When does it start feeling normal??



  • LisaFayD
    LisaFayD Posts: 2 Member
    I don't think it will ever be "automatic" or "normal." I know that I will always have to be careful and choose. After all, if making good food choices were easy, I would already be doing it. You can't change the habits of an entire life in 30-90 days - at least I can't. I've fallen "off the wagon" every time I got on so far.
  • cakeyrach
    After about the third week I started to feel like it wasn't too much of a struggle any more and I stopped feeling so hungry. I think my hunger pangs are genuine now. Still have PMS cravings to deal with but I hope change in diet and extra water might help there too. Good luck it will get easier.
  • Pinoy_Pal
    Pinoy_Pal Posts: 281 Member
    For me it took about a month for normalcy. I know that I've truly made a lifestyle change when I see those fast food commercials on television and they're just not as appealing as they once were. Some of those mutant-mega-bargain-basement burgers they advertise now-a-days just makes me want to throw up.
  • pegesam
    pegesam Posts: 16 Member
    When my mom died from a massive coronary and her only risk factor was obesity.
    I realize it sounds harsh, but that was when I made the 12 inch move from my head to my heart. I realized at 42 that if always looked as this as "dieting" that I could always begin again on "Monday" then I too would be dead at 67 years of age.
    I had lost 112 pounds up to that point, but I still had about 45 to go when she passed. I had it in my head that I was skinny (compared to where I came) and since I was active (I got to where I justified everything I ate by how much I could jog, bike or swim in the coming days), I would be okay.
    I am far from perfect, don't misunderstand. I still have the margarita- I still eat Mexican food. I still have dessert. But I don't do all that in one day like before, just to wake the next day and repeat the same bad habits.
    Mom had MS. She passed in February. In October of that year, I rode on a bicycle from San Antonio Texas to Corpus Christi, my first MS 150 ride. She and I rode every hellacious hill to Corpus together. It may help you to find something this isn't a "pound" related goal. Maybe you have a cause -- breast cancer, diabetes, MS, Lupus- that you can set an "activity goal" that will help to see day to day. And if you have kids, maybe they can participate with you so you know that you are helping this obtain a lifestyle of good habits and good choices.
    Hang in there. Now smoking... that was the hardest thing for me to quit. If you an stop and STAY stopped-- Kiddo, this is a walk in the park.
  • heathersmilez
    heathersmilez Posts: 2,579 Member

    People will pester you the rest of your life to "eat something" or "just try it, you're skinny" when you either A: don't really want it B: don't want it enough to be worth the calories or C: know that it will put you over your daily limit b/c of all the nutritional information you’ve gathered overtime.

    There will always be 5-10 lbs of vanity weight to lose whatever you end up with at the end so you will always watch what you eat the rest of your life. Get to love it or get back to getting fat.