Dealing with negative people



  • AngelicDevil80
    AngelicDevil80 Posts: 64 Member
    I have a very sensitive situation on my hands. An individual whom i dearly love has started making negative comments about every thing. If I say i like he says just the opposite. Now don't misunderstand me, I like enjoy a good spar every now and then and welcome anyones opinion. However, this person is deliberate (lately) in always being negative and having an opposite view of mine. Even when i know for a fact that his views were different just the day or two before.

    I've tried to explain that his negativity is causing me heartburn but he ignores my pleas. What I'm now finding myself doing is avoiding him and trying to find ways to NOT be around him.

    Anyone out there dealing with or have dealt with this type situation? And if so, how did you handle it.


    PS - I don't want to start binge eating again because of stress in my life.

    Im sorry to hear it. If he doesnt listen to you and is still acting that way hes got a problem. Get yourself away from him until he can act right! He is probably got an issue about himself and is trying to bring you down with him. Even if it wouldnt cause you to binge eat, its just not good to be around.

    Next time he says something tell him goodbye and why and then dont see or take his calls until he can act right.

    Me and my on off boyfriend(I dont know how else to define it) have been this way back and forth for like 5 yrs. Until 8 months ago we both did it but finally things changed(me in therapy and him just mellowed out) so we get along good and if I feel Im going to bring him down I just avoid him for a few days.

    We both have just walked away from each other during the bad times to take a break and it worked. I hope he gets his stuff together and stops. Or that you stay strong and stay away from the negitivity! :::hugs:::
  • SThayer
    SThayer Posts: 35 Member
    When people think less of themselves it comes out in their relationships with others, usually in their speech. I would be willing to bet that this person is dealing with something deep in themselves and yet unable to correct that problem up to now. If you add to that subconscious thought to the conscious thoughts about you improving your life and doing things that change your life for the better he may be struggling more than ever with his own need to change. The greatest comfort to those who need to change but won't are other people like them who won't change. Conversely, it may make someone who doesn't want to change very uncomfortable to see someone they know, who has struggled, succeed and change.
    Do not let this get you down my friend, keep on changing and you will drag the negative, nay-sayers out into the daylight with you where they must face themselves and by that time you will be happy with or without them. You go girl! :smile:

    Thanks for the support. I will continue to be me and hope that it rubs off. :blushing:
  • SThayer
    SThayer Posts: 35 Member
    I have a very sensitive situation on my hands. An individual whom i dearly love has started making negative comments about every thing. If I say i like he says just the opposite. Now don't misunderstand me, I like enjoy a good spar every now and then and welcome anyones opinion. However, this person is deliberate (lately) in always being negative and having an opposite view of mine. Even when i know for a fact that his views were different just the day or two before.

    I've tried to explain that his negativity is causing me heartburn but he ignores my pleas. What I'm now finding myself doing is avoiding him and trying to find ways to NOT be around him.

    Anyone out there dealing with or have dealt with this type situation? And if so, how did you handle it.


    PS - I don't want to start binge eating again because of stress in my life.

    Im sorry to hear it. If he doesnt listen to you and is still acting that way hes got a problem. Get yourself away from him until he can act right! He is probably got an issue about himself and is trying to bring you down with him. Even if it wouldnt cause you to binge eat, its just not good to be around.

    Next time he says something tell him goodbye and why and then dont see or take his calls until he can act right.

    Me and my on off boyfriend(I dont know how else to define it) have been this way back and forth for like 5 yrs. Until 8 months ago we both did it but finally things changed(me in therapy and him just mellowed out) so we get along good and if I feel Im going to bring him down I just avoid him for a few days.

    We both have just walked away from each other during the bad times to take a break and it worked. I hope he gets his stuff together and stops. Or that you stay strong and stay away from the negitivity! :::hugs:::

    Staying strong in Texas