Challenge - NO Fast Food February



  • jrlenig
    jrlenig Posts: 364 Member
    So 18 days in and I caved bad planning and exhaustion, I made great food choices though, picked subway and then a half salad at Wendy's all yesterday!
  • 55tolose
    55tolose Posts: 510 Member
    Still no fast food for me doing good
  • beautifuldae
    I'm embarrassed to admit that I can't join this challenge because 1) I just joined this group and didn't know about it, and 2)I've certainly caved and eaten FF this month. I will be doing a cleanse/fast the last week of February so I hope to start this challenge in March. February is a bad food month for me, because it's my birthday month and I celebrate all month long, and typically don't deny myself anything I want to do or eat....which is why I HAVE to do a cleanse/fast at the end of the month, lol.

    My struggles with fast food consist mainly of being too tired to cook when I get home, and getting home too late. I work and go to night school, with no time to go home in between (usually) so whatever I'm gonna eat for the whole day, I have to take with me when I leave for work early in the morning. Because of the nature of my job, I don't have the luxury of access to a refrigerator during work hours to its increasingly difficult to find places to store my food so it will 'keep' all day. I try to stick to salads with a protein for lunch, and most of my snacks are things that need to be refrigerated too, so towards the end of the week, I am frustrated with my salads having wilted lettuce and warm tomatoes. :-/ I also don't have access to a microwave to i can't bring any lunch that needs to be reheated. I'm a sucker for bread so this KILLS my goal of staying away from bread. When i do eat bread, however, i try (and succeed 97% of the time) to only eat wheat. it's just so much easier to go somewhere and get food instead of overcoming all these obstacles! But i'm determined to get it right next month, and the months to come...I've got BEACHES to visit this summer!!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    But i'm determined to get it right next month, and the months to come...I've got BEACHES to visit this summer!!

    Holy cow, having a job like that would make the whole no fast food thing really difficult. I'd have to say I commend your efforts though. I don't necessarily have beaches to visit, but I have been on this weight loss journey since this past June and so have a mere four months until my year mark. I was just doing some calculations and would very much like to have lost another 28 pounds by my 'anniversary' on June 29th. I have been very pleased with the success I have seen in No Fast Food February and am thinking of next month's challenge for myself and that I might posit to the boards in general. It isn't quite as much of an alliteration, but I want to go for No Junk Food, Period! March. This means cutting out the potato chips, crackers, tortilla chips, and reducing the amount of cheese I consume as a start.

    Something to think about as we go into the last week of this challenge.
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Alright, down to the home stretch! Really only about 4 days left. I haven't been any place with a drive through all month and am pretty dang happy with myself. I think I could make this a permanant thing, but we'll just take it one day at a time. Hope you've all been able to stay strong, and for anybody who hasn't, what's 4 days without fast food? You can do it!
  • grouch201
    grouch201 Posts: 404 Member
    Okay, if you're on the east Coast, it is now officially March first. For those of us closer to or on the West coast, I'd say it's close enough that we'll call it good. This month I had three slices of pizza, but absolutely nothing from a restaurant with a drive through window. I did a calculation on my spending for food last month compared to this month and I saved $60 on food. As a reward, I've transferred that extra money to my savings account and will probably buy some new hiking boots with it for when things are a bit more thawed out.

    I hope you all are pleased with your success. Hopefully, even if you didn't make it the whole month, you were able to at least cut back on how much you eat out. It's all about taking steps forward, and I think this was a big one for me. Cheers!
  • IsMollyReallyHungry
    IsMollyReallyHungry Posts: 15,385 Member
    Okay, if you're on the east Coast, it is now officially March first. For those of us closer to or on the West coast, I'd say it's close enough that we'll call it good. This month I had three slices of pizza, but absolutely nothing from a restaurant with a drive through window. I did a calculation on my spending for food last month compared to this month and I saved $60 on food. As a reward, I've transferred that extra money to my savings account and will probably buy some new hiking boots with it for when things are a bit more thawed out.

    I hope you all are pleased with your success. Hopefully, even if you didn't make it the whole month, you were able to at least cut back on how much you eat out. It's all about taking steps forward, and I think this was a big one for me. Cheers!

    Thanks so much for doing this. I found you too late and the month and it gave me time to get ready for March. So today i looked and saw you did not continue it. Which is cool. I continued it for those who want to join me. See link below: