Brides on a Mission: Week 5



  • 1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: I lost 2.5lbs for a total of 10lbs since I joined. YAY!

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened):

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I was diagnosed with a bartholin gland abscess and have been in a constant state of torture and pain. I haven't been able to exercise because I can barely walk let alone sit without wanting to burst into tears. I went to the Dr. and he gave me antibiotics, but it seems to linger. I am very down at the moment because all of the information I get online says that this abscess is recurring. I don't want to have it for the rest of MY LIFE. Boooo!

    4. What are your weeding colors: not sure yet

    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: marrying the love of my life on a beautiful beach :love:

    6. Any wedding news updates: none yet

    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: exercise due to a knee injury. It can get pretty painful... I just have to take it easy so that I don't further injure myself

    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): I could have done better, but I did yoga 3 days out of the week :)

    9. Weekly wrap up: I need to get out of this funk i'm in due to the bartholin gland abscess. I want to hurry up and get better so I can start focusing on other things. I am restricted in the things that I can do because of the bartholin gland abscess, so I just need to take it one day at a time. The problem is, no one knows why women get bartholin gland abscesses, so it's hard to fix the problem when I don't know what is causing it :(
  • heels24
    heels24 Posts: 37 Member
    Does anyone know of any really good DYI wedding websites? Im trying to do as much as i can myself and didnt know if any of you guys had info :o)

    I just saw this one in my inbox from project wedding for do-it-yourself Flowers
  • Brides on a Mission: week 5
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:...143.8 this week thats a 0.8 loss this week...from 144.6 last week.... havent measured my self lately but loss inches last week

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): the loss is my highlight this week....will be picking up my new engagement ring & a necklace ill be wearin my wedding day this weekend, i will be posting pics... also we will be paying for the jop n ill be dress/shoe shopping by next week....

    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): lack of exercise this week =(... didnt get in much as i wanted too...had to much junk...

    4. What are your wedding colors: what ever color i pick for my dress is the colors im making my cake ...n flower not pickin a white dress as i would like to buy a dress that i can wear again...
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: marrying my best friend...looking like a princess that day... the whole day!

    6. Any wedding news updates: will be setting things in stone by next week or so...with money...ill be buyin a dress n shoes....

    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: id say exercising ...eatting is fairly easy as thats what i have done for most of my weight loss and have added exercise here n there...

    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): forgot about this challenge but try my best always to relax

    9. Weekly wrap up: glad i loss rather than gain....excited to get going with wedding stuff and for may to come i hope all the snow is melted by then as im having our weddin out side.!!!
  • Sweet13_Princess
    Sweet13_Princess Posts: 1,207 Member
    Jpsnickel – I hope your dad’s ultrasound went well. I also completely sympathize with the fact of NOT being a morning person. I just can’t exercise in the morning, so I pack my clothes and keep them in my car. Right after work, I head straight to the gym and workout then. I don’t have excuses, because I don’t give myself a chance to sit down and relax after work…. Otherwise, I’d never get a workout in!:-P

    eaglesfan426 – What venue did you end up choosing? I’m curious, since I’m a PA bride too!:-) We’re just going to have the wedding and reception at the church we’re members of. We’re trying to keep it less than 150 people, so no children (the church just doesn’t have the capacity to hold anymore guests). The fellowship hall has vaulted ceilings, which are just perfect for a wedding reception.

    Gainskb – Your window pane guest book is a really cool idea. I found a cartoon based guestbook online that is really neat, but I’m not sure if I’m going to go with it or not. I heard that a lot of times people don’t really bother with the guestbook. I’d hate to pay all that money and have it go to waste. I already purchased the outside cover for it, so I’m not sure what to do….
    Dragonfarie – We put our engagement announcements in the local newspaper and put our engagement pictures (Dan’s mom actually took them in a local rose garden with a pond) on Facebook. Other than that, we didn’t do any save the dates or anything like that. We’d rather spend more money on the reception to make it more memorable.

