SBF, Reboot Boogaloo...Jan 31

yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
edited September 23 in Fitness and Exercise

Had a lovely meal yesterday. Even had one of our fellow diners say "it's been one of my best food days". :happy: Alas, it's over - so no desserts for two weeks. There's going to be a special V-day menu with tea pairings (very nice for us teetotalers) at one of our favorite restaurants - and there will be a dessert worth eating!

We also had another day of perfect weather. In fact, our fellow dinners got a little sun burned, can you imagine?

Today: walk and yoga, run errands, and go to meditation.

One more warm day, boogaloo!


  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Sounds like you had a good weekend Mary. Steve got a little sunburned on Saturday as well. For years now he's been saying it's not possible to get sunburned in January/February and I've been telling him it is possible. Now he knows. :smile:
    V, how are you feeling? Better I hope!
    CP, WL, Mummsy, SMJ, come back and post! We miss you!

    I was reminded of a couple of things over the last 24 hours. One, I said I would get rid of my small clothes by July 1st if I haven't lost the weight by then. It made me sad. I like those clothes. I don't want to get rid of them, but I can't wear them either. Two, I was reminded this morning about Steve telling me a few months ago that when I lost weight I was carrying my 32 oz cup around all day and drinking from it constantly. So I got it out again today. Three years ago I did not go out almost everyday like I do now so it was easier to drink water. I don't drink as much now because I don't want to go to the bathroom 30 times while I'm out. But I will try it because I want the weight to come off. I didn't do so great on logging last week. I will try harder this week. I want to lose ten pounds this month. :wink: What I want and can have are two different things, but I can dream right?
    Goals today: drink lots of water, log food, intervals on the TM, push ups, sit ups, some light cleaning, school and decide whether to cancel horse riding tomorrow because of the weather. High of 35 which is in the morning at 9, dropping to 24 by 5pm, and freezing rain/sleet/snow all day tomorrow (starting around 3am). I kind of hope they call and cancel. I hate for him to miss a week but I do not know how to drive in that and it stresses me out.
    I have a question for you ladies. How do you clean house? Do you tackle it all in one day? Stay on top of it all week? Clean a room each day of the week? I know there are basics to be done everyday, like dishes. But what's your cleaning routine? I've tried all kinds of schedules and I'm trying to figure out what works best for me. It gets out of hand so easily, and I can't even blame it on Alex. :tongue:
    Just wondering boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Still sick, have a doctor's appointment later this afternoon.

    Not much else to report, except I'm cranky.

    Cranky, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    Hope all is well with everyone else. Be healthy for me.
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member
    Hey everybody! V, get well soon! MM, hooray for fingerprints! (I still don't understand how fingerprints expire - do they actually change over time?) And Mary, happy belated birthday! (I meant to tell you - the day you mentioned finding your first gray hair, I had just found the first on my hubby - though he said he had found one before that. I had found a couple on myself previously, so when I looked again - I found the same two. I found my first one the day that I had to defend my capstone for my master's degree - apropos, huh? :tongue:)

    I fell off my wagon in all sorts of ways last week, but particularly in terms of eating. Way too many donuts, I ate lunch at the computer every day, and snuck some peaks at FB on my BB during breakfast. So, trying to get back in gear. Regarding whehter I could work out during lunch... There's no gym in my building, and it's way too cold and slippery to do much in the way of outside exercise. I might be able to walk around the building, but it's all cubicles/office space so people might look at me funny. :ohwell: But, I did make it to the gym on Friday and today, walking on the treadmill. I am disappointed to say that even this meager amount of activity seems to be aggravating my ankle, but I intend to keep it up for at least a week or two before I make a determination. Something is better than nothing, right? I will also do push-ups or other strength work at home on days that I don't walk. This week may be interesting - they are predicting a foot of snow on Wednesday. I may just decide to work from home that day!

