SBF, Reboot Boogaloo...Jan 31



  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Yeah, we had the brownouts too. Though my house didn't have any, and I'm not even going to watch the superbowl. But I'm confused, why not take the power down in the stadium - the superbowl isn't until Sunday.
    Oh, I hope you don't go stir crazy MM. I heard from my mother-in-law that you guys won't get out of this until Saturday. We might have snow tonight, but everything should clear by Saturday (hopefully, I'm driving to San Antonio). Saw on the weather "Hard Freeze Warning" - a little late, don't you think?

    I had frozen hair for a two years in Virginia when I went to school there - I was fascinated - I remember getting to class and "breaking" my hair.

    I think my weight is creeping back a little. I think I need to be more mindful of what I eat. The plan is to lose 10 lbs this year. New Rule: no more standing up and eating, if I want those few almonds, I need to sit down and eat them.

    Today: walking and some yoga tonight.

    Freezing hair, boogaloo.
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Cautiously optimistic that I feel better/closer to normal. I had a deep desire to go to my (crazy hard like sprint training) Zumba class this a.m., but didn't. I will settle for grocery shopping today. There's a new "ballet bootcamp" workout at my gym on Friday, so I'm making that my "experiment with working out" goal. I'm officially bored/guilty with all this resting.

    Spent the first hour of my working today trying to recover a file I didn't save (or saved over or something) yesterday. Finally found it, but discovered that I thought I had a back up "time machine" configured and I don't. Um, Yikes! So, an external hard drive is on my shopping list. It's amazing how valuable a page (that was yesterday's two hours worth of work's actual "production" due to a bunch of research involved) becomes. I do have an online emergency back up at backblaze, but I need something up in here, too.

    Also, I am oficially jealous that Texas has more snow than we do. The big snowstorm woosed out by the time it got here. I miss storms. (I'm a weirdo.)

    Approaching normal, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Boy am I glad I overstocked on groceries last week! We got more snow last night. 1-2 inches or so. Everything is covered in fresh snow and it looks beautiful. DH is not happy though because he and his co workers were told not to go to work since there were already 70 accidents in FW this morning, but two of the employees are going in which means it hurts anyone's chances of getting the bosses to pay them to stay home. I told Steve he could go but he better not expect me to be here when he gets home. Like I'm going anywhere! :laugh:
    Mary did you get snow?
    V, I'm sure there are thousands of people who would be glad to send this snow north. Hope you get a good storm soon. :wink:

    I drank all my water yesterday! That's a small victory for me. I'm going to try for two days in a row. I also did intervals on the TM for 45 minutes. When I stopped I felt I could have done more and was disappointed in myself. Maybe I will try for an hour tomorrow if I am not too sore.
    I'm not sure what I am doing today, except playing in the snow. :happy: I am going to clean up the house a little more, try to talk hubby into making a fire (maybe this evening), and a work out of some kind. It will either be a walk on the TM, 30 Day Shred, or Taebo. I am still eating too much I think but I am hungrier more often and I can tell my energy level is up some. Seems I am sleeping better too but that may be because it's cold. I sleep better when it's really cold.

    Snowman boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    Morning pebbs,

    I am excited because I'm going to try to go workout today. We'll see how I fare. It's a new class, pretty much no idea what to expect.

    Other than that, there's some cooking/storing leftovers that I'm planning on doing, and maybe a trip to the tea store.

    Got my brain work in this morning. Even with taking frequent breaks, this is hard on my neck. I'm a croucher, I guess.

    Hope ya'll get dug out from under your snow soon. Be safe.

    Crouching tiger, hidden boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Crouching tiger, hidden boogaloo.:flowerforyou:

    We got about 1/2 inch, but it's on top of some ice, so I'm not going anywhere today. I was kinda wishing for a snow day to catch up one stuff. All should be gone tomorrow (high of 56) and the sun is already out today. I'm not going to work (yoga). The message on the machine said they weren't opening until at least 10 (which is the time of my class), but the way to work is fairly treacherous and ends with a very steep driveway. Charlie has off today too.

    The plan: walk, lunch, chores, make bread?, long yoga session, dinner, watch movie :bigsmile:

    Snow day, boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Found this special occasion cake for my gluten free pebbs:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    That cake looks good Mary! Thanks for posting. I am going to have to try it soon.

    Wow! I had SOO much fun sledding with the guys this morning! We took a recycle bin lid, put holes in it, put rope through the holes and went sledding on that. Made me feel like a kid again! It was great! I laughed and laughed. I haven't had that much fun in awhile. Alex was really enjoying it this year so that made it more fun. I'm going to post videos and pics on FB later. And it is still snowing! It's pretty awesome. I love snow days!....When it's above 20* anyway. :wink:
    I think that was most of my exercise for the day. It wore me out. What a great way to burn calories! Steve is going to take me to the store as soon as I get a list made. The roads seem a bit slushy so now's the time to go. It's still about 25* and things are starting to thaw. We were suppose to get our state fingerprints redone today but they canceled on us. So that is rescheduled for Tuesday. I think that is the last thing we have to get done for the adoption for now.
    Just ten more days boogaloo!
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Off to SA today. Perfect amount of snow and ice yesterday - enough to cancel work and small enough to mostly melt off by 4pm or so. Roads look clear this morning - and it's already 32 degrees, yeah!

