When do you eat your calories? How to break it down?...



  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    I eat all my calories between 4PM and 8PM. Works fine for me to have one really good meal at the end of the work day.

    Please explain? Are you saying you do not eat breakfast or lunch?

    That's what I'm saying, yes. It's a form of intermittent fasting.
  • mmbrockman
    mmbrockman Posts: 3 Member
    I am on the 1200/day. I usually eat like you, 1-200 morn, 300 or so lunch, 500 for dinner and then rest is snacks throughout day or evening. One thing I will tell you, is also listen to your body and the hunger pangs...its good to feel a hunger pang. that is a sign that you are burning fat. If you never get hungry, then you aren't burning fat -- at least not as much as you could be. So hopefully you feel hungry before each meal. I know this is hard, because we have alway been told that hunger is bad...try to reverse that...look for your hunger signal and then you know, now is a good time to eat. Hope that makes sense. One time when I was on a weight loss program, I didn't count calories at all, I just didn't allow myself to eat UNTIL I felt hunger pangs...I dropped the weight like a rock. It was so cool. If you don't have time to count calories then that is the best way to determine when and how much to eat. Usually when people try this type of program, they have to wait 24 hours until they feel true hunger. :flowerforyou:
  • lodro
    lodro Posts: 982 Member
    Hunger pangs are caused by your stomach contracting. Usually, this happens after it has been empty of food for a good number of hours and when blood glucose levels are low. Hunger pangs in themselves are not a sign you are burning fat ("burning fat" for that matter is an erroneous concept, because the number of fat cells is not decreased). Also, real hunger pangs only start appearing after about 12 - 24 hours without food in your stomach. Hunger pains cease, if the stomach distends again. So, drinking a little will distend the stomach and stop hunger pains.