    MM, I'm terrible at cleaning. I am trying to get better. I am realizing that my house is full of stuff that isn't actually helping me in any way, and I have been putting off putting things in order for years. I actually did a lot of good work over the weekend - we are getting some additional insulation installed soon in our attic, so we had to bring a lot of things down that we had been storing up there. But my mother-in-law is coming this weekend, so I had to make room to store the stuff that came down from the attic (since we had piled it up in the guest room). I did a lot, but it made me realize how much more there is to do! So, to answer your question - I usually don't do much, and then I "crisis clean" whenever somebody's coming over. I am trying to be better about keeping things closer to clean in their usual state so that this doesn't take quite as long - so decluttering is a big part of that. We don't have a dishwasher, so I try to do those every night. Hubby (bless him) does the cat litter every day, and generally handles the kitchen (since he's the primary cook). Laundry happens whenever it needs to, but I'd like to get more routine about it. My parents got us a Roomba (!) for Christmas, so I've been running that every day or two. Non-critical snail mail gets sorted every couple weeks. In general, I am trying to reduce the amount of stuff that comes into the house! :happy:

    Speaking of which, I should put laundry in the dryer and find homes for some more boxes.

    De-clutter, boogaloo.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Snow! Alex will be so excited when he gets up in a few minutes! :happy: He kept asking yesterday when it was going to snow. I am going to try to get his reaction on video. Actually I think most of it is sleet, but it's white!

    Nothing really changes for me today, except more adult conversation since Steve is home from work for at least part of the day. I did not drink all my water yesterday so I will try to do that today and get back into that habit. I jogged a total of ten minutes yesterday so my endurance is coming back. I plan to walk on the TM again today, or maybe playing in the snow will be enough exercise. :happy: I did log all my food and wow, I was eating a lot! I didn't go over too much yesterday but it was hard not to eat more. A lot more. I don't know why I eat so much. But it was an eye opener and I needed that. So more logging today.
    CP, when I was pregnant with Alex I pulled my groin while bowling (I was 36 weeks along), and to this day if I stop exercising and then start again, it hurts. I have been dealing with that this week some. So maybe your ankle is the same way? I sure hope it gets better for you soon.
    V, how are you doing? Feeling any better?
    Mary, bike ride today?:wink: My mom said it's in the 30's down there. It's a wind chill of 1 right now. Brrr. It was 1 degree or less when we were in Russia but there wasn't any wind, so there's a difference in cold.

    Brrr boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Stay warm - everyone. I was thinking of you MM. It's just too cold for Texas. When was the last time you remember wind chills in the "negatives"? We aren't there, we might hit "0" tomorrow morning - just not right. I don't know what my bulbs and plants will do.

    I clean a little everyday. I do a load of laundry almost everyday; I don't let dishes sit in the sink at all. My house is very "picked up"; however, I hate dusting - so that happens biannually - it actually doesn't get that dusty in my house, so twice a year is ok. I vacuum and wash the floors (all pergo and tile) almost every week - I do the bathrooms at the same time. I'm not so good and cleaning showers - they get bleached when the weather is nice enough to open the windows, so they can get pretty disgusting during the summer.

    Hope your ankle gets better, CP. Hope you get better soon, V.

    Today: stay warm, walk, yoga.

    It's cold outside, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Stay warm, my Southern friends...

    The fever/chills were improved last night. I had an, um, incident at the doc yesterday in which I passed out for a few seconds when I combined the challenging bodily tasks of turning my head to look at something while dismounting from the exam table.

    I got a lot of bloodwork, and was told that the flu shot takes two weeks to take effect, so I may have caught it in the window. Now, it's just waiting. I feel weak and mopey, so boo to that. I am getting some brain work in (I get more feverish/loopy as the day progresses) first thing in the morning. He told me I "could very well be" contagious with "something". So, no real information. He actually listened to me (maybe I should just faint more):laugh:

    Also, my husband came home yesterday with my (extremely late due to our finances needing to get in order) Christmas present: an iPad. So, now I can do something while I rest.

