SAHM 1/31 to 2/6



  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member

    I'm going to try something new this week and see what my body likes it. I've been at just shy of 1400 calories with 5 workouts a week. Now (due to needing to get stuff done) going down to 4 workouts a week. 3 really good burn days and 1 nap time workout day. I also think I'm going to take calories down to 1200, at least on the off workout days. Will probably kick cals up to on my workout days. All I know is vacation is April, and I would LOVE :smooched: to be at my first goal weight ( 9lbs away) or at least close to. I spent all month working back the last 2 lbs lost so time to get it together!

    So it looks like my vacation might end up being a month earlier!!!:drinker: So excited!!! UNTIL :indifferent: Now I only have a month or so to meet my first goal weight! I'm sitting at 151.8 and want to be at 143....If not 143 at least being in the 140's and being able to eat more than "healthy food" on vacation, and still coming back in the 140's. Any ideas on how to do a good body shock with the responsibilities I have as a wife and mother?
  • ajl2
    ajl2 Posts: 40 Member
    ((((katiem)))) you have packed a tremendous amt of work into one day. maybe today you and the kids can cruise--watch movies, eat popcorn, build a fort, play "ha", etc. in any case, thinking thoughts of perseverance for you. can you find time to pray or get another blessing? ((hugs))

    welcome ajl!

    i can't believe how many BIG families are out there. i consider anything more than 3 big, but i know 4 kids is pretty common. kudos to you women for taking time to focus on you!

    i did NOT eat cookies/brownies/chocolate yesterday!!
    have not worked out yet. schedule changed and we are going to look at houses this am. yay!

    better get the laundry going. it's piling up....
    have a great day!

    Five kids seems pretty small to me.:smile: But then again, of course it feels small to me since I come from a family with 11 kids (all of them with the same parents). And my hubby comes from a family with 8 kids. :wink:
  • WildcatMom82
    WildcatMom82 Posts: 564 Member

    Sad on what gets me excited. :huh:

    Well looks like the weather kept alot of us in today. Did get out to the library for 2 story times. Lots of runny nosed kids, so we'll see if we brought it home. :sick:

    No exercise today, got some other stuff done. Double time tomorrow.
    We had chicken and sweet potato fries....I'd been so looking forward to the sweet potato that I ate them even though I burned them big time. Too much oil!

    I just went over my calories for the day at 12:30 AM. Baby was sleeping restless and the 2nd time she woke she didn't go back to sleep (after a poop - what 9 month old poops in the middle of the night??) I was starving and needed SOMEthing!! I'm feeling really blah this week. I'm tired and starving and my daughter is nursing way more than usual, I think it may be a growth spurt. And I think I'm PMSing. Overall not in the best of moods! Plus my knees have started hurting when I run this week and I've always done way more with no pain at all. It makes me sad.
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Welcome Holly! :)

    KatieM, slow down, lady! :) That's an awful lot for one day. I hope you can take it a little easier today.

    Stacey, go you! Those cookies don't have any power over you. You're in charge. :)

    DJ, yay for vacation! I don't have any tips on the "body shock"... not even sure what that means. Good luck to you!

    Wildcat, I hope you can get some rest today. It does sound like she's having a growth spurt. Take care of your knees, and if you're hungry, try to find something low-cal and filling like an apple that won't make you feel bad. Do you log your breastfeeding calories to give yourself the extra breathing room that you need?

    Aunt Flow showed up yesterday as expected, and I realized that I didn't have any PMDD symptoms this month. I attribute it to the better diet -- I feel like I have more energy overall, and I think it helped me cope better with the hormones. I was still a little run-down and crabby, but not out of control. That's HUGE. Today we're not going anywhere -- killer windchill still, and I'm not in the mood to freeze to death. I think we'll super-clean the house. I always feel like I'm nesting during this time of the month. :laugh: The kids probably won't want to clean, but they can play in the playroom downstairs. Have a great day everyone! Stay warm!
  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Wildcat~It is always hard when they go through growth spurts because I feel like they are always wanting to eat but nursing is so rewarding for mom and baby. Hope that you can sneak in a nap or something.

