For the married couples..who can give advice..just a rant

lashleyrivera Posts: 165
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Hey..I'm usually not one to put my relationship on blast so I'm going to just give a vague idea of how I feel about my marriage.....I feel bored, I have more fun at school, there is no conversation unless its about bills or groceries etc...I feel like maybe there is more I can do, or someone else who will give me everything I need emotionally or that I am just dying for doing my own thing and living the single dream...I have been married for almost 2 years, but we have been together for 6...he is in the army and even tho he is away a lot, its nice to get a break..I feel free..he is not abusive and not even an *kitten*..sometimes I believe I am the bad one in the relationship...he will give me anything I want, clean the house(if I nag him enough:) help take care of our daughter, etc...I often go through these 'phases' about being without marriage and when I do I get moody and we start fighting because idk how to act, I love him and hate him...what should I do guys..r these signs a divorce is our relationship going to wokout this normal? We r young..I'm 21 him 23..been together since we were 15 and 17..thank u guys so much for any help u can give:)


  • AllisonMarisa
    AllisonMarisa Posts: 74 Member
    It sounds like you guys need to take some "couple time." Find a babysitter and give yourself a date night. Do stuff together that you used to do when you first started dating. Make an effort to do little romantic things for each other (It may feel awkward at first, but it becomes less in time)

    Sometimes I feel like I have to focus on doing stuff like that, because if I don't then we just get in this flow of not being close and distancing from each other.
  • hsnider29
    hsnider29 Posts: 394 Member
    In my opinion, you are very young and obviously did not do alot of dating/living life prior to this relationship. I was young when I had my son and my husband and I have been together now for 12 years (since I was 18). I had the what-if's really bad in my mid twenties. We ended up splitting up for 3 months and realized that we really did want to be together. I'm not really sure I have any advice for you other than you guys made a commitment and you should try to make things work unless your totally unhappy. Sorry :( This is definatley a downfall to being in a committed relationship so young. Hope things get better for you soon.
  • I've been married for 25 years now. The passion does go at about the time you are stating. Build the friendship, enjoy interests of your own and share these alone moments and activities when together by talking. Marriage isn't all that exciting, except in the beginning However, it is well worth the effort as the friendship will simmer slowly for a perfect match. :) I wouldn't trade the friend I have, even when he is absolutely driving me nuts, for the single life. The grass isn't any greener on that side of the fence. :))

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  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    I think it's normal to go through rough patches. Nobody lives in perfect bliss all the time. It's really hard for me to give advice though, since I don't know you or your husband. It sounds like you feel a disconnect - maybe like everything is about bills, taking care of your daughter, etc...and it must be difficult to have your husband away (even though it's nice to have a break). Are there ways for you guys to spend time together where you can reconnect? Can you take a couples communication class or go to couples counseling to work out your feelings? What would a healthy relationship with your husband look like? Can you identify what's missing in your marriage?
  • I should also state that my hubby is a mechanic, a redneck, and a good old boy. I am well educated, hold several degrees, work as an artist and author, and love opera, ballet and symphonies.

    He goes to his truck pulls, I go to my social events. We have friends that are separate and friends that are shared. And, we always have a lot to talk about. My hubby listens when I talk and I return the favor. Even though we have little in common interest, we have a wealth of respect, love, and admiration for each other.

    We also go out twice a month for date night, where we share evenings listening to bands (we take turns picking) and enjoy what we do both like together.

    Since my cancer and hysterectomy, there is no longer a drive for sex, but we don't need that to find the heart of our marriage--our friendship :)

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  • Megooo19
    Megooo19 Posts: 199
    I would suggest a nice long talk. Nothing is better than open communication. If you voice your concerns you can better work on making your relationship more fulfilling and you wont feel guilty for feeling the way you do secretly. Plus your relationship is only going to end if you make the decision to make it end or make the decision to work it out.
  • Watch "Date Night." It'll give you some perspective.

  • People always tell me things aren't always greener on the otherside..I'm starting to like that quote lol...I guess basically what is missing is lcommunication and even a friendship..I mean we can be goofy together sometimes and we have fun with our daughter and even being out with our friends...but the minute we come home its like we have this routine going and its the same evvvery day, I feel so bored..I think back of how we used to be and I couldn't imagine being without him, but as I get older I'm noticing how many of my friends r single, can do nething they want, have experienced things like studying abroad that ill never be able to do...often times what goes through my head is after I get my career ill be able to manage on my own and will be happier(I kinda picture myslef in the city , like an unrealistic movie lol)
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    I went through the same thing at a little older than you and with two more kids. Bored to tears. We really grew apart. Actually I grew up and changed a lot and he stayed the same, not that that was bad. We divorced. It has been about 13years now. On a personal level I never regretted that choice for one minute EXCEPT it was VERY hard on our children. Did they get over it? Sure kinda, but if there were a way not to put a child through that, it'd be a better choice.
  • skygoddess86
    skygoddess86 Posts: 487 Member
    BTW, I think you're pretty brave for admitting that you're bored. Marriage IS boring most of the time. There must be some pay offs since we all keep doing it. I have now been married four years, I'm 42 now. I'll probably stick this one out. Being single was fun after my divorce but not all it was cracked up to be either. We had been married 12 years so I was way out of the single scene by then.
  • Yes I changed to! I'm very independent and so goal oriented and he's not..complete opposite..idk if ne of u know about personality types, but I'm a type a+ and he is def a there's a lot about our personality that is completely different now, and that's when I get so aggravated and its just better if we do our own thing when we are at home together
  • teasdino
    teasdino Posts: 228 Member
    My hub was in the army for 22 years. We are going on 25 years of marriage.
    I gotta tell you, Allison is one smart person. The deal with being young and getting married is that you guys still have allot of growing up left. Him being gone doesnt help on that one.
    You do need to reconnect. The going out of your way to do things together is a great idea. Yes, you have to be independant while he is gone, and then turn around and reincorporate him into life when he gets back. The good thing is that now a days you guys can communicate through email while he is gone.
    The romance doesnt have to die. You just have to put a little more of yourself into it. Yes, be each others friend. We do tend to take each other for granted when you are married for a while.
    This is my advise. Get yourself some paper and write 10 things you love about him. It doesnt matter what they are, deep or shallow. But they have to be good things. The next day write 20 things you like/love about him. Reminding yourself why you are with him in the first place.
    Going through a marriage will be like that. You will have fun times, you will have boring times. You will have those romantic 'i love you forever' feelings, and then you will have the 'i am so mad i can feel my head tingling' times. Dont base your marriage on how you 'feel' at the moment. Feelings go up and down all the time. They can be influenced by all kinds of things. But this thing you have with your husband, that love should be just unconditional. This is someone you can count on when times are hard and have fun when times are good.
    Why not use some of your time to do the reconnect. I know there is email. But I wrote my husband a letter. The written kind is just more intimate. That is the real thing you are losing. That is what you want out of your hub. So nudge him in that direction. Ask him things and dont take for granted that you already know them. You would be surprised how people change.
    Hope this helps
  • blessedmomof8
    blessedmomof8 Posts: 215 Member
    I don't have any great advice, but Please don't give up on your marriage. Life does get in the way of a relationship. We need to understand that and be determined to work at it anyway. I too feel that there are times when all that is discussed is bills, chores, or the like. I was 17 when we got married and we have been married for almost 18 years. There are times when we don't get along and don't seem to talk much but he and I have been through so much together that someone else wouldn't understand me as he will. You have been together for awhile so there is history and good memories. Take some time to think on those things. All couples need date time. We don't have time or money too ever go out. We invented 'date night' and even if the kids don't get to bed so he and I can visit or watch a movie together, we still know every Monday night is the night we are supposed to spend some time together as a couple. Find the time to reconnect, your together because there is something there.
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Marriage is what you make it. If you are bored then spice it up. Be proactive in your relationship. The grass isn't greener alone or with someone else. He sounds like a good man. He is responsible, loving and willing to give you the world. What more would any woman want? Excitement? Make some. Plan nights out. Week-end get aways even if its just to a hotel in the same city. Take some time out to enjoy yourselves. I met my husband when he was 23. I was 25. We went through our moment like this in our early 30's. We went to counseling. My counselor was the best. He really put life into prospective while allowing us to really learn each other again. I love my husband. He is my rock. He is my best friend and he is my play thang :bigsmile:

    Being military you can get counseling for yourself to work out your issues and you can also do couples counseling. Contact your family support center. Everything is confidential.
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    My husband and I started hiking together recently. It's made a huge difference for us - we get to spend time together without cell phones, computers, or other distractions. It's just the two of us out in nature. It helps us reconnect. It's important to find time for each other - it doesn't have to be hiking - it could be going out to dinner or whatever. Just like I need to take time to focus on taking care of my body and health, I need to take time to focus on taking care of my marriage.
  • AMummysLife
    AMummysLife Posts: 264 Member
    Agree with the others - date nights and bonding time. Sometimes just sitting down and having a good old chat can help too.
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    Marriage is what you make it. If you are bored then spice it up. Be proactive in your relationship. The grass isn't greener alone or with someone else. He sounds like a good man. He is responsible, loving and willing to give you the world. What more would any woman want? Excitement? Make some. Plan nights out. Week-end get aways even if its just to a hotel in the same city. Take some time out to enjoy yourselves. I met my husband when he was 23. I was 25. We went through our moment like this in our early 30's. We went to counseling. My counselor was the best. He really put life into prospective while allowing us to really learn each other again. I love my husband. He is my rock. He is my best friend and he is my play thang :bigsmile:

    Being military you can get counseling for yourself to work out your issues and you can also do couples counseling. Contact your family support center. Everything is confidential.

