost two pounds the entire month of January. My birthday is on the 6th and I really wanted to be in the 150s by then and I know thats not gonna happen.....Please someone just push me to do this!!!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    SOS Please someone help me!! Its not healthy for me to feel this way!!!---A little Rhianna for you ladies today LOL---But seriously Snowflakes I am in need of HELP!!!

    I can feel myself getting lazy again!!! I have been slacking on the workouts for the past two days. No workout yesterday and I havent worked out today and I have no desire to workout---I am not liking this change:grumble: I hate not having the motivation I had a week ago!! Im not sure what is happening to me but for some reason I am just not as driven now. I am not waking up early anymore to workout (this is what works for me because with a baby it is hard to workout when she is awake and If i workout at night i cant sleep) I NEED TO GET MY BIG BUTT UP AND LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!---I think the hardest part for me is that I have lost almost 20lbs and I am still not really seeing any results, I havent even dropped a pant size yet, i just feel like my boobs are getting smaller (the one thing i wanna keep):laugh: I just hate feeling this way. I am starting to feel wortless and like i will never ever reach my goal weight. I seriously lost two pounds the entire month of January. My birthday is on the 6th and I really wanted to be in the 150s by then and I know thats not gonna happen.....Please someone just push me to do this!!!

    I have been relax the this week too so far! Not sure if it is almost that time of the month or my bad eating or because I didn't set any goals this week. I had to make myself walk tonight! I didn't want to at all! I need to get some more fresh air. We can do this girl!
  • SOS Please someone help me!! Its not healthy for me to feel this way!!!---A little Rhianna for you ladies today LOL---But seriously Snowflakes I am in need of HELP!!!

    I can feel myself getting lazy again!!! I have been slacking on the workouts for the past two days. No workout yesterday and I havent worked out today and I have no desire to workout---I am not liking this change:grumble: I hate not having the motivation I had a week ago!! Im not sure what is happening to me but for some reason I am just not as driven now. I am not waking up early anymore to workout (this is what works for me because with a baby it is hard to workout when she is awake and If i workout at night i cant sleep) I NEED TO GET MY BIG BUTT UP AND LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!---I think the hardest part for me is that I have lost almost 20lbs and I am still not really seeing any results, I havent even dropped a pant size yet, i just feel like my boobs are getting smaller (the one thing i wanna keep):laugh: I just hate feeling this way. I am starting to feel wortless and like i will never ever reach my goal weight. I seriously lost two pounds the entire month of January. My birthday is on the 6th and I really wanted to be in the 150s by then and I know thats not gonna happen.....Please someone just push me to do this!!!

    I hear you! I just forced myself to do a workout video and I'm so glad I did but it was hard. I was so unhealthy this weekend I think b/c it's my TOM but that's still no excuse.let's set a goal to workout at least5 days this week even if it's just takin a quick walk. We can do this!
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Today has been a very physical day for me. I Work with my hubby all day cutting wood and then cleaned house and took 2 classes at the fitness center tonight. I feel great but am not ready for bed :) so, tomorrow is another day looking forward to class again in the morning!!:yawn: Good night ladies
  • Ok first..don't call this a competition...the only prize anyone is winning is a healthier lifestyle, some great support, and hopefully a lot of tips and tricks to last for many years :). I would also think that the medication is having something to do with it...look at it like this...that 1lb means you burned 3500 more calories in a week than you ate! Think back to when you were gaining weight...would you ever think you could burn that many calories!? So pat yourself on the back girl...and even when you go to the doctor..ask the doc what you can do to see a bigger loss. Heck, that's what doctors are there for lol! But stay encouraged girl...everything will work out fine. As long as you are staying consistent and making good are revving yourself up to have a healthier lifestyle.

    Thanks I needed that. The thing is, I know this. I know it takes 3500 calories to burn a pound. So I should literally be burning almost a pound of fat a week. Plus because I am eating like 500 calories less a day than I should be, if not more, so I should be losing at least 2 pounds a week. I know it's partly to do with the medicine. I never thought I would be burning that many calories and getting that well for not losing weight. I thought I would have given up by now. But I guess it's better this way because if I am eating like this and working out like this and not losing weight, imagine how much weight I would gain if I was not exercising and eating as much as I wanted. I know that if I stick with it, it will come off. It has to. Once my body does what it has to do to get healthy again, I will start losing. It should be soon. My period is going away so hopefully my body will be going back to normal soon.

    Thanks for the support.
  • TeamLeela
    TeamLeela Posts: 3,302
    Hello Snowflakes, just wanted to check in to see how everyone was doing. I'm having a better week than last week. My personal February challenges are no eating after 9pm and doing an ab workout everyday of the month. My legs and arms are toning from shredding, kickboxing and circuit training but I my middle is still buldging. There are so many shirts that I would love to wear, but my spare tire discourages me. If I get a larger size shirt, it looks really baggy everywhere but my belly. So I am hoping those two challenges help me. There is still plenty of time before spring and summer to get it together. But I dont want to procrastinate and let the time slip by.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    SOS Please someone help me!! Its not healthy for me to feel this way!!!---A little Rhianna for you ladies today LOL---But seriously Snowflakes I am in need of HELP!!!

