Not meaning to ruffle feathers.....



  • TheMaidOfAstolat
    TheMaidOfAstolat Posts: 3,222 Member
    We all have to do what works for us. And, not everyone has the same idea of "cheat days." When I used to diet (and failed), my cheat days would always be really bad junk food. Now, I just don't have much of a desire for junk food.

    So, I still have some "cheat" days occasionally, but that just really means that I allow myself to go over my daily 1275 calories. But, I'm generally not eating "junk" food - just more food than usual.

    Bingo! It's not about eating pure's about being over the 'normal' calorie limit. Does this mean that I don't eat chips or other junk sometimes...heck no...that's a daily given should I want it. But going over on calories can actually jump start you metabolism sometimes.
  • Bmorrow
    Bmorrow Posts: 169
    I haven't had any cheat days yet. lol...junk food doesn't sound good!
    I agree With your comment and I love your pic did you do that?
  • lisa4kids
    lisa4kids Posts: 54 Member
    I have friends who do a weekly or occasional cheat day, and I have friends who never EVER eat anything bad or sugary, period. I think for me, when I start to eat healthy foods, having a cheat day would make me feel sick to my stomach. What works for me is, allowing myself one dessert item within reason each day. I am hoping that eventually, that dessert item won't even seem that appealing to me, but right now if I were to cut out all of my "goodies", I would totally relapse.
    Everyone has to do what works for them, so don't worry what anyone else thinks or does...just do what works for YOU.