    Weak like a little kitten, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Hey, V, even when you get better - no shoulderstand for you for sure. Also, no looking up when you are in standing poses like Triangle, ok?
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Get lots of rest V. So sorry you are so sick. :frown: It makes me sad. Nice Christmas present. :)
    Mary, I hate dusting too. I have little nicnacs on my bookshelves and I don't like having to move all of them, but our house does get dusty so I should dust once a week. It happens more like once every other month though.
    Thanks everyone for letting me in on how you clean. It's been motivating and helpful.

    Update: We stayed out in the cold for about 30 minutes this morning. I heard the wind chill was as low as -4 but hanging around 1 or 2. It wasn't quite as cold as Russia because our snot didn't freeze instantly in our nose like it did in Moscow. :laugh: That was a weird sensation. This year was quite different from last year. Alex did not want anything to do with the snow last year, and was quite mad at us for making him get out in it. This year he was ready and didn't hesitate to lay down and make a snow angel. We may get out in it again tomorrow. It's still snowing a little and the sun is out. We had thunder with the snow in the early morning hours. :huh: Anyway, enough with the weather update. :laugh: It's just so rare to get snow here! I got on the treadmill for 40 minutes. I had a really bad case of the don't wannas but I saw a friend post on FB that he worked out and was down ten pounds. I thought I should at least try. I will not be within my calories today because my food has been comfort/cold weather food and is not low cal. Next week should be different though. So getting on the TM was a victory for the day. I also have some cleaning to do so that will burn a few more cals.

  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    I would like to report that the sun is down, and I don't have a fever, so that's progress.:drinker:

    In other news, I have no appetite. My husband bribed me with a burger and fries. I ate some of it, logged all of it and I'm still crazy under and have been for days. I hope that tomorrow I can leave the house a little so real food purchasing and cooking can once again commence. I always have an appetite, so this is weird for me.

    New fridge is much quieter, although not much more energy efficient according to its tags. Let's just say that when it comes to my landlord, every expense is always spared.:tongue:

    I clean sporadically. I do have a weekly run the vacuum and dust /laundry ritual...but I really stink at deep cleaning. I try to do one job I hate (scrubbing the bathroom, really cleaning the kitchen counters and floors every week. I don't always get to them.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Hey, V, even when you get better - no shoulderstand for you for sure. Also, no looking up when you are in standing poses like Triangle, ok?

    OK, promise.
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Sooo, anyone got some ideas about frozen pipes? The cold water in our shower doesn't work this morning. Everything else is fine - including the pipes in the garage :huh: There is a pipe that is on the opposite side of the shower that is outdoor. I wrapped it twice, but it's kinda funky, still, seems strange.

    It's 18 degrees, with a windchill of 4. That's so wrong. I remember as a kid, looking forward to driving by the bank on cold days to see if the centigrade was a negative (and getting excited when it was). I don't ever remember a negative 8. Maybe we stayed at home those days. :tongue:

    So today is double yoga. Maybe a walk to keep warm. I'm also making muffins and soup today.

    Brrr, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Sooo, anyone got some ideas about frozen pipes? The cold water in our shower doesn't work this morning. Everything else is fine - including the pipes in the garage :huh: There is a pipe that is on the opposite side of the shower that is outdoor. I wrapped it twice, but it's kinda funky, still, seems strange.

    It's 18 degrees, with a windchill of 4. That's so wrong. I remember as a kid, looking forward to driving by the bank on cold days to see if the centigrade was a negative (and getting excited when it was). I don't ever remember a negative 8. Maybe we stayed at home those days. :tongue:

    So today is double yoga. Maybe a walk to keep warm. I'm also making muffins and soup today.

    Brrr, boogaloo.

    Blowdrier to the outdoor pipe? Leave the water dripping in the non-working faucet? and, I'm out.

    We were forecast for a "Yikes! Scary snowstorm" and I am completely not impressed. Maybe it will still pick up. I was looking forward to the entertainment of watching it from the window. 18 degrees here, too. The world is upside down!