    Aj~Wish I could slow down but can't the hubby is still out of town and I have to meet my obligations. He is suppose to be coming home tonight. I say suppose to because he was telling me last night that flights have been being canceled. I am praying that his doesn't and that his flight arrives @ 11:45 pm or earlier!:happy:

    Stacey~FYI not going to be doing an official exercise today due to the cleaning at the school and exercise has been wearing me out so I am taking break today and see if I am feeling up to it tomorrow. Plus I need to use that time to clean up a bit at home so it is not a complete disaster when the hubby comes home.

    Yesterday was a lot less stressful than Tuesday and Monday but I am afraid that today is going to be another day that is stressful. We have SEP conferences for all 4 of the kids in school and I am going by myself which is always fun (I did get a babysitter for the 3 youngest though so I only have the 4 to take care of). After their SEP's I have to take them all over to my friends so I can go clean the school, then come home put them to bed and if all goes planned pick up the hubby at 11:45 tonight. Hope you all have a wonderful day.
  • DJJW
    DJJW Posts: 519 Member
    Good morning all! So 3 days into my "new" workout and exercise plan. Lost .4 lbs 2 days in a row! So no complaints here. Been choosing what I'm eating better. Keeping hands busy doing something other than snacking at "quiet time". Hubby is home today so no working out today. Would like to go for a walk. It's absolutely gorgeous outside.....but -8. I guess I'll admire it from the window!
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    just a quickie

    resisted the choc chips last night but ate fruit loops. still feel better b/c the chips wd've been fat and calories fast!

    we found a house! and put in an offer! so we'll see what they come back with. exciting! we won't close on it till late march and then slowly move our stuff over. we have this house thru may. anyway, just so giddy--and on pins and needles--and wanted to share!

    nicole--are you still out there??? just missin' your posts. how is henny?

    katie--good luck with all you need to get done--incl taking care of the sickie. hope dh comes home on time. :)

    gotta go--
  • katapple
    katapple Posts: 1,108 Member
    Ugh!! I am so lost without power and internet!! LOL Dang ice storm, at least we had a generator and could use a few things, and our fireplace kept us nice and toasty :) I ate really bad, but what can you do when you have no means to cook anything? I can only handle so many apples ;-P

    Stacey ~ Congrats on the house!! So excited for you! My parents are leaving Vegas today, they enjoyed the break from the frigid below zero temps of ND LOL

    Welcome the new girls!

    Gotta go take a shower and hit the hooked into the Sookie Stackhouse novels so now I need more :)
  • nicolee516
    nicolee516 Posts: 1,862 Member
    Morning everyone! Thanks for thinking of me Stacey! Yesterday I was too busy trying to burn the house down by setting things on fire in the toaster oven. :noway: :laugh: I had to use the fire extinguisher and MAN do they make a mess! It's an under the counter model, so when I used it it went in the cabinets so I had to wash all of the dishes and glasses...ugh!

    Stacey- YAY on the new house! That is very exciting!

    AJ- That is awesome that your better eating habits are helping with Aunt Flow. I think that is so great that you are aware of how your body is reacting!

    Katie- How are you surviving the ice?

    KatieM- How are surviving with no hubby? He come home tonight right? None too soon I am sure!

    Welcome Holly!!!!!

    Djj- Keep up the great work! :flowerforyou:
  • Amysfashn
    OK so give me some tips on how to fit exercise in...I am doing really well at planning out my meals but it seems like I never have time to do exercise. It is not my favorite thing I will admit that, I don't want to spend the cash on a gym membership (been there done that).
    So I have 5 kids at home:
    5 yo boy
    12,13,14 and 16 yo girls
    We have basketball 2 days a week, soccer 2 days a week, tennis 2 days plus there's the never ending "can we go to the mall?" or "can we stay after school" so I am CONSTANTLY running everywhere. My hubby work 12 hour days so it's me for getting kids places most of the time. My 5 yo is in preschool 3 days a week too...not to mention oh I don't know...the LAUNDRY, dishes and all that other the time it is all done I am TIRED :-)

  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Everyone, thanks for all the welcomes! Today was the first day (in 5 days) that we have left the house. We had ice then snow and more snow. I dug my car out yesterday so hopefully the sun can melt the layer of ice on the driveway. It felt nice to get into the gym and move! Then I took my little girls, Lucy (almost 4) and Julia (2) to play in the pool, they needed to get out some energy! Lunch time here, I'd better go they are hungry and Julia is tired.

    Stacey-Congrats on finding a new house, I hope everything works out for you! How exciting.

    Katie-Sorry to hear you are without power, that storm was a nasty one. It is hard to eat well when you can't prepare anything :(

    DJJW- It looks gorgeous at my house too but is was -3 when I left for the gym (first time in 5 days stupid snow) it's now a balmy 18! I am so ready for spring..

    KatieM-You sound like a very busy woman! I hope your day goes smoothly with all you have to do.

    Nicolee-Burning down the house via toaster oven sounds most unpleasant and smelly! At least you had the fire extinguisher handy to use.

  • hollyb9871
    hollyb9871 Posts: 401 Member
    Use the preschool time as your exercise time. Yes there is always laundry and cleaning to do but if you don't take care of you no one else will. You have children who are old enough to help out some as well. Committing some time that is just 'your time' even if it's only an hour on preschool days will help you feel better emotionally and physically you'll feel better and you will have more energy. I used to not like exercise either but once you start doing and get your routine going you find that you actually need it for your mental stability, at least I do anyway. My family joined the YMCA close to us, they have a care room for the children so I drop them off for an hour or so then when I 'm done we go play in the pool together so it's a little something for everyone. A family membership is not much more than what you would pay for a gym membership for just one person. My mantra is you will never regret exercising you will however regret not doing it.

    I hope you find something that works for you.

  • KatieM7
    KatieM7 Posts: 588 Member
    Stacey~Funny thing is that she threw up this morning in the hallway and now she is just fine. I don't get it but oh well. I have been trying to get a hold of the hubby to find out if all is still on for his flight home but no answer. :grumble: I am a very impatient person.

    Nicole~it has gotten a little bit better each day. I think I am learning to cope with out him but my house sure has suffered though. His flight is scheduled for today. He has a layover in Detroit and then suppose to be landing in Salt Lake at 11:45 pm but he was telling me that lots of flights have been being canceled the last few days so right now I am not sure.

    Amy~I was going to suggest the same thing Holly did but she beat me to it. You have older children to help you out enlist them to help you around the house so that you can go get some exercise in. I would do it while the little one is at preschool. For me I take my older kids to school come home feed the younger ones and then exercise.

    Holly~This week has been crazy but it is not usually this busy but having 7 children to take care of yes life does get hectic.:laugh:

    I have been having a hard time not watching the clock today. :tongue: Of course it has been dragging because of it.:laugh: Thankful it is almost time to go to SEP for the kids.
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    Hello ladies!

    Sorry I've been quiet this week. My daughter has had no school the last two days and I haven't had much of a change to get on here other than to log food and stuff. Hoping she goes back tomorrow, but at the same time, I hope not, its gonna be really cold tomorrow....tonight's low is -7 with wind chills anywhere from -10 to -20.....BRR!! And we're under a wind chill advisory, so, we'll see.

    Great news on my mom....She should be coming home tomorrow, unless something happens overnight. She would have been coming home tonight but due to the ice storm down in Indianapolis and the Blizzard we had up here, they kept her another night.

    I hear we are going to have another storm next week, ugh! Where are we to put it all, we are starting to run out of room and now I know how the east coast feels, this is a ridiculous winter!!! We are actually almost to 100 inches this winter, and if we hit it, which we prob will, that'll be like I think they said 1 in every 7 yrs or smth.....

    Anyhow, I'm getting a cold and my lil guy has a cold and teething, saw that other tooth coming in....he did pretty good last night, but now he's having trouble napping during the day and always wants to be held...oh what a week!

