break from alcohol...



  • sunstreaks22
    I've given up alcohol until I make my first mini-goal, too, and I'm a college student with best friends who drink three nights a week. It's not easy. :) I've just been trying to do what they do, but by substituting water. If they play a drinking game (flip cup, etc.), I'll just drink water instead of beer. It's amazing how easy it is to get more than your eight glasses a day if you're using it to play drinking games! Other than that, there is NO shame in ordering a water at a bar. I know it's not fun to be the only sober one at the bar/party, but there's a lot of respect in being dedicated enough to take care of your body. And it will be worth it when you meet your goal weight!
  • sarina87
    sarina87 Posts: 400 Member
    i go through long breaks from alcohol. And then when i drink again for a special occasion, i end up becoming lazy for a week and my diet goes out the window and i gain 2 pounds, than i quit for another 3 months. Its always the same pattern. It really sucks when all your friends drink and you can't. I'm just lucky i can stop. But i do wish i could drink and have fun with my friends and not have consequences. But i always do and my body is the one who has to suffer. I've been sober for a week. And before that i haven't drank since november.
  • mikeyml
    mikeyml Posts: 568 Member
    I'm with you on this. I'm not going to give up alcohol forever but I did need to change my habits if I want to be serious about losing weight. Before MFP I was a member of a beer club at my favorite bar. Basically it consists of drinking as many different kinds of beers as you can. I was at about 250 different beers when I realized how many calories are actually in those things. At first it was really hard to give it up so I thought maybe I will just switch to something with less calories. So I started to drink whiskey on the rocks at about 104 calories per shot. While it wasn't as bad as the beers I was drinking, I was still wasting about 300-400 calories every time I drank.

    I had made it 2 weeks without a drink but I just had 2 glasses of wine on Saturday night. I think I can go all of February without a drink. I will join you in going alcohol free for the next 30 days.
  • lucky1ns
    lucky1ns Posts: 358 Member
    I miss my wine but it sure is nice to up my food intake and still lose weight without the booze.
  • SMarie10
    SMarie10 Posts: 956 Member
    17 days into February, and happy to report still alcohol free. I did not realize how many occassions I would normally have slogged down a beer or a glass of wine. Nothing for Superbowl Sunday, Nothing at a dinner party, and nothing at the last bar I visited. I do like not drinking my calories. My friends have all been supportive which has helped a lot.
  • demone00
    demone00 Posts: 31 Member
    last yr I gave it up for 3 months when I 1st started my weightloss regimen...I was successful for those 3 months - mind over matter. I am also a big water drinker so when friends grab/order a drink, I grab or order water. At times it was hard but I did it.
  • Ally_Clare
    Ally_Clare Posts: 355 Member
    I definately need this. Even though i don't drink that often when i do i go all out! I have got to stop doing this i know. So i am in hopefully noone has any parties on anytime soon though. :(