    Fever seems to be gone, but the night sweats were still there, so who knows? Also, my temperature is now below normal. I actually clocked in at 96 something earlier. What?

    I feel more energetic today, so that's all I'm focusing on.

    More energetic, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    I think it's normal to have a below average temp after a fever, V.

    Also, to let you guys know how non-girly I am - I don't own a hair dryer :laugh:

    Oops, I found one. I think it was from when my husband had hair - about 13 years ago.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member

    Also, to let you guys know how non-girly I am - I don't own a hair dryer :laugh:

    I only own one because I live in a climate in which wet hair would freeze stiff.:wink: I am the queen of the following glamorous hair styles: the wet bun and the wet braid and the wet french twist.:tongue:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Ha ha, V! I do that with my hair too. I don't like to use my dryer but I do when necessary.
    Mary I don't know about the pipes. Our shower was dripping this morning and neither of us turned it on. We left our faucets dripping though.
    So it 14* and feels like -4. We've been without power since 6am at least. Our Swiss cheese house has brought it down to about 56 in here. The roads are solid ice. Have I mentioned how much I don't like winter? People are posting on FB about the blackouts and I reply with my story in hopes of getting them to be thankful that theirs was only off for 20 minutes. :) We have a fireplace but no wood. Thinking about chopping down that tree we love so much. :P We may try to go somewhere to find wood and food for lunch. We may walk. Lol. And for exercise I may run up and down the stairs for warmth. :) push ups too. Stay warm my friends!
    Wishing I'd flown South(er) for the winter boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    You may have a complete outage MM. Our outages were only supposed to be 40 minutes. You may need to called the company.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    We definitely have an outage. I've called the number twice and they say they are working on it. They usually give a time when it will be back up... No time was given. That's not a good sign. It's down to 53 in the house now, but steve did finally get a fire going. He had to go out twice to get fire wood and lunch. He said he appreciates antilock brakes now.
    I am sure I will walk the stairs this afternoon a lot to keep warm. I am dreaming of warm summer days. Lol

  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    We have power! It was off about twelve hours and it got down to 51 in the house. So thankful for electric heat! Steve never really did get the fire going. It would burn a few minutes and then go out. He worked on it for five hours. He finally got it going just as the heater came back on. :laugh:
    I did walk up the stairs for a total of ten minutes. Not long so I guess that means I'm in bad shape. I think I should add that into my work out routine. I should clean house now. I want to warm up a little more first. I shut down when it's cold. I think I was suppose to be a bear. :wink:
    V, I hope you are doing better this afternoon.
    Mary, are you staying warm? Did they finally quit the blackouts?

    So thankful for warmth!
  • cp005e
    cp005e Posts: 1,495 Member

    Also, to let you guys know how non-girly I am - I don't own a hair dryer :laugh:

    I only own one because I live in a climate in which wet hair would freeze stiff.:wink: I am the queen of the following glamorous hair styles: the wet bun and the wet braid and the wet french twist.:tongue:

    I only bought one a couple years ago so I could put that saran-wrap-style weather stripping on our windows. :laugh: My hair freezes all the time.
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    CP, you're funny. :happy:

    Whew! Glad yesterday is over and we still have heat! Steve had to go out on a job last night for the Stockyard hotel downtown. The super bowl is here this weekend and their server crashed. They were/are in desperate need of help. I was pretty irritated about it but he made it there and back last night and back to work this morning. We heard on the news that the rolling black outs were effecting everyone in the state except the stadium because of the super bowl. Nice to see we have our priorities straight. :huh: We are probably not going anywhere Sunday after church. I think on Tuesday they said there was already an extra 50,000 people in Fort Worth. :noway:
    Anyway, yesterday was about survival :tongue: and today is about getting back to healthy foods and exercise. We are suppose to have dinner with a couple from church tonight, but I'm not sure if that's going to happen with the ice. My goals today: drink water, get house cleaned up, make grocery list, school, intervals on the TM, push ups/situps, and log food. That makes me tired just thinking about it. :wink:
    So thankful for heat boogaloo!
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