What's for Breakfast?



  • artschoolgirl
    artschoolgirl Posts: 598 Member
    The best breakfast-Egg Whites, Ham, maybe some mushrooms or other veggies. It's less than 100 calories & super satisfying! The protein fills you up. I had this for my breakfast plus a light hot chocolate that was 45 calories because it's coooold & rainy here! Egg whites all the way!!
  • BlackBeltLJ
    BlackBeltLJ Posts: 190
    Protein is a must for breakfast- I read somewhere that if you have protein in your breakfast you will not get hungry as fast. It works for me- of course I drink my protein drink for about 2 hours everyday so tht does spread it out some. No matter what else I have for breakfast- I always have my drink and I generally stay with in my 30 carb limit for b-fast:bigsmile:
  • Melroxsox
    Melroxsox Posts: 1,040 Member
    Hey everyone..any ideas on a good breakfast? I am starving!! One thing I have noticed since starting to work out..I wake up hungry..and usually breakfast is the one meal I skip. But I found the days I do eat breakfast instead of just having coffee..are the days I ended up going over my 1200 cal intake..?? Either that or I go over in some other part..like carbs or protein. and that's just with either two pieces of wheat toast or a bowl of cereal ( which I have yet to find a cereal that is low in carbs!) Any helpful ideas?
    I was seriously just going to post a question like this...my workouts make me want to eat more often.
  • lessertess
    lessertess Posts: 855 Member
    It sounds terribly boring but....

    I have oatmeal with a banana and blueberries almost every morning. Quaker has a "weight watchers" oatmeal that has more protien than regular oatmeal. Between the high fiber and the high protien it keeps me full for a long time. The bananas are high in potassium and the blueberries are anti-oxidants. So,it's an extremely healthy breakfast for about 300 calories.
  • LML79
    LML79 Posts: 697
    Hey I had oatmeal today actually.. it was pretty good! It was the Steel Oats..and I threw in a packet of splenda and some berries... I usually am not an oatmeal person..but it was actually pretty good..and filling too!