Fast Food Dear John Letter

edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
edited September 23 in Food and Nutrition
Dear Fast Food Restaurant:

I’m leaving you. That right, and believe me when I say this; it’s you and NOT me. I have realized that I don’t need your cr@p anymore to get me through the day. I’ve come face to face with your truth. You’re a loser!!! You only gave me empty calories and a short time thrill. You made me feel horrible about myself and you helped me pack on the pounds.

I can only imagine what my heart suffered from this cheap relationship. Did it get all clogged up? Your convenience wasn’t even worth it. You were just down the street, walking distance, or just a phone call away but you didn’t provide any real solace. You didn’t provide any real companionship, happiness, or self respect. I’ve finally realized how much of a jerk you’ve been all this time. Because of you, I hadn’t been able to walk up stairs without huffing and puffing. Because of you, I had a wardrobe full of clothes that I couldn’t fit. And because of your triflin’ azz I was always tired by three o’clock every day.

So it’s over. I’m done. I’m putting this letter out here to help the next woman that believes in you. You may be everywhere we turn, but we don’t have to fall for your lies anymore. I’ve thrown away the ketchup packets, the magnetic fridge ads, and the flyers in the drawer. You won’t be hearing from me, because I’ve had it with you. I simply don’t have time for you anymore anyway. I have a date with a treadmill this afternoon. You see, I love myself too much to allow you to destroy my life any longer. I have to be here for my kids (whether they like it or not). And they need to learn from my example.

Good Riddance!!!


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