Lose 5 Pounds a Month February 2011



  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    I'm in.
  • I'm in.....................my starting weight today is 181.6lbs.............would be great to hit 175...:happy:

    Good Luck everyone
  • Inpjs66
    Inpjs66 Posts: 109 Member
    February 1st weight- 148.6. That's 10 ounces less since I last weighed in on Saturday.
    Things are looking up! Hope to be 143.6 by the end of the month!
  • Weight this morning was 154.5. If I succeed in this it will bring me under 150! I can't even remember the last time I was under 150!

    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28
  • This is a great mini challenge and I'd love to give it a try!

    SW is 136.8 this morning. 132 here I come!!
    TCASMEY Posts: 1,405 Member
    Great to see everyone here.

    For those who are new to MFP to find a thread you have already posted on go to community page and then click on "my topics" . This should bring up any thread you have posted on.

    The challenge of weight loss. For my final weigh-in for January I was down 3 pounds and this morning I am up 2. Yo-yo!

    Starting weight

    February 1 181

    Goal 176
  • reese66
    reese66 Posts: 2,920 Member
    143.4 this morning so goal would be 158.4
  • Dobsaya
    Dobsaya Posts: 235
    My goal is to be around 140 by May 15th. So a pound a week works for me. I am in.
  • columbiasmiles
    columbiasmiles Posts: 54 Member
    Already went to the gym and had breakfast before I weighted (ooops). So I will yesterdays morning numbers.

    Feb 1 (January 31)
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28
  • WarmDontBurn
    WarmDontBurn Posts: 1,253 Member
    I am in!

    Only lost 2.4lbs in January but that was my own fault! I did lose more but gained some back.

    Feb.1 - 142lbs
  • I would love to join as 5lbs loss would be a great boost but I am consistantly a 3lb a month loser no matter what I do or how I mix it up :laugh:
  • my start weight is 189! come on 184!
  • Somehow the scale keeps going the wrong way...i'm blaming water retention...but its a new month and here is my first weigh in!

    Feb 1 .....191.8
    Feb 8....
    Feb 15....
    Feb 22....
    Feb 28....

    Goal is 186! We can do it!!!
  • jodieunited
    jodieunited Posts: 112 Member
    weigh in today - 158lb eeek
  • blackbyrd61
    blackbyrd61 Posts: 34 Member
    Let's do it!!

    2/1/11 ~ 213
    2/8/11 ~
    2/15 /11 ~
    2/22/11 ~
    2/28/22 ~

    goal: 208
  • I'm in too! Seems like a do-able goal, and I need to set myself some smaller more manageable goals otherwise the task seems to big!

  • can i join too, lost 10lb in my first month so another 5lb would put me over my first stone!

    sw - 199
  • gdunn55
    gdunn55 Posts: 363
    2/1/11- 266
  • JeanHaynes
    JeanHaynes Posts: 55 Member
    I am in. My current weight is 191.
  • Ralu19
    Ralu19 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, everyone. I am also in! I've been losing and gaining the same few pounds since December.

    Feb 1
    Feb 8
    Feb 15
    Feb 22
    Feb 28
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