    Have a good night ladies, I'm off to save the day with the lil one. Night!
  • bluerose9483
    bluerose9483 Posts: 686 Member
    BTW, Welcome all newcomers! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    amy (?), i was going to say the same. may need to cut down on their activities--like one kid w/one sport per season. it's harsh....but may be the way you recover time for you and the house (with the older kids definitely taking over chores like laundry, vacuuming, dishes). remember, you're preparing them for when they leave the nest. so no guilt!
    as for actual workouts, borrow dvd's from the library. many of us do workouts at home and can recommend our faves.
    one final bit--you may try getting it done in the first half of the day b4 the driving, and extra kids, and everything else starts. i know that helps me a lot!
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Hi Moms! I'd love to join ya, I'm a SAHM to two sweet boys, 4 and 1. A few weeks ago a friend told me about this awesome site and I joined shortly after. Of course less than a week in I got the flu, not a fun week. Feeling 100% again and I'm excited to get going. I've been doing the 30 day shred because I CAN find time for a 20 minute workout. I love, love, love to workout so that's been an easy thing to jump on board with. I actuall missed workout for many years and wish I would have started back sooner. Food on the other hand is my down fall. After getting married I started thinking my hubby and I needed to split whatever I made for dinner. Literally, I put half on his plate and half on mine. Um, I'm 5'5" and he's over 6', LOL, not a good decision on my part. So after that plus a m/c plus two babies plus life, I gained way too much weight. I'm here now and ready to release my inner skinny, I know she's dyin to bust out. So, that's me, in a nutshell. :)

    Katie - Loved reading your success story, so similar to my story (without the big weight loss of course). I hope to be there this year. Also, congrats on the 1/2 marathon, that's one of my goals for this fall/winter.
  • staceyw37
    staceyw37 Posts: 2,094 Member
    confession--and it's not for you to pat me on the head and say it's ok.

    ate chips and the tollhouse pan cookies i made tonight.. i don't feel bad, per se, about eating them--cuz it was a conscious decision. and i don't feel like i have to keep eating them--which is a positive change in behavior.
    why did i bake them?? cuz dd1 keeps complaining that there are no snacks, ie mommy's homemade treats, around. and it's a way i show my love. NOT eating=love. more like love=treats of all sorts (chills, snuggles, extra books, coming in mommy's bed, baked goodies, etc)
    make sense?
    anyway, so making them is ok. eating them is ok--tho it killed my cals--b/c i did it with more control than usual.

    the part i feel bad about---that i hate the body i see in the mirror, work so hard with exercise and eating carefully, and yet STILL choose to sabotage b/c food just tastes so good. that food is better than not being fat. that's what embarrasses/shames me.

    i still feel like i can reach my goals b/c i am being much more careful with the rest of my eating. and i'm really getting into the exercise routine (on week 5). and i really want to change my overall health habits.

    so that is my confession. if you have more suggestions for how to make and not eat--i'll take them.
    maybe next time i'll chew mint gum while i'm baking....hmmm could work
  • ajbeans
    ajbeans Posts: 2,857 Member
    Stacey, could you maybe make a healthier version? Black bean brownies, tofu brownies -- there are a lot of lower-cal recipes I see around the boards. Would that help at all? Or is specifically the sugar you're trying to avoid? Either way, you sound like you have a good perspective on it. It's not ok to eat them, but you are making strides toward controlling yourself better, and that's something to celebrate. This is about babysteps, and you're taking them.

    Also... I understand that you show your love by baking stuff for the kiddos. But could you find a different way to express your love for them? I mean, obviously I know that's not the only way you show it, but is there something else you could put more emphasis on so you're not so compelled to bake? Maybe a family movie night with cinnamon-sprinkled popcorn -- it's a treat, but it's not such a calorie-killer. Or making them their favorite dinner when they've had a bad day. This is as much about them as it is about you. They know you love them even if they don't have brownies, and they need to learn to de-emphasize sweets as much as you do. Maybe a family discussion is in order so you can come up with something to show them that you appreciate them without baking.
  • EverythingCubbies
    EverythingCubbies Posts: 172 Member
    Stacey - I've been in that same boat many times. For me, I love spending time baking with my boys. They do most of the work and love it and they love sharing with friends and family. One thing I was going to try next time we make cookies is to roll it into a log and then wrap it up and put it in the fridge. My thoughts are that if we can make it something like a store bought cookie roll then we can just take a small portion off at a time to bake. On days we bake cookies I can factor the points in ahead of time so it won't kill my calories for the day. Would this maybe work for you? I agree, sometimes a good dessert is hard to pass up even with the thought of skinny jeans or swimsuits on the mind. Good luck!