SAHM 1/31 to 2/6



  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Aj~great job on preplanning. I have not gotten into that one yet but it would be good!

    Katie~not puking is always a good thing. My baby got the stomach flu that the 2 others had and he was puking/runnies out the other end=not a good day on stress. :laugh: So far he has not puked but we shall see. Way to go on the loss.

    Barb~glad to hear she is doing well.

    Nicole~I will keep my fingers crossed with you. First day is done and if everyday that he is gone is like that one then I am going to be a mess by the end of the week. :tongue: The kids were lil savages yesterday. :laugh: Plus the baby was throwing up and coming out the diaper with other stuff. :laugh: I ended up calling up some Elders in my church to come give the baby a blessing and myself one for comfort. I am feeling much better now I hope that I can cope with whatever comes my way.

    Workout buddy is here got to go! I will check back in later.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Katie, I was up .4 lbs. this morning -- I think you gave yours to me. :laugh: Go you!

    Barb, good to hear that your mom can come home soon. I hope your leg feels better.

    Nicole, take care of yourself and the kiddo. I hope it doesn't spread around the family.

    KatieM, awesome that you have a workout buddy! Have fun.

    The menu planning seems to be working pretty well, so far. I like that since I planned lower-cal stuff instead of just grabbing whatever I found, I could eat a larger breakfast and have a decent morning snack. However, I don't know if I can finish said snack -- I'm almost full! :laugh: But that's a good thing. I've been struggling with hunger. Real, stomach-growling, shaky hands hunger. Maybe if I continue to plan ahead, I can keep that at bay. It also helps that I'm drinking water with lemon juice now for most of the day so I'm not drinking so many of my calories.

    I'm up nearly half a pound today, but my period is going to start any minute now, and I had a crappy week last week. I'll do better this week. :)
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Aj~glad to hear that you are having an easier time with the food/hunger/water.

    I was going to say earlier that I just didn't have any motivation to do exercise and was not wanting to do it. Well my workout buddy is very unpredictable so I was thinking "oh she won't come today and I can get out of doing exercise for the day especially after my day yesterday." Well she showed up :laugh: Can we say perfect timing?! I feel so much better having done my exercise and today was one of those very HIGH calorie burn days. Let's just hope I make it through cleaning the school. :laugh: Of course I then have another cleaning job after the school. So tonight I really need to get to bed early. I am sure I will be exhausted. Got to go get ready for the day.
  • Jtberry
    I am a SAHM to 3 (ages 11-4) I love being a SAHM. I am really trying to loose weigh because knowing my family history, if I don't do something I will have some serious health issues and I want to be around for my kids. I just started and I weigh 240 and I want to loose 100lbs. So I would love any kind of support I can get.
  • Amysfashn
    I am a SAHM of 6 but now one is off to the Navy so only 5 at home now (sniff). My son is 5, daughters 12,13,14 and 16 (can you say drama?lol) and my oldest son is 18 and in the Navy and in Florida. I am a SAHM but also do direct sales from home on the side to keep me sane.
    My start weight was 221.6 and am now down to 213 in 4 weeks. Slow and steady wins the race, I hope :-) My biggest challenge is "reward eating" after taking care of the kids and shuttling them everywhere I find it hard not to "reward" myself with a treat. I have been doing really good lately by trying to find other rewards but you know that goes sometimes.
    I look forward to chatting with you all :-)
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome JT and Amy!

    As far as "reward" eating -- I totally reward myself with food. I exercise enough to earn myself a snack, and make it one that I love. An apple with cream cheese is my new fave, but sometimes I eat other things for my snack. I guess I don't see it as a horrible thing to reward yourself with food, as long as it's a healthy food and not junk. :)
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    katiem--i did my workout this am.

    i think i have a good/do-able plan for the rest of the week.
    how is your day? do you have a workout plan?
    i know you've exceeded your goals before--so continue that??

    i forgot that your dh is away--hangin in there??

    goals for me--drink 40 oz per day.
    no cookies/brownies/baked yummies
    exercise 5x

    my monthly goal is to get to 140. realistically, 144. i always start the month strong and then struggle mid month and spend the end fixing the mistakes.:grumble: i would like to break that pattern. :drinker:
  • leighllf
    Hello Ladies!