    wannabrn10 – I sympathize with the whole anniversary thing with your fiancé. Mine is VERY anti-commercialism and is cheap to boot, so getting anything other than a birthday gift from him is like pulling teeth. Funny thing… I was organizing under the kitchen sink and found a Valentine’s Day vase. He said… “why don’t you set this out.” And I was like “no one gets me flowers anyway.” Which I guess was a *hint hint*. He actually brought me some red, lily-like flowers home last night. What a sweetie… not exactly a completely surprise, but he’s usually too cheap to do stuff like that too.*LOL*

  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    Sweet13_Princess, its a hotel in the King of Prussia area. We have a lot of family that has to travel for the wedding so its SOOO much easier to do it at a hotel where everyone can be together.
  • marqcheer09
    marqcheer09 Posts: 15 Member
    1. Name: Marquita
    2. Age: 20
    3. City: Seattle
    4. Occupation: Student
    5. Wedding date: 7/23/11
    6. Fiancés name: Corey
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 8months
    8. Heaviest weight: 190
    9. Goal weight and date: 145 by 7/23
    10. Favorite type of exercise: Zumba
    11. Favorite healthy food: Watermelon and blueberries
  • marqcheer09
    marqcheer09 Posts: 15 Member
    Brides on a Mission: week 5
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: None just started

    2. Highlight of the past week: (not weight, just something exciting that happened): I got my dress! Didnt know if I was going to be able to pay for it but finances came together
    3. Lowlight of the past week (not weight, just something that you need support with): I only worked out once
    4. What are your weeding colors: rose petal and cream
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: the dancing and time with my husband
    6. Any wedding news updates: We got the venue!
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: one to work out with and no gym membership :/
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): N/A
    9. Weekly wrap up:
  • I was so excited after I got on the scale yesterday. My normal weigh-in isn't until thursday, but I just wanted to check since I didn't actually weigh myself last week.... And I have lost 13-14 pounds since I first started doing MFP a month ago! I am so excited...

    It would be so rewarding, and yet frustrating, to lose so much weight that they can't take in my wedding dress anymore! I, unfortunately, bought my wedding dress when I was at my highest weight (I tried to tell my mother no....)....

    Hope everyone is having a good day!!!
  • kgs0201
    kgs0201 Posts: 459 Member

    Gainskb – Your window pane guest book is a really cool idea. I found a cartoon based guestbook online that is really neat, but I’m not sure if I’m going to go with it or not. I heard that a lot of times people don’t really bother with the guestbook. I’d hate to pay all that money and have it go to waste. I already purchased the outside cover for it, so I’m not sure what to do….

    Sweet13_Princes - I would go with it anyway. I'm going to put ours where the table assignment cards are since the majority of everyone will have to go over to that table. We'll also probably have the DJ make a couple of annoying announcements reminding everyone to go sign :-)
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    welcome new brides! It is exciting to see all the ladies preparing for the big day...

    If you haven't seen my constant threads lol I'd like to tell you that I'm starting from rock bottom. My HRM has sabatoged me. I haven't been burning the calories it told me I was burning. I couldn't figure out why I gained all my weight back, turns out I'm eating half my non-existant calories back, so I have been way over for 2 months now. I'm not discouraged, I'm just a little I had an awesome food diary today, and I'm getting my *kitten* in gear with Kinect Dance Central and Your Shape. I plan on logging them as basic cardio, so I'll burn about 350 calories an hour. Not to bad, I just can't eat like I have been...thank goodness I have a year and a half to lose 50 lbs...
  • dragonfarie
    dragonfarie Posts: 84 Member
    welcome new brides! It is exciting to see all the ladies preparing for the big day...

    If you haven't seen my constant threads lol I'd like to tell you that I'm starting from rock bottom. My HRM has sabatoged me. I haven't been burning the calories it told me I was burning. I couldn't figure out why I gained all my weight back, turns out I'm eating half my non-existant calories back, so I have been way over for 2 months now. I'm not discouraged, I'm just a little I had an awesome food diary today, and I'm getting my *kitten* in gear with Kinect Dance Central and Your Shape. I plan on logging them as basic cardio, so I'll burn about 350 calories an hour. Not to bad, I just can't eat like I have been...thank goodness I have a year and a half to lose 50 lbs...