    I can feel myself getting lazy again!!! I have been slacking on the workouts for the past two days. No workout yesterday and I havent worked out today and I have no desire to workout---I am not liking this change:grumble: I hate not having the motivation I had a week ago!! Im not sure what is happening to me but for some reason I am just not as driven now. I am not waking up early anymore to workout (this is what works for me because with a baby it is hard to workout when she is awake and If i workout at night i cant sleep) I NEED TO GET MY BIG BUTT UP AND LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!---I think the hardest part for me is that I have lost almost 20lbs and I am still not really seeing any results, I havent even dropped a pant size yet, i just feel like my boobs are getting smaller (the one thing i wanna keep):laugh: I just hate feeling this way. I am starting to feel wortless and like i will never ever reach my goal weight. I seriously lost two pounds the entire month of January. My birthday is on the 6th and I really wanted to be in the 150s by then and I know thats not gonna happen.....Please someone just push me to do this!!!

    The best advice I can give you is...stop psyching yourself out mentally. You cannot get down on yourself about the past..we can't change the past, but we can damn sure change what we do in the future. The vision board I created is a constant reminder for me everyday of where I want to be! I say, "Krystle, if you don't work out or if you don't eat right today...what is your other option?" Right, eat bad or not work out and then sulk about it and then kick myself 2 steps back! You have to start believing in YOU! You have already lost 20lbs...there are people on MFP just starting out and would wish to lose 20lbs! But you have already done it...and you are so much closer to your goal than you were 20lbs ago. We are the only people that can stand in our way of success. Push will you ever know how much you can achieve, if you don't push yourself?
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    SOS Please someone help me!! Its not healthy for me to feel this way!!!---A little Rhianna for you ladies today LOL---But seriously Snowflakes I am in need of HELP!!!

    I can feel myself getting lazy again!!! I have been slacking on the workouts for the past two days. No workout yesterday and I havent worked out today and I have no desire to workout---I am not liking this change:grumble: I hate not having the motivation I had a week ago!! Im not sure what is happening to me but for some reason I am just not as driven now. I am not waking up early anymore to workout (this is what works for me because with a baby it is hard to workout when she is awake and If i workout at night i cant sleep) I NEED TO GET MY BIG BUTT UP AND LOSE THIS WEIGHT!!!---I think the hardest part for me is that I have lost almost 20lbs and I am still not really seeing any results, I havent even dropped a pant size yet, i just feel like my boobs are getting smaller (the one thing i wanna keep):laugh: I just hate feeling this way. I am starting to feel wortless and like i will never ever reach my goal weight. I seriously lost two pounds the entire month of January. My birthday is on the 6th and I really wanted to be in the 150s by then and I know thats not gonna happen.....Please someone just push me to do this!!!

    Another thing I do is sleep in my workout example, I worked out tonight...and trust me I didn't want to! But I was like, "I will be damned if I see another gain on the scale! Not when I know that I slacked off...I can't afford to gain another pound. But I took a shower after I worked out, and then put on another pair of workout clothes...that way when that alarm goes off..I'm ready! Another thing I do is prepare my meals the night before. I pack my lunch for work and my 2 snacks..and try to log them the night before so I don't try anything sneaky lol..that way the only thing I have to worry about is dinner. And by are feeling so good about how you have eaten all don't want to mess it up by eating a bad dinner.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Hello Snowflakes!
    Happy February!

    I have challenges this week due to working night shift. My eating is all twisted due to my schedule.
    Goals for this week
    I am going to have a light breakfast before I hop into bed after getting home and getting my daughter on the school bus (God willing she will be cooperative :laugh: ).
    First thing upon waking I will do my workout on the Wii (EA Sports 2 Nine week challenge). I find if I don't put on my workout clothes when I get up I find every excuse to not workout. I pretty much have to put my brain on auto pilot and just "Git 'er done!"
    Eat a healthy family dinner and pack healthy eats for my night shift.

    I have been eating, breathing and if I smoked "A pound a week"... next Christmas I will be hot stuff!

    Here's to another great week.

  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Good Morning Snowflakes...hope everyone is doing well on this Tuesday morning! I have started to "Eat Clean" today which is actually a lot of what I have been doing, but I am just a lot more conscious about preservatives, added sugars...etc. So I am putting Ms. Tosca Reno to the test to see if I really feel and see the difference in this first week or two. I am quite excited about seeing the results though. My way of thinking is...I may not eat this way all of my life, but depending on how I feel..I may not even want to go back to my old way of eating.
  • Good morning everyone! Seems like a lot of people are lacking motivation this week, me being one of them. Last week was such a good week for so many people and then this week seems a lot of struggling again. I have not been doing well with my water this week. I've had 3 regular sodas this week and I had quit drinking them. :huh: I haven't been watching my sodium as much either. I have toned down the intensity of exercise as well. I'm trying to make sure I am getting in my net calories of 1200. This week is just not going as well as last week. I weighed yesterday and am up 3 freakin' lbs from Friday. :explode: I know, I know. This is why we shouldn't weigh more than once a week. I'm trying to drink a lot of water between now and this Friday.
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member what happened to the motivation we had last week? Let's talk about it and see if we can figure out why some of us are lacking the motivation now that we have been going at this for a month?
  • Positively_Me
    Positively_Me Posts: 1,499 Member
    Morning STS group!
    After seeing the chart of teams (on another thread) it motivated me to work harder than I have ever worked. I have been slacking off my eating and exercise (the month of January) because I put me kids, dh, and schooling first and that is gonna change. I put me first. I have already worked out because I find it so much easier to do it and get it done, first thing in the morning, so that way I don't have to make excuses and not do it ( htat's what happened most of January and I had no loss). so no excuses this month.

