

  • SallyCC
    SallyCC Posts: 531 Member
    Good Evening All,

    Thanks for all the support on this thread. I really find myself more motivated when I come and visit for a while.
    I just returned from a week of work and I was very concerned about keeping on track away from home. I was working as a part of a time and my boss was chairing a conference so it was very busy. It was great to get to log in and keep track of my food so that I didn't lose sight of my goals. I did workout on the first day we were there but unfortunately the next four days were non-stop. I am really looking forward to getting into my schedule again at home. I find that I can really get myself psyched up to do well through a trip like this but when I come back, I can get sloppy or lose it...so I think by coming here and really holding myself accountable, I hope to avoid losing ground.

    Lynn-- tornadoes.....My room mate at this conference was checking in on her family because they were dealing with that. Being from the Northeast, that is not something we deal with very often! The hotel did provide those breakfast options as a part of their usual selection for guests. It was great not to worry about choices. The conference was for humane educators and vegetarian and vegan meals were required by the group. Our group had to provide soy milk as that was not provided by the hotel but I don't think anyone had trouble with the hotel options.

    Chicklet--- I am new on this thread but reading your post strikes a chord with me. It is so hard to take care of a parent, even when mental health is not an issue. I just want to send you positive thoughts ....I hope that you feel the support of the people of this board and use it for yourself. Taking care of yourself is so important.

    Barbara---Pizza is a tough one for me too.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    This is a reminder that about this time tomorrow night, I'll start the new thread for March

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    That's when we can report on how we did with our goals for February and set some goals for the new month

    :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy: :happy:
  • chicletgirl21
    chicletgirl21 Posts: 99 Member
    :flowerforyou: Thank you to all who responded to my post.

    I really was just checking in so that people wouldn't think I had simply vanished. I must admit I was EXTREMELY down when I wrote it. I just can't understand why she is able to get me so upset and down even to this day!!:grumble: I get so frustrated with her when she purposely antagonizes me and gets sarcastic! I know she knows what she is doing to me, but she just doesn't care. When things get tough for her (exercise) the first thing that comes out of her mouth after I don't relent to her temper tantrums is, "I don't want to live here anymore, put me in a home!" I HATE THAT!!!! It drives me crazy after everything that I have done to get her the things she needs, therapists, counselors, massages, hospital equipment, moving out of my bedroom to let her have it while I sleep in a recliner, to taking care of all the things she's needed for over 2 years that my brother neglected to do for her! I simply cannot understand or relate to her way of thinking.:noway: I told my son the other day, if I ever have to be taken care of like this by him, that I promise I will do everything I can to get better and work with him. Seeing the way she is, has shown me what I don't want to become.

    On a positive note, I have a new addition to my household. A much needed one......for Boo.:smile: I think I have told you all that Boo is a little overweight. Okay she is obese. But its not due to overeating, although she is not one to leave food behind in her dish. She actually ballooned up after her cousin passed away at the age of four. Boo and her used to play like crazy and run around the house. Boo has always been a more bigger Jack Russell than Chiclet was (yes that's where I got my name from:smile: ), but never overweight. When Chiclet passed, Boo had no one to play with, then we had to move to an apartment with a tiny patio, and she just started gaining weight. I walk her four times a day, but apparently it is not enough. While I was walking her one day a small dog (male) came up to us and followed us back to my apartment. Poor thing was so skinny, his bones were showing and boy did he stink. I took him in, leery about how Boo would take to him. She has been alone now for over 3 years and is very dominate. The first two days she kicked his tiny butt, and wouldn't share any of her toys. But over the past 2 weeks they now get along very well. They play all the time, he can totally out run her, as she pants heavily after him, but at least I know she is getting a workout. I caught them sleeping together a couple of times, and she has pretty much accepted him now. As a matter of fact, I think she gets along better with him than Chiclet because he is a male dog. Kind of like she accepts him acting like the head cheese in the family because he is a boy. Other girl dogs always knew their place with Boo. But not him. He accepts her when she gets bossy and lets her be, and when she is happy or playful he knows just what to do. A marriage made in heaven:drinker: I think she really likes him:love: !
    When I get the money together I will take him to the vet and see if he is chipped and has an owner, (kind of hoping he doesn't for Boo's sake) and if he doesn't, he will be getting snipped soon after. For a tiny dog, he has some big ones! He looks like a Jack Russell and a lot like the dog in the movie, "The Mask". I named him Scout. He is a very handsome young guy and prances when he walks outside. With the rainy weather we have had lately I had to buy him a raincoat and a hoodie for the cold weather. (He doesn't have the insulation (blubber) that Boo does against the cold weather. Though I must admit even though she is well insulated, she also has a raincoat and hoodie and sweaters too. She is my baby after all.