    OMG that sucks! I am proud of you not being discouraged. I prolly would be.
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member

    OMG that sucks! I am proud of you not being discouraged. I prolly would be.

    Thanx, I'm even more determined now that I know what I'm doing wrong. It took me a long time to lose 15lbs, so I'm just going to work a little harder...and not fall off the wagon on weekends anymore. Weekends are becoming very detrimental. I'm scared for the wedding season to start because it's going to be nothing but skinny dresses and hectic weight loss. I'm in a wedding in August so I get to be a part of the rush a year before my wedding. I was hoping to be 50 lbs less in August, but that seems kind of unrealistic at this point. But I do want to be at my half way point in 25 lbs in 6 months...that's the new goal!
  • Jennplus2
    Jennplus2 Posts: 984 Member
    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week:...155, not good not good. I'm going the wrong way! I have only had this ring for a little less than 2 weeks, and I am eating like a piggy! I need to gain control.

    2. Highlight of the past week: Found a venue I LOVE, nothing is locked in yet but I am going to see it this weekend. It is a little Bed and Breakfast Inn that is family owned and run. I like helping the "little guys" and think they will provide a very personal feel. Plus guest (like both our parents and our siblings) can stay the night with us and have breakfast the next morning. I love this option because we have two small kids. They will be close, but my mom can keep them in her room so I can have a honeymoon night!

    3. Low light of the past week: Budget! I am paying for everything myself and have a $3000 budget. I love the small wedding feel (30 guests total) but I am finding that everything adds up really fast!

    4. What are your wedding colors: Green, like a moss green maybe. I love green and purple together.

    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: the party with my family and friends

    6. Any wedding news updates: I have been looking at many DIY ideas and trying to figure things out. I think I found a reading for his sister to read for us. He really wants a small wedding, well really he doesn't want a wedding at all. He would much rather it be just us and have an elopement, but he is trying to be understanding that I want the white dress and the whole shabang, so I am trying not to get to caught up in the wedding fever.

    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise: id say both are very hard. Exercise more so, but eating healthy right now has been very hard.

    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge (10 min of stress relief): forgot about this challenge, oops

    9. Weekly wrap up: My wedding is on my brain 24-7! lol I would love for my soon to be in laws to let me know that they would love to give me money to pay for the wedding of my dreams. But I can't get crazy and then not be able to pay rent or feed my kids. I must remember that this will only be ONE DAY! And because I have kids already, not even the happiest day of my life! It can be 3rd, lol right after the birth of both my kids. Easy to get caught up looking at web pages and venues and plan a wedding that would cost more than I make all year. But that is not right for me or my family. (I think my new husband will hide after the vows anyway, I might need to invest in a tracking system)
  • Becky011
    Becky011 Posts: 384
    welcome new brides! It is exciting to see all the ladies preparing for the big day...

    If you haven't seen my constant threads lol I'd like to tell you that I'm starting from rock bottom. My HRM has sabatoged me. I haven't been burning the calories it told me I was burning. I couldn't figure out why I gained all my weight back, turns out I'm eating half my non-existant calories back, so I have been way over for 2 months now. I'm not discouraged, I'm just a little I had an awesome food diary today, and I'm getting my *kitten* in gear with Kinect Dance Central and Your Shape. I plan on logging them as basic cardio, so I'll burn about 350 calories an hour. Not to bad, I just can't eat like I have been...thank goodness I have a year and a half to lose 50 lbs...

    What kind of HRM did you have? I've been cnsidering getting one. Would love a tip. Thanks!!
  • MrsWendyQ
    MrsWendyQ Posts: 125 Member
    Wish I would have seen this before...perfect!