    My plans for this week is to:

    Eat my net calories, 1,200
    Exercise 7 days using a dvd, Wii, or exercise tv. Plus, walking/jogging 8 miles ( for the week).
    Drinking 100oz ,every single day, with lemon

    I am hoping to see 203 on the scale, on Friday!

    Have a great day!!!
  • what happened to the motivation we had last week? Let's talk about it and see if we can figure out why some of us are lacking the motivation now that we have been going at this for a month?

    I think mine is mainly due to not seeing the results I think I should be seeing. I know when I did Weight Watchers a few years ago, it was nothing for me to see 2-3 lb losses several weeks. Now I'm lucky if I see a 1 lb loss. Frustrating. I don't really think I am doing anything different this time except exercising. I don't think I ever exercise while doing WW.
  • onlyhalfcrazy
    onlyhalfcrazy Posts: 114 Member
    Just last night I was talking to a lady at Zumba and she was sharing with me that she has belonged to a Gym for the last 28 years!!!! I said "28 YEARS!!!!" :noway: I thought I was doing good to still be coming since last November :laugh: So I decided to do some research last night ....... This was news to me but may not be for others, but it might also be a scientific explanation for the lull that has come over some of us!!! Did you know that it takes 90 days to break a habit!! 90 days!! :huh: Thats right!! So if we want to break the habit of BAD EATING !! 90days. If we want to break the habit of living a sedintary lifestyle ..... 90 days!!! If we want to break the habit of making bad decisions for our health and body ....... you got it ladies . . . . . . . 90 days!!! The great news to me is that it doesnt take 90 for one, then another 90 for another ........ We can break all of the bad habits that it has taken us a lifetime to form by simply staying away from them all for 90 straight!! So think about it this way, we have roughly i think 90 days left for this challenge ....... by the end of this challenge we could all be living better, feeling better and looking better ...... without all the bad habits that have been weighing us down!!! Summer can really be a brand new start for us if we put in the hard work now!!!!
  • Krys_T
    Krys_T Posts: 1,406 Member
    Just last night I was talking to a lady at Zumba and she was sharing with me that she has belonged to a Gym for the last 28 years!!!! I said "28 YEARS!!!!" :noway: I thought I was doing good to still be coming since last November :laugh: So I decided to do some research last night ....... This was news to me but may not be for others, but it might also be a scientific explanation for the lull that has come over some of us!!! Did you know that it takes 90 days to break a habit!! 90 days!! :huh: Thats right!! So if we want to break the habit of BAD EATING !! 90days. If we want to break the habit of living a sedintary lifestyle ..... 90 days!!! If we want to break the habit of making bad decisions for our health and body ....... you got it ladies . . . . . . . 90 days!!! The great news to me is that it doesnt take 90 for one, then another 90 for another ........ We can break all of the bad habits that it has taken us a lifetime to form by simply staying away from them all for 90 straight!! So think about it this way, we have roughly i think 90 days left for this challenge ....... by the end of this challenge we could all be living better, feeling better and looking better ...... without all the bad habits that have been weighing us down!!! Summer can really be a brand new start for us if we put in the hard work now!!!!

    Awesome way to look at it...and it so true! Its not like anyone wakes up one day and all of a sudden makes every possible healthy change to their lives and sticks with it! There may be a choice few...but for us "normal" people...not so much! With that being said, think about how long it took you to gain weight and pick up unhealthy habits. Ok, so think about it taking you just as long to change them, and make a long-lasting change. We can do this!
  • aren't you guys all mfp friends? Couldn't you discuss your topic on the op's personal page or start a blog rather starting your own personal "closed group" in the forum area? apparently this is offensive to one of my mfps...just a thought.
  • whittrusty
    whittrusty Posts: 533 Member what happened to the motivation we had last week? Let's talk about it and see if we can figure out why some of us are lacking the motivation now that we have been going at this for a month?

    I think mine is mainly due to not seeing the results I think I should be seeing. I know when I did Weight Watchers a few years ago, it was nothing for me to see 2-3 lb losses several weeks. Now I'm lucky if I see a 1 lb loss. Frustrating. I don't really think I am doing anything different this time except exercising. I don't think I ever exercise while doing WW.

    If you don't exercise while losing weight, it's likely that you were actually losing muscle mass! It looks good on the scale, but your body is much healthier maintaining muscle mass and only losing fat!
This discussion has been closed.