    So I thought I would bring up Scout for a good thing to talk about. Lord knows I need to have something good to talk about.:wink:

    Well I am off to bed now. Need to tuck in the puppies. :yawn:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good Morning Ladies.

    A grey and wet day here in London. I would love to 'burrow in' and have a snuggly-stay-at-home-day, but I'm going to my DD's shortly. We are taking the twins to a baby group - hopefully they will stay awake this time. Last time we went they both decided to have a long nap whilst we were there.

    Yesterday DD#2 and I had the babies all day so that their mummy and daddy could go out. It was a real treat and the babies behaved beautifully. I admit that I was extremely tired when I got home just before midnight though. Also, I don't think I ate enough during the day and felt a bit weak and wobbly so I had a hot chocolate drink before bed. I can't say that it aided my sleep though.

    Tomorrow it will be March and at the end of that month I will be getting my new heart valve (of the mechanical type - so please don't mention pigs!) The nerves are setting in and I will be glad when it's all done and dusted. You never know, if it goes well I may even be persuaded to get knee replacement surgery sometime in the future - something that I have been told I need, but have always shied away from.

    Here's to a good week for everyone. Keep an eye out for the positive things in life - they are always there if you look hard enough.


    Amanda x
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    Sipping a fruit smoothie before running out the door to take my FiL, who has myleoplastic syndrome, for a transfusion.

    Last night I had my first true test since detoxing. It was ladies night at the movies at church and there was frito pie fixins and every kind of candy or theatre type snack imaginable. I took an apple and ate just chili and cheese. Felt so empowered sitting there munching on that apple during the movie while everyone else was stuffing their face with candy and popcorn!

    I lost 6 pounds in the month of February, which is all but 2 of the pounds I put on since Thanksgiving. Will check back in later today to see how all of you are doing.
  • bkrbabe57
    bkrbabe57 Posts: 395 Member
    Good Morning Ladies,
    I have the day off so I am slowly getting started with my day. I am stuck at 167 so I am going to have to buckle down and move my butt - literally. :laugh:
    Saturday I went to a party at a friends home. We have not had a get together for many years so bit was fun to see so many old friends. I had a can of soup before I left so I was able to limit myself to 1 meatball and quite a lot of carrots, celery and cauliflower with a few shrimp(no sauce) for good measure.I also avoided the champagne. so a very successful and enjoyable time. That will even out the fact that yesterday I went over a hundred or so because I had 10 tortilla chips with dinner (they go SO well with navy bean soup) Not going to beat myself up just need to read the label BEFORE I eat not after. :blushing:

    DF dug up a picture of me from 1998 when I weighed roughly what I weigh now!!!!! It gives me hope as I was wearing my leather jacket. :love: :love: I can't zip it now but I am confident that I will lose the 2 - 3 inches require to go around my hips (see I really do NEED to move my butt)

    Just aquick note for Chiclet - Chin up I know how had it is to work with a parent. You are doing a wonderful job in an impossable situation. Your mom is stuck in a rut of her old behaviour and she doesn't have the fortitude to break out of her rut. You are the one prodding her along. Just remind her that a nursing home will not put up with her bad behaviour either.
    If your brother had done his job and she had done what the Dr's asked years ago she would not be in this situation.