    1. Name: Wendy
    2. Age:32
    3. City: Bloomsburg, PA
    4. Occupation: Secretary
    5. Wedding date: not finalized yet, fall of 2012 (he desperately wants 10/11/12...I refuse to marry on a Thursday!)
    6. Fiancés name: Damian
    7. How long you and your fiancé have been together: 2 years
    8. Heaviest weight: 226
    9. Goal weight and date: 150 by our wedding (mini goal is 185 by my bday, June 13)
    10. Favorite type of exercise: walking...haven't gotten into much yet, need some ideas
    11. Favorite healthy food: cherry tomatoes...LOVE, LOVE, LOVE


    1. Weight loss/inches lost this week: weight, 3lbs since last Monday
    2. Highlight of the past week: got to visit with friends that I haven't been able to see for awhile
    3. Low light of the past week: dealing with my son's report card
    4. What are your wedding colors: not sure as of yet, fall colors for sure...burnt orange and browns maybe?
    5. What are you most looking forward to in your wedding: marrying the man I'm meant for
    6. Any wedding news updates: haven't truly started planning yet...I do not want a lavish affair, so I guess I've been putting it off
    7. What is harder for you, dieting or exercise? Exercise...w/ my back issues it's incredibly difficult...I haven't a clue what to do...and it's miserable cold here, so no fav
    8. How did you do with the week 4 challenge? First week, so, I didn't know :)
    9. Weekly wrap up: wow, I feel like the only person who doesn't think of their wedding constantly...don't get me wrong, I'm super dooper excited...but I think right now I'm more excited to finally get a ring, since I get to pick it myself, I've been so wrapped up in that..still haven't finalized my decision...and we go back and forth on it constantly..we are having to pay for everything ourselves, and, well that means I may not get the ring I want...or atleast not right I wait? or do I pick a less expensive ring knowing I can "trade up" in a few years...anyone?
  • welcome new brides! It is exciting to see all the ladies preparing for the big day...

    If you haven't seen my constant threads lol I'd like to tell you that I'm starting from rock bottom. My HRM has sabatoged me. I haven't been burning the calories it told me I was burning. I couldn't figure out why I gained all my weight back, turns out I'm eating half my non-existant calories back, so I have been way over for 2 months now. I'm not discouraged, I'm just a little I had an awesome food diary today, and I'm getting my *kitten* in gear with Kinect Dance Central and Your Shape. I plan on logging them as basic cardio, so I'll burn about 350 calories an hour. Not to bad, I just can't eat like I have been...thank goodness I have a year and a half to lose 50 lbs...

    What kind of HRM did you have? I've been cnsidering getting one. Would love a tip. Thanks!!

    I had been looking around too and after a bunch of reviews I bought the Timex personal trainer model. I really like it. It is basic and easy to use. The chest strap is really comfortable, I really dont know that I have it on. It tells me cals burned and I can set a max HR and it will beep at me if I go over it. I found it for $40 on amazon (about $20 less then on other sites) and I picked the free shipping option where it would come in 5-8 days.....I got it in 3 days! Hope it helps!
  • I forgot to post my weigh in yesterday! I lost 0.8lbs.:smile: I think that is pretty good...I am looking to lose about 0.5lbs a week. That way I can still eat a little more (I love foood!) and if I work out a lot I will lose more and be even more excited! I changed around my "goals" a little and now I am around 1870cal/day with 4 workouts a week at 45min each.

    Like Littlericki, I have been really struggling the past month or so. I started MFP right after Thanksgiving, and I did really well during the holidays...I did gain weight (about 3lbs) when I went skiing though right before Chirstmas but lost it right away when I came back. I have really good weeks (one week I lost 3lbs) but then have set backs (kidney stones one week and then family in town this past week) and I gain it all back! :cry:

    I am embarrased that I only have 1lb lost on my ticker! :blushing: I so bad want to reach my mini goal of 155lbs my mid June...thats about 15lbs in 5months. I think it might be a little rough to get to but is totally reachable if I do not get off track. That time is really important to me because I graduate nursing school (woot woot!) in the middle of June and my MOH (my cousin) is coming to Chicago for my graduation and I thought it would be a lot of fun to start dress shopping when she is here. Just maybe 1 store or a fun trip of trying on all differnt styles to see what looks good for my body type.