    Got in a great yoga session in yesterday. Did all the standing poses on my syllabus for 80 seconds each (except warrior 3, something going on in the hip, couldn't figure it out). I'm working towards 2 minutes each.

    I have to present my paper today. I need to get ready for that before I leave. I just need a list of everything I'm teaching, so it's not a huge deal.

    Warming, boogaloo!
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    Have a great day Mary!

    Today will be a fun day. Steve sold our iPhones on ebay yesterday and got enough money to upgrade to the iPhone 4. :happy: I didn't really *need* an upgrade. I like my 3GS but who will turn down an upgrade that is already paid for by the old one? So we are going phone shopping today.
    I got my Foreman grill yesterday and love it! Used it for dinner last night and for waffles this morning! Now I will need to work out today because I had a high calorie breakfast.
    The plan today is to do intervals on the TM, push ups and situps. I also have to do some cleaning up and laundry. The lady in charge of the children's ministry at church put Steve and I teaching together in the 4-6 year old class, starting tomorrow. I am nervous but hopeful that things will go better for me than they did in the nursery. I am too nervous to do the class myself but maybe at some point I will feel confident enough so Steve won't have to do it too. My point to that is that we have to study for that today as well.

    Getting a move on boogaloo!
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    The apple bug is contagious. :wink: We get to upgrade with our phone plans on the guess what we're getting for Valentine's?

    This morning I was inspired to clean my closet (there was an issue with a clothing storage solution I hated but my cat loved. He loved to sleep in it, thereby getting cat hair all over all of the clothing that was stored in it. So, that came out as did a bag full of clothes I don't love/don't fit well and purses I have sort of replaced/don't carry. Before I moved here, I owned 60 purses and over a hundred pairs of shoes. I'm not kidding. I counted and I now own ten purses and (including specialized dance/workout/spinning/vibrams shoes) twenty pairs of shoes. (I have an affinity for colorful sneakers to combat my jeans/black t-shirt/some sort of grey or black cardigan uniform) Still seems like a lot. I'm trying to be a minimalist, but I kind of stink at it. This morning I took a good, long look at a bookshelf with the command "anything that the internet has replaced has got to go. The shelf, which was full, is down to three books. I'm going hard-core. There are a lot of books I really do need/sheet music we need professionally, so even my version of minimalist books is going to be plenty come moving time.

    No workouts today. I have a massage, followed by an acupuncture appointment, followed by collapsing as if I have no bones. Tomorrow, it's back to Zumba. Fingers crossed.

    Hard-core attempted minimalism, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    V- I heard on "Wait wait don't tell me" something about a toilet being a tourist destination in TO- please splain
  • yoginimary
    yoginimary Posts: 6,788 Member
    Woke up early today. The autocorrect must know it's Sunday - It changed today to tpray.

    I'm going downstairs soon to go to the gym to walk. Then it's class until 3 pm. Another walk this evening. I do the least amount of yoga on days I go to yoga school.

    School, boogaloo
  • lotusfromthemud
    lotusfromthemud Posts: 5,335 Member
    V- I heard on "Wait wait don't tell me" something about a toilet being a tourist destination in TO- please splain

    Apparently, in some high-tourist areas, we've installed some "self-cleaning public toilets" that are pretty interesting...I've yet to come across one.

    I was planning on Zumba, but I just got super-woozy while cleaning the kitchen, so I might have one more rest day. Also, I'm having people over and have been cleaning all a.m., that may have used my energy up. I'm still pretty shakey on my feet sometimes. I'm trying to find a balance between pushing and not pushing. What a challenge that is. I hate rest days, and I hate not working out for so many reasons. My Chinese Traditional Medicine lady said yesterday: "if you want the body to heal, you must rest. Rest is when the body heals." So hard to rest.

    Rest = healing, boogaloo.:flowerforyou:
  • mechanicmom
    mechanicmom Posts: 5,699 Member
    V, get some rest today so you can be ready to go again this week. :flowerforyou:
    Mary, hope your school is going well this weekend.

    I need to vent. We got some more bad news this morning about the adoption. I'm getting really sick of the drama. Dr. Phil had a show last week or something about parents abusing their children. A woman went on the show who had been charged with abusing her adopted Russian son. She gave them a video that she voluntarily taped of herself abusing the child! Are you freaking kidding me?! :explode: This is bad in itself because it could shut down adoptions altogether. But what's really bad is that our agency was the one they used 2 years ago to adopt this boy. It could shut our agency down. It's just not good any way you look at it. I know God has a plan and this is in it. It's not a surprise to Him. Just a surprise to me. Why in the world would you put yourself and your child abusing ways on national TV? It's just stupid.
    Okay. I'm done. On a different note I am loving my new phone. V, the screen is so clear! It's fast too. I ordered a case for it with a tiger on it. I love tigers.
    I did not work out yesterday. I was having stomach trouble again. I don't know what's going on with my body but it hasn't been happy for 3 months. I may get on the TM this afternoon to work off my stress and sorrow. I wish I wasn't so thrown around in my eating and motivation by my feelings. I wish I didn't let them control me so much.

    Heart hurts boogaloo.
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