Before you found MFP



  • Before MFP I was on another weight loss diary website :yawn: It was borrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrring!! MFP ROCKS!! :bigsmile:

    Love your signature!!!
  • your doing awesome QT... definitely inspire me to keep up with you!

    Some of the things that have changed for me

    1. I used to stand on the escalator at the World Trade Center... now I walk it every morning.
    2. Would get winded playing with the kids, still happens but after MUCH longer
    3. My secretary's candy dish is more full now....
    4. People do not get a concerned look on their face when I walk on the ice to fish
    5. People sit next to me on the train


    you TOTALLY cracked me up. i so needed that - my secretary's candy dish is now fuller - tell her to get rid of that dish!! LOL and people sit next to you on the train now?! youre killing me this morning :D
  • ricksnaustin
    ricksnaustin Posts: 439 Member
    I had a hard time keeping up with my daily food intake. I tried to diet instead of changing my lifestyle. I had no way of interacting with a group focused on the same goals. Love this place.
  • dmoses
    dmoses Posts: 786 Member
    this is the best site ever! before mfp
    i had a low-fat pop tart every morning, not knowing how much SUGAR is in that thing. now i have oatmeal or egg whites.
    i had no portion control whatsoever; now i measure everything and am finally getting to the point where i can eyeball it.
    i had to have sweets before my meal was considered complete; now i fill up on the healthy foods - veggies, fruit, fish.

    thanks to EVERYONE for helping me get here!
  • Apart from feeling and looking better, I have saved at least £6 a day, by not stopping at the shop for sandwiches, crisps and chocolate (that lethal combination) all of which I would eat before my lunch hour anyway, then at lunch time off to buy another sandwich or pastie........I'm getting lighter my purse is getting heavier :bigsmile:
  • Before MFP if I wanted to eat something and I was "dieting" I would eat it, throw the day away and consume massive calories and "start" again tomorrow.

    Now if I want it, I do eat it, but I have to log it and work out harder. I wanted a fast food burger. Ate it. It had 960 calories. But I ate light the rest of the day and added an hour extra on the treadmill. Once I walked that much to work it off, I thought "maybe only half of the burger was worth it". LOL
  • Awesome post!!! You are doing great!! Very inspiring.

    before this site I always used the excuse I just don't have the I know that's all it EXCUSE!! Now I make the time to exercise and eat right!! And what I LOVE the most is my kids are eating healthier too and have been more willing to try new healthier options when they see me eating it!!! I love that I am setting a good example for them!!!
  • Awesome post!!! You are doing great!! Very inspiring.

    before this site I always used the excuse I just don't have the I know that's all it EXCUSE!! Now I make the time to exercise and eat right!! And what I LOVE the most is my kids are eating healthier too and have been more willing to try new healthier options when they see me eating it!!! I love that I am setting a good example for them!!!

    Yep me too! I made tons of excuses.
    I love seeing my daughter eating better and exercising along side of me :)
  • RHOyalT
    RHOyalT Posts: 204 Member
    Before MFP:
    1. I ate at least 1 meal per day at a fast food restaurant
    2. I thought I was eating healthier by substituting mini bagels for full sized
    3. I skipped breakfast a lot
    4. Exercise was only for possessed people
    5. I was probably eating between 2000 and 3000 calories per day EASILY
    6. I wheezed like a tea pot with the smallest amount of activity
    7. I had back pain from just walking around in a store
  • kimmerroze
    kimmerroze Posts: 1,330 Member
    The major things I have changed is

    1. not skipping out on my work outs; before MFP I didn't realize how much working out helped me calorie wise. Yeah I got the concept, but didn't put it to work.

    2. I would have "free weekends" Where I would let myself eat what ever I want, but then would get back on track starting monday. Now I eat well on the weekends too.

    3. By being able to log my calories, it makes me more accountable to my caloric intake, knowing I will have to log it.

    4. would deprive myself of my secret indulgences(chocloate). This caused me to fall off the wagon. Now I eat them when ever I have a really bad craving. i just make sure to tack on another half hour of cardio at the gym. Knowing I will have to work out longer, somehow makes those cravings not seem so strong. lol :tongue:

    MFP is a great website for personal accountability.
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Before MFP I was a diet failure! Could not lose weight no matter what diet I tried. RHOyalT you crack me up... exercise was only for possessed people!!! :laugh:
    With MFP life is awesome. I am full of hope, I actually like exercise, and think twice about eating anything.... I have a whole new respect for food and how important it is to feed my body nutrients and not just feed my face.
    And I feel like I am not alone. There is so much support here that I know this time I will succeed and hopefully I can help others with their struggles.
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