    Ok, sorry to rant and rave! I am going to have a GREAT day....getting everything for my presentation on maternal obesity printed at school, going to class, working out at the Y, and making a new recipie of "skinny down-home chicken pot pie" with 372cal per serving to enjoy with the fiance tonight! :happy: AHhh I feel so much better after posting all my feelings! Now I wont go eat them! Thank you all for your support and welcome to all the new members! (I hope I didn't scare you away!) :laugh:
  • lilRicki
    lilRicki Posts: 4,555 Member
    WE CAN DO THIS!!! I totally thought that after I discovered my HRM was trying to kill me, that I was ok, but I wasn't. I'm totally unmotivated and I feel like I'm drowning instead of treading water...but today is a new day, I WILL NOT fall off the wagon this weekend like I tend to do, my house is full of yummy food and we aren't going anywhere due to the weather. I WILL work out tonight, and burn at least 300 calories! I have to get my butt in gear!!!!
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    welcome new brides! It is exciting to see all the ladies preparing for the big day...

    If you haven't seen my constant threads lol I'd like to tell you that I'm starting from rock bottom. My HRM has sabatoged me. I haven't been burning the calories it told me I was burning. I couldn't figure out why I gained all my weight back, turns out I'm eating half my non-existant calories back, so I have been way over for 2 months now. I'm not discouraged, I'm just a little I had an awesome food diary today, and I'm getting my *kitten* in gear with Kinect Dance Central and Your Shape. I plan on logging them as basic cardio, so I'll burn about 350 calories an hour. Not to bad, I just can't eat like I have been...thank goodness I have a year and a half to lose 50 lbs...

    What kind of HRM did you have? I've been cnsidering getting one. Would love a tip. Thanks!!

    I had been looking around too and after a bunch of reviews I bought the Timex personal trainer model. I really like it. It is basic and easy to use. The chest strap is really comfortable, I really dont know that I have it on. It tells me cals burned and I can set a max HR and it will beep at me if I go over it. I found it for $40 on amazon (about $20 less then on other sites) and I picked the free shipping option where it would come in 5-8 days.....I got it in 3 days! Hope it helps!

    Yeah I have heard that the ones with the chest straps are the best ones to get. unfortunately mine you have to like stop and take your heart rate by putting your finger on the HRM on your wrist. I am thinking that I might get a new one eventually...
  • EaglesFan521
    EaglesFan521 Posts: 74 Member
    I forgot to post my weigh in yesterday! I lost 0.8lbs.:smile: I think that is pretty good...I am looking to lose about 0.5lbs a week. That way I can still eat a little more (I love foood!) and if I work out a lot I will lose more and be even more excited! I changed around my "goals" a little and now I am around 1870cal/day with 4 workouts a week at 45min each.

    Like Littlericki, I have been really struggling the past month or so. I started MFP right after Thanksgiving, and I did really well during the holidays...I did gain weight (about 3lbs) when I went skiing though right before Chirstmas but lost it right away when I came back. I have really good weeks (one week I lost 3lbs) but then have set backs (kidney stones one week and then family in town this past week) and I gain it all back! :cry:

    I am embarrased that I only have 1lb lost on my ticker! :blushing: I so bad want to reach my mini goal of 155lbs my mid June...thats about 15lbs in 5months. I think it might be a little rough to get to but is totally reachable if I do not get off track. That time is really important to me because I graduate nursing school (woot woot!) in the middle of June and my MOH (my cousin) is coming to Chicago for my graduation and I thought it would be a lot of fun to start dress shopping when she is here. Just maybe 1 store or a fun trip of trying on all differnt styles to see what looks good for my body type.

    Ok, sorry to rant and rave! I am going to have a GREAT day....getting everything for my presentation on maternal obesity printed at school, going to class, working out at the Y, and making a new recipie of "skinny down-home chicken pot pie" with 372cal per serving to enjoy with the fiance tonight! :happy: AHhh I feel so much better after posting all my feelings! Now I wont go eat them! Thank you all for your support and welcome to all the new members! (I hope I didn't scare you away!) :laugh:

    I have been the same way. I haven't change the weight, but on monday of this week i was 5 pounds heavier than my ticker says i am. but since monday I lost 3 pounds!!!! I know i should of changed my weight but its like i didn't want to admit it to myself. so I won't change it until I get below the weight that I am in my ticker now. Anyway I hope that everyone has a wonderful weekend and enjoys whatever they are going to do!
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