Does Dr Oz know what he's talking about?



  • beckys19
    beckys19 Posts: 119 Member
    Please, please, please, talk with YOUR doctor before following the advice of Dr. Oz or any TV doctor. Dr. Oz seems to have sold out..... I usually don't watch his show but I caught it once recently and they were going over this new thing that helps you loose weight.. I think the basis was something in raspberries or whatever helps you loose weight if you eat enough of it, but guess what? There is a miracle powder you can take that provides you just that without having to make sure you get enough of the nutrient naturally! He even tried it himself over a period of time and lost weight, stopped taking it a couple times here and there and guess what? He gained the weight back! But of course, he lost it again once he started taking the miracle powder. Sorry, even though it is tempting I have made the decision that I would rather loose weight the slow and smart way, which also makes sure I am getting the proper amounts of all my nutrients so I am helthier in the long run.

    Yup. I wouldn't trust him. Most of the shows I manage to catch of him seem more like an infomercial than a medical advice show... When I do watch him it is usually for the entertainment value, kind of like watching a train wreck. Not that every now and then he might have something of value to say, but IMHO he has more bad advice than good.
  • beckys19
    beckys19 Posts: 119 Member
    Given enough time he will contradict himself, but did the man not take middle school geometry???

    "I say it's time to do a 360-degree turn on your outlook on how you have been living!" :laugh:
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    I stopped watching about 4 months ago...........hes a sell out as well , I used to really enjoy the show ,but Hollywood bug has bitten his common sense

    one example..........He said men over 50 need to take at least 5000 mg of Vitamin E.......

    Recently, its been reported that men over 50 should avoid vitamin E to lessen their chance of prostate cancer..........your numbers increase when taking vitamin E.......

    Thiis is only one example that he has given 2 different stories...............again, I had a high prostate reading, and have STOPPED taking Vitamin E..........again, this applies to me and my health, its not for everyone..............Just have both eyes open when you take advice from TV doctors..........................Lloyd
  • Sl1ghtly
    Sl1ghtly Posts: 855 Member
    Quackery can be extremely lucrative.
  • BrettPGH
    BrettPGH Posts: 4,720 Member
    The man has advocated reiki, homeopathy and had people who talk to ghosts on his show. He never met a scam he didn't like.
  • Rose_Oh
    Rose_Oh Posts: 41 Member
    At first I really fell for Dr Oz and his advice. After watching his program long enough I discovered the cures, advice and the supplements change from week to week. When he recommends a supplement like someone mentioned on here (raspberry ketones) the health food stores sell them like hotcakes. So, evidently he still maintains a large audience of believers! :smile:
  • galegetsthin
    galegetsthin Posts: 1,352 Member
    He absolutely does, if the topic is how to make lots of money off of women with poor self esteem and sell products that are worthless!!!!
  • hdlb123
    hdlb123 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm not a huge fan of the show. I've only seen a few, but the few I"ve seen have all been on weight loss/diet/nutrition etc. I didn't agree with most of what he was saying. We watched one a few months ago where he set up a "diet" for a woman, and every single food he showed her was frozen and mircorwavable for her "busy" life. It was all microwave meals. Nothing else. She was thrilled, she didn't have to do any real work, like cook.

    I think he says exactly what people want to hear. It might not be the truth, but people are happy with it because generally its the easy way out.

    My husband lost all respect for him yesterday when he saw how fat his dog is lol. That poor puppy needs to diet!
  • Secret_Agent_007
    re: Dr. Oz.


    ^^^^ This! He's a walking, talking, eating, sh*tting mthrfkn infomercial. If you're buyin', he's sellin'.
  • iuew
    iuew Posts: 624 Member
    he's an entertainer. the positive side of his show is that he promotes good health awareness. the negative is that he has pushed some questionable, sensationalized stories.

    however, any real, peer-reviewed publication / study can usually be found on pubmed :

    look up the literature, learn the facts, and stay informed.
  • ojell
    ojell Posts: 749 Member
    I love dr oz, dr phil and the doctors.
    I get check ups and therapy daily - for free.

    Agreed! hehe
  • lloydrt
    lloydrt Posts: 1,121 Member
    Ive always wondered what happened to Colleen.........She was the woman in her 20s or so, that weighed 708 lbs and was losing her battle with weight and appeared on Dr Oz about 8 months ago or so.........

    I remembered Colleen had Dr Oz come to her and her husbands apt and talk to her and they set up a cam to show her daily routine. Colleen then came on the show, let her self be put in the "truth tube" and had ltierally, some of the highest known numbers to Dr Oz..........actually, one of them, cant remeber what the test was for, was off the chart........literally, the woman was the walking dead....she had some of the highest and most dangerous readings and numbers. Also, her husband was an enabler, he did everything for her and she took advantage of that....didnt help her situation

    if anyone knows what happened to Colleen, the 700 lb girl, let me know.........I dont know if shes been back on the show, or if she just gave up and quit.........thanks, Lloyd
  • SoDamnHungry
    SoDamnHungry Posts: 6,998 Member
    He's right a lot, and I'm sure he's wrong occasionally, too. No sooner do you say something in the medical field that's been "proven" than a new study comes out and completely disproves it. The only really bad thing he's done was that whole thing about arsenic in apple juice, which was ridiculous.
  • Peeeeeeeeeej
    Peeeeeeeeeej Posts: 16 Member
    I feel like Dr. Oz is a shock jock and brings up a lot of information that isn't completely proven (yet) to scare his audience and get TV ratings. If you actually pay attention to all the shock docs and healthy food guys on TV you'll learn that they add a lot of fluff to their claims and if you want to be healthy - you already know exactly what it is you have to do - you're just expecting them to give you some super secret mystery food that's gonna change you from overweight to lean mean fighting machine. It just doesn't work like that.
  • Suziq2you
    Suziq2you Posts: 396 Member

    This. Very much so.
  • Libby81
    Libby81 Posts: 734 Member
    I feel like Dr. Oz is a shock jock and brings up a lot of information that isn't completely proven (yet) to scare his audience and get TV ratings. If you actually pay attention to all the shock docs and healthy food guys on TV you'll learn that they add a lot of fluff to their claims and if you want to be healthy - you already know exactly what it is you have to do - you're just expecting them to give you some super secret mystery food that's gonna change you from overweight to lean mean fighting machine. It just doesn't work like that.

    Exactly!!! and well said
  • skinnywithin
    skinnywithin Posts: 1,392 Member
    I love Dr.Oz...he claims women over 40 need way more stimulation before reaching an orgasm so he is ok in my book !!
  • kateroot
    kateroot Posts: 435
    Dr. Oz is an entertainer. He sensationalizes things for ratings, it's his job. I'm sure he gives some sound advice, but everything you see on TV ought to be taken with a grain of salt.