    I am sooooo with her on this is defenitly what you make of it, we are in our 2nd yr of marriage also, I am 24 and he is 27 and we have a ton of fun together, we both are very goofy and have ALOT of the same intrests and luckily we both are very curious, adventurous and outdoorsy, but what really makes it work, is that we just enjoy being together no matter what were doing, it doesn't always have to be us going on some trip or adventure or to a bar or dinner, we can sit in front of the tele and have a great time. We also have 5 kids (2his 2mine 1 ours) so that makes it hard to have date nights and what not but where there's a will there's a way and we usually can get out at the very least twice a month with no kiddos. You have to do that, you have to make time for your marriage. We make sure to get our alone time too, we both need it, he likes to work on his truck or go golf and have some drinks with the guys, I like to go out occasionally for drinks and dinner with my girls, shopping or to the day spa for a tan or nails. We make sure to get our "me" time at least once a month too, he'll take care of the kids while I go and I do the same for him, gladly! We also make sure to sit down and hang out after our kids go to bed during the week, just to talk or watch a movie one of our shows or the news together.

    If your "bored" you spice it up, we are always trying something new and exciting, go hiking, go see a stand up comedy (those are the best) a concert or just a band play, if you can't get out watch a scary movie after you lay your daughter down for bed, after date night go to a local "lingerie" store, find some fun outfits, toys, massage oils, games or just look, and trust me you are bound to get at least one ab aching laugh in one of those stores...that's always exciting and fun!

    Either way I hope you find that spark again, marriage is a constant job keeping that flame lit, but if you truly want it you keep working for it, for the rest of your life, being a mom is tough work, being a wife is also tough work, being a Military wife... tougher work but the work is all so worth it!! It sounds like you've got a good man on your hands, just keep at it girl! Don't give up yet....the grass really isn't greener on the single side, listen to Taylor Swifts song December, tat's what this sorta reminds me of there's a verse in there that says "turns out freedom at nothin but missin you wishin I'd realized what I had when you were mine"....don't make that mistake! Good luck!!
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    You got to have more things in common and do more things together. Don't have such separate lives. My husband and I are both on this site, we workout in the morning together, we have common friends and common interests. Go to dance classes together, workout together, make goals together. That is the way to improve things.
  • _Christine_
    _Christine_ Posts: 1,385 Member
    I've been married 17-years, together since our sophomore year of college. My husband took me out on a date one night and pretended it was a first date. I had no clue. He called me from work, told me to dress up and when he arrived home he knocked on the door and the role play started. It took me a bit to figure it out, but once it started it was 4 hours of pure excitement. We took it seriously and when he asked questions about my life I was honest about what I wanted and where I wanted to be. This is not typical for us and we've not done it sense, but it was such an eye opener.
    Two years later life has changed a lot and become more exciting. Our sex life has had its ups and downs... work, family, bills, you name it. But when I feel 'bored' I take the initiative to change it. And trust me, in your 30's it gets easier. I just thought I had a sex drive in my 20s. HA! It's laughable now. Talked with a 40-year old friend who said that she's at the stage where gang rape sounds interesting. OH MY! HA!
    Boredom comes with any relationship... family, friends you name it. But boredom is self-induced. You change the situation. Take him out, surprise him with something neither of you have done before and don't think about the grass being greener. Until you can figure out why you are bored, chances are you'll just get bored in the next relationship. Hang in there. The longer you two are together the more things you'll have to talk about while rocking on your front porch playing with the grand-kids. ;)
  • WildFlower7
    WildFlower7 Posts: 714 Member
    I've been married 17-years, together since our sophomore year of college. My husband took me out on a date one night and pretended it was a first date. I had no clue. He called me from work, told me to dress up and when he arrived home he knocked on the door and the role play started. It took me a bit to figure it out, but once it started it was 4 hours of pure excitement. We took it seriously and when he asked questions about my life I was honest about what I wanted and where I wanted to be. This is not typical for us and we've not done it sense, but it was such an eye opener.
    Two years later life has changed a lot and become more exciting. Our sex life has had its ups and downs... work, family, bills, you name it. But when I feel 'bored' I take the initiative to change it. And trust me, in your 30's it gets easier. I just thought I had a sex drive in my 20s. HA! It's laughable now. Talked with a 40-year old friend who said that she's at the stage where gang rape sounds interesting. OH MY! HA!
    Boredom comes with any relationship... family, friends you name it. But boredom is self-induced. You change the situation. Take him out, surprise him with something neither of you have done before and don't think about the grass being greener. Until you can figure out why you are bored, chances are you'll just get bored in the next relationship. Hang in there. The longer you two are together the more things you'll have to talk about while rocking on your front porch playing with the grand-kids. ;)

    Ugh...I love this!!
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