    Just don't let her bring you down to her level of unhappyness. you are a positive person who needs to take care of her needs as well. If you are asked out on either a date or coffee with a new friend - GO. if you put it off because you don't have the strength then one day you will wake up and find that years have passed and you are alone and your life has passed you by.
    Take care of your Mom by all means just don't forget you have a right to be happy as well. I am going through a similar situation as the primary caregiver for my brother and my dad and it is hard when they need you but I am working on having a life also. Many of us are in a similar boat so please don't hesitate to reach out to us either as a group or individually. we are there for you.:flowerforyou:

    SuzyQ - It is good to hear from you.

    Everyone else - I am sending hugs and prayers

    Have a great ay and see you in March

  • doobiedoo
    doobiedoo Posts: 194 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hope you all had a good weekend! It is so refreshing to be able to get through the weekend and know I did what I should with my eating. That hasn't always been the case. It does feel good to know I can do what I should (SuzyQ, that was great that you could restrain yourself when others all around were eating whatever they wanted! :drinker: ) Now today is a new day and I need to eat and exercise like I should to end the day with success. I need to increase my time on the treadmill, but my mind balks at that. So much of this weight-loss life style seems to be mind over matter. I'll put in a DVD and maybe I can get past my token 20 minutes.
    Thanks to Barbie for starting the March thread. I don't know where the time goes.:flowerforyou:
  • LM_105
    LM_105 Posts: 515 Member
    Good evening all, Had to take my mum to hospital to get her wound checked so took some time out of work and then went back and worked late. She is doing okay, they had to do a minor procedure to clean the wound again as were worried about infection and it seems she will loose some of the skin on her leg but time will tell, she may need a skin graft (she had a fall last sunday) . I managed to do a fair bit of walking going to and from work to the car park and back to the hospital dropping her off etc etc, seeing this as a positive as burned some calories! lol!

    A friend text about doing the race for life..... now I am a very overweight, unfit, 'with-leg-issues' woman so I have an awfully long way to go .... but the possibility is there, I had best get moving!!!

    Was under calories yesterday and today so going in the right direction!

    Thanks for all the warm thoughts, You have mine in return!
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,395 Member
    chicklet - I wish there was something I could say that would make you feel better. Know that you are a good daughter and doing your best, even if your mother doesn't appreciate it. It's good that your not gaining, I know if I were in the same situation I would be stress eating and thus gaining, so you are ahead of the game. And don't ever feel that you can't come here to vent, not one person here will take offense.

    I don't know what it is, but even here at home I can't sleep late in the morning.

    Jeannie - so glad for your son. Lets hope and pray things stay on an even keel.

    hopeful - you sound like a real fighter. Nothing gets you down, no matter what life sends your way

    Sat. did an hour of yoga, then Sun I did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii Fit. Remember I mentioned that lately I've been getting really low spin scores. Well, it turns out that the reason was because I was doing it with my sneakers on. Evidentally, the board is quite sensitive and doesn't pick up when I'm in my sneakers. I tried doing it in bare feet, and my score was much much better. Today I did a Jillian Michael's DVD shred it with weights. This is the first time I've done anything with the kettlebell. Well, I used a dumbbell since I don't have a kettlebell. Does anyone know if there is any difference? The only thing that I didn't like was when you had to lie down, put the weight over your head, then sit up, then stand up. I don't like constantly going up and down. Otherwise, it was pretty good, a good change.

    Welcome to everyone new.

    I can't believe that tomorrow is already going to be March! Where did Jan and Feb. go to????