    I am new to MFP and also a SAHM. I have two boys 6 1/2 an 18 months. They are great boys but I am deciding that now is the time to take care of ME. I started tracking calories on Jan 17, 2011 and started working out on a regular basis the first of the year. We got a Wii Fit Plus and it has been fun.

    I enjoy Zumba at the gym and just got the Wii game. I am alternating Zumba with the C25k program. I am planning to do week 4 run 2 today.

    Please feel free to friend me; I need all the motivation I can get. Some days, ALL I want to do is EAT!!

    Quick Question: How do I enter my signature with goals and such? How do I add my ticker? I cant seem to find it. THKS!

  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome all newcomers! Chime in when you want.

    Stacey~Way to go on the exercise. It is always a good idea to have a do-able plan. My workout plan is M cardio party (done) T turbo sculpt & ab jam (done) W 20 min Th cardio party F turbo sculpt & ab jam. I am trying to stick in there. This morning I really would have schived on it if the workout buddy had not shown up. That being from all the stress yesterday and I was so very tired from my body not being used to cleaning like that. :laugh: I am really glad that she came though I feel so much better. Today is so far going much better than yesterday but we shall see how the day ends. Last night is when I just got so overwhelmed that I cracked. :tongue: Today is a new day & I am hoping for the best. How is your day going?

    Well got to go I need to get ds1 scout shirt ready for him so that he has it while I am cleaning the school.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    welcome leigh, jt, amy and other ladies! this is a GREAT group. we totally get the unpredictability of motherhood and fitness
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Stacey, those sound like great goals, and totally doable. I'm a big proponent of Post-It notes, so if you need reminders to drink your water or whatever, I suggest that you put a Post-It up! I like the pretty ones with the super-sticky adhesive. The butterflies are my faves. :)

    Welcome Leigh! How do you like the Wii Zumba? I *almost* picked it up on Sunday, but I opted for the EA Active 2 instead. I'm thinking about asking for it for my birthday though.

    KatieM, I'm glad your partner showed up today then! That's great that she was there to motivate you. :)

    I did another workout this afternoon -- I posted on my blog that I'm a little worried about the workouts. I really enjoy it and look forward to it every day, but I'm worried that my enthusiasm is going to fall off as time goes on. I reeeeally need to continue doing at least 30 minutes every day, because it helps my depression and energy level so much, and I'm just nervous that I'll burn out like I've done so many times in the past. It feels different this time, but still, I don't have a good track record. Ugh. Oh well. Maybe I'll have to put up some Post-Its of my own to keep me going. :)
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    I'm a SAHM of 5 kids ages: Girl (8), Girl (5), Boy (5), Boy (2), and Boy (2). My life is pretty crazy. :laugh: I have trouble finding time to workout, but I do what I can. When I started MFP, I had 51 pounds to lose to reach my goal weight. :ohwell: But I had my first weigh-in and I've lost quite a bit so far just through watching what I eat and not snacking on my favorite goodies. :happy: I'm looking forward to losing more weight and hopefully be able to get back much of my figure by my 30th birthday!:wink:
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member

    Sad on what gets me excited. :huh:

    Well looks like the weather kept alot of us in today. Did get out to the library for 2 story times. Lots of runny nosed kids, so we'll see if we brought it home. :sick:

    No exercise today, got some other stuff done. Double time tomorrow.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome ajl! You do have your hands full. :) You've made awesome progress to start! Go you!

    DJ, that dinner sounds awesome. I get so excited for dinner these days too.

    The cold I had last week turned into a sinus infection, since I didn't take care of it the way I should have. I've been having sinus issues all my life, you'd think I'd have learned my lesson by now, but noooooooo. I have to be a brat about it and wait until it gets horrendously bad before I'll deal with it. Blah. Neti pot to the rescue! I didn't sleep well because I couldn't breathe, and I'm kind of being meh about working out today, but I'm going to do it anyway so the lady in the EA game won't yell at me. :laugh: I don't take kindly to criticism, even if it is from a pixel person. :tongue: C has a late start to school today due to the low temps, so we're having a slow morning. I really need to get off my rear and get some breakfast though. I'm going to be starving if I don't. Have a great day everyone, and stay warm!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Welcome Ajl!

    Well yesterday was a very CRAZY day for me. It is early out this week due to SEP Conferences. So had to pick kids up early get them to babysitter get to the school to clean, go pick them up to bring them home to meet another babysitter here so I could go clean a person's house for some extra $, then go pick up a friend from work by the time I got home it was 11:40 pm!:tongue: Can we say tired??? My furnace isn't keeping my house warm like it should so I was trying to figure out the problem and by the time I got into bed it was well after 12! I go to climb in bed and find the baby in my bed (babysitter put him down there because in my crazy schedule I forgot to clean up the puke in his bed :tongue: ) So I had the baby sleeping with my all night which = not very good sleep! Okay rant over sorry just had to get that off my chest. This time away from hubby sure makes me appreciate him that much more. Thursday night can't come quick enough!:laugh:

    Hope you all are having a great week!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    I just found this group today, you all seem very supportive of each other and seem to understand all the crazy trials of being moms! I am a 39 yr. old SAHM to 4 children. My oldest daughter is 15, my only son 13, daughter almost 4 and yet another daughter that is 2. I started MFP 3 weeks ago and have lost just over 2 lbs. of the 20 that are getting the boot! I turn 40 in September and each year it gets just a little harder to get rid of the extra weight. I'd like to turn 40 and be fabulous!

    On the trials of motherhood, I have non-sleepers in my house. What I mean by that is my almost 4 yr. old doesn't nap, my 2 yr. old can only sleep for an hour and never past 3:00 in the afternoon. Even then she frequently is up between 1:30-3:00 am and will stay up for 3-4 hours then sleep again but only until 8. Sleep deprivation runs rampant here!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    ((((katiem)))) you have packed a tremendous amt of work into one day. maybe today you and the kids can cruise--watch movies, eat popcorn, build a fort, play "ha", etc. in any case, thinking thoughts of perseverance for you. can you find time to pray or get another blessing? ((hugs))

    welcome ajl!

    i can't believe how many BIG families are out there. i consider anything more than 3 big, but i know 4 kids is pretty common. kudos to you women for taking time to focus on you!

    i did NOT eat cookies/brownies/chocolate yesterday!!
    have not worked out yet. schedule changed and we are going to look at houses this am. yay!

    better get the laundry going. it's piling up....
    have a great day!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    oh! welcome holly! (btw that is my oldest girl's name!)
    you and i are the same age--i turn 40 on Sept 4 and my dh does on sept 24. and i have 20# to lose too.
    so here's to reaching our goals!!
  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Stacey-Holly is certainly not a common name I've known about a handful of Holly's my entire life, none with the same middle name. My parent's decided (my dad rather he changed my name at the last minute) that Holly Jo was appropriate. My family still calls me that on occasion. I turn 40 on Sept. 8. My husband, Brett, turned 40 last year, we were kind to him so we'll see what I get! HA
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Thank you Stacey! I needed the reminder to pray.:flowerforyou: Today I plan on relaxing on the couch while they watch tv. I know it's not good for them but today I just need it. But I can't relax all day got to go clean the school again tonight but I am going in 2 hours later than I have been so that should give me a little bit more time to be able to rest. Then I am going to come home and get kids to bed and then off to bed so I can go to bed early too. Way to go on staying away from those evil cookies. :happy: good luck on the laundry. I really need to do some too just don't have the energy for it.

    Holly welcome!