Before you found MFP

qtwells82 Posts: 352
edited September 23 in Chit-Chat
Before I found MFP:
- I use to eat a bag full of chips sitting on the couch watching I watch TV while running/jogging on my treadmill
- I couldn’t walk up stairs without getting tired and out of I run them
- I had heartburn 2-3 times a week...I haven’t had it once
- I drank 1 cup of water and numerous amounts of soda, Kool-Aid, tea a I drink at least 10 cups of water a day
- I would eat 3 candy bars a day, chips, cookies, I am addicted to apples, I can’t have enough
- I probably consumed 3,000-4,000 calories a I stay around 1,200-1,300 comfortably
- I hated exercise…now I can’t wait to get home and sweat
- I hated I am learning to love the person I am and who I am becoming
- Didn’t think I couldn't lose I believe in myself and push myself

I love the support on this site and all the wonderful people I have met. If I can lose this weight...anyone can! So for the people who are struggling with losing weight, don’t give up. I have been there, I have gone a month without losing anything, all you need is to do is believe in yourself and NEVER EVER give up on yourself!

So what changes have you’ve made since finding this site?


  • kpower1983
    kpower1983 Posts: 103 Member
    I only lost a pound this week and was feeling all disheartened but you have just made me put that in to perspective.

    Gotta shake this habbit of giving up so easy or i'll never get there!!

    MFP is helping me feel more in control, take responsibility rather than blaming someone/something else for my weight gain and keeping me on track!

    All this and the support is amazing.

    I am definitely getting on it this week!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:
  • Good for you - I have made some great pals, locgged all my cals and exercise and I would be gutted if this place went into orbit tomorrow.
  • GorillaNJ
    GorillaNJ Posts: 4,024 Member
    your doing awesome QT... definitely inspire me to keep up with you!

    Some of the things that have changed for me

    1. I used to stand on the escalator at the World Trade Center... now I walk it every morning.
    2. Would get winded playing with the kids, still happens but after MUCH longer
    3. My secretary's candy dish is more full now....
    4. People do not get a concerned look on their face when I walk on the ice to fish
    5. People sit next to me on the train

  • LisaSaysHi
    LisaSaysHi Posts: 19 Member
    I couldn't agree with you more! A friend introduced me to this site almost a month ago. I can seriously not believe how many calories I was consuming, even eating really healthy things! Now I'm a hell of a lot more motivated to exercise since I can see how the calories burned impacts what I can eat. I've lost 7 pounds so far, but even if I didn't lose another ounce I will never go back to the way I was eating and not exercising before!
  • Ambrogio1
    Ambrogio1 Posts: 518 Member
  • stella77
    stella77 Posts: 282
    Before I found MFP and didn't think that something so small like BigMac has 570kcal.
  • your doing awesome QT... definitely inspire me to keep up with you!

    Some of the things that have changed for me

    1. I used to stand on the escalator at the World Trade Center... now I walk it every morning.
    2. Would get winded playing with the kids, still happens but after MUCH longer
    3. My secretary's candy dish is more full now....
    4. People do not get a concerned look on their face when I walk on the ice to fish
    5. People sit next to me on the train


    Love your list...number 5 reminded me of one more thing.

    At the local amusement park there is a ride my daughter adores and everytime we go, she wants me to go on that ride with her. All it is, is a big slide that twists around a tower you have to walk up...but it is super tight. Last year I went on it with her and yep...i got stuck in the middle. I was so everytime she would ask, i would have to let her down and tell her to go by herself. I will not let that happen this summer.
  • I couldn't agree with you more! A friend introduced me to this site almost a month ago. I can seriously not believe how many calories I was consuming, even eating really healthy things! Now I'm a hell of a lot more motivated to exercise since I can see how the calories burned impacts what I can eat. I've lost 7 pounds so far, but even if I didn't lose another ounce I will never go back to the way I was eating and not exercising before!

    Awesome work! I love seeing everyones accomplishments, small or big!
    Congrats on your loss :flowerforyou:
  • I only lost a pound this week and was feeling all disheartened but you have just made me put that in to perspective.

    Gotta shake this habbit of giving up so easy or i'll never get there!!

    MFP is helping me feel more in control, take responsibility rather than blaming someone/something else for my weight gain and keeping me on track!

    All this and the support is amazing.

    I am definitely getting on it this week!