    Went and got my hair colored today, but first stopped at this one food store. They're having triple coupons and I had two coupons for 50 cents each on one box of Pop Secret popcorn, which was on sale buy two get three free. I also got some toothpaste which I'll most likely wind up donating since the toothpaste was on sale and I had coupons. In the end I saved $30 and spent something like $6. Before that I had to take my car to get my tire looked at. There was a nail in it, Vince told me to be at the car place at 7:30 when they opened since they get busy. Well, I was the first -- and only -- person there, then I went to KMart and WalMart to look for shirts for St. Pat's day. A friend of ours always has a party for St. Pat's day since her b-day is March 15. So my day was get up, go get the car taken care of, go to KMart, buy gas, go to WalMart, come home and workout for an hour, go food shopping, get my hair colored, on the way home go to Aldi's (I needed chocolate chips and it was on the way), stop at 2 other stores to look for shirts. I did find one at Old Navy -- but it was $14.50. I bought it, but I charged it. If I can find another shirt for less money, I'll return that one.

    You know, ever since I went to France, I think I've been spoiled by the bread there. It's just soooooo good. There is a French bread that this one store makes, but it just isn't the same. I suspect some of it is because of the flour. I remember when my grandmother came to the states from Poland, she had to re-learn how to bake since the flour was so different. Unfortunately, I'm still spoiled by the Swiss chocolate.

    Downloaded two new audiobooks onto my iPod so I can listen to them when I'm on the treadmill, etc.

    chicklet - I'm so happy for Boo! I remember when we were living in the apt (before we bought this house) our one cat got quite overweight. He was always on the overweight side, that's the one that was diabetic. But being in that apartment he didn't have to go up and down stairs, etc. The food was close by. When we moved to this house he started to lose weight. He had to go upstairs to eat, use the litter box, etc. So I completely understand where you are coming from! I do hope you can keep Scout!

    Tomorrow I'm going to do incline intervals on the treadmill. At night there is a Mexican Train Dominoes with the Newcomers that I'll go to. I made this triple chocolate cheesecake to take with me. I got the recipe from Prevention magazine. Each slice is ONLY 273 calories. For a cheesecake, that's not bad at all.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,984 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    I just started the new thread for March........now is the time to start posting there (it's not March in Washington State or California or British Columbia but it's March on the East Coast of the US and Canada and in Europe)

    Here is the link to the new thread


  • izzy214
    izzy214 Posts: 551 Member
    Hello Everyone,

    Looks like everyone has been busy. Well I am down 15lbs., but some days with fluid I go up a pound or so and then I am down 3!
    Sometimes it can be an emotional roller coaster. I have 7 weeks before my son gets married, I want so bad to be down 19 more pounds. I got to work harder.:oh well: Ok I haven't been sticking strickly to my meal plan, But I am doing good and I will learn how to get it down pat. I hope all of you are doing well and having great results. Next Week is SPRING!!!:flowerforyou:

  • vikkij12
    vikkij12 Posts: 82
    Hello, just marking my place here, I am back on the wagon again after a few months of binge eating and no exercising.
    Need a lot of help, trouble is I know what to eat but I am an emotional eater and fall off the wagon just like an addict. will catch up with the post later at home.
  • BirdieM
    BirdieM Posts: 791 Member
    Just dropping in with a quick hello.
    It's been a challenging tax season as....along with the long hours....my Mother in law is dying. She is 93 years old and has been in a nursing home for 18 months. Honestly, I wish the good Lord would take her and relieve her of this body she's been trapped in.
    Because I sit for 6 days out of 7, My back is hurting and I had to go to the Chiropracters yeasterday. I have been exercising daily....accept for now because I have to rest my back for a few days.
    I have had no time to put up a post or even read the posts for the last month, but if you are new.....give this MFP a serious shot! In my 63 years, I have not found anything that works so well, and makes so much sense, as tracking your food, exercising, drinking lots of water and being in touch with these great women from all over the world.
    I track every day...no matter what...as I have been doing even during long hours and personal struggles!
    So welcome!
    And to all those, who may have heard of me (LOL) ....sending hugs and prayers.
    1 more month and tax season will be over and I'll have my life back!!!
    God Bless!
  • MacMadame
    MacMadame Posts: 1,893 Member