    Thanks :flowerforyou:

    Yep i was stuck for the last month..but i kept going. Now the weight is coming off great!
    I still have a lot to lose but i have faith in myself and my other MFP pals do to. I cant let them or myself down :smile:
    Good Luck to you :)
  • cakeordeath
    cakeordeath Posts: 229 Member
    I LOVE that you posted this! i cant belive the change this has made in my life. I dont know if I just found it at the right time or if its what i needed all along, but WOW!
    i would sit almost all day, and still feel tired, now i can barely sit still
    i would start my day with creamer laden coffee and 3-4 servings of ceral or whatever we had for breakfast that day (if i ate breakfast at all) now i have breakfast everyday and its way less calorie wise, but more filling
    i had terrible back pain that made it hard to get out of bed-. now my back hasnt bothered me in almost a month
    i toss and turn at night and have trouble sleeping, now im ready for bed around 8 (but usually stay up till 9 or so with the hubby) and when i go to bed i sleep soundly
    i had 2 pairs of jeans i could wear and they were getting tight, now just lastnight i wore a pair of jeans i havent wore in 2 years. they were tight but i could sit in them and button them without sucking in.

    this site has truly changed my life for the better.
  • You gave me chills. Honestly. I need to get out of this funk, rut, whatever you want to call it. I give in too easy. I need to learn to be strong and to look at myself as being strong and not as depriving myself of something that tastes good. I need to think of my health and not just my taste buds.

    Before MFP I had no one who understood why I wanted to lose weight. Now I have a whole website full of people. The close friends that I keep on my friends list and the people that reply to forum posts are awesome just like you. Thank you for this post this morning. I needed it.
  • mrmarius
    mrmarius Posts: 1,802 Member
    before mfp i was eating 3300 cals a day! i was inconsistent with my workouts. i had no unerstanding of sodium. i had no support team. i love this place
  • You gave me chills. Honestly. I need to get out of this funk, rut, whatever you want to call it. I give in too easy. I need to learn to be strong and to look at myself as being strong and not as depriving myself of something that tastes good. I need to think of my health and not just my taste buds.

    Before MFP I had no one who understood why I wanted to lose weight. Now I have a whole website full of people. The close friends that I keep on my friends list and the people that reply to forum posts are awesome just like you. Thank you for this post this morning. I needed it.

    I <3 you!!!
  • I <3 you!!!

    ditto!! xoxoxo:flowerforyou:
  • DaddyMantz
    DaddyMantz Posts: 145 Member
    I have been doing this for 151 days now and what I am most proud of is all the people who have been watching my progress. When I got past day 120 or so, I had a LOT of people start to believe that they could do it too. To date, I have brought 5 people to MFP who would have otherwise been continuing on their old habits. They have lost an average of 10 pounds each.
  • nhendri
    nhendri Posts: 236 Member
    Before mfp I was doing weight watchers point system. I would eat very little during the week just to splurge on the weekends. I lost weight but did not feel as good as I do now eating well daily!!! I love all the support and everyone here understands unlike the people I work with you say counting my calories is just wrong and I should just excersize umm hello I do!
  • I have been doing this for 151 days now and what I am most proud of is all the people who have been watching my progress. When I got past day 120 or so, I had a LOT of people start to believe that they could do it too. To date, I have brought 5 people to MFP who would have otherwise been continuing on their old habits. They have lost an average of 10 pounds each.

    That's awesome!
  • goron59
    goron59 Posts: 890 Member
    I'd have to say this is fairly close to my situation, although possibly not quite so bad before and not quite so good after.

    I'm certainly changed though and have a much happier outlook on life.

    I've tried pointing people I know In Real Life to MFP, but they don't seem keen or don't want to make it stick, yet I'm getting healther, and they are not.

    Yay for MFP!
  • happinessblossoms
    happinessblossoms Posts: 375 Member
    Before MFP, every meal was eaten out and I spent most of my day commuting to work. My days were lazy all around.

    Now, in 2011 my goals are all about consistency and getting a routine for myself. I want to be happy, but not feel like it's forced and I want to be happy to exercise. I'm not quite there yet, but I like when the scale goes down, so it's growing on me :o)
  • BigBoneSista
    BigBoneSista Posts: 2,389 Member
    Before MFP I was on another weight loss diary website :yawn: It was borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring!! MFP ROCKS!! :bigsmile:
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