Do you prefer to workout at home or the gym?



  • outersoul
    It's the gym for me. It gets me out of the house and away from any distractions. My gym is small so I wait until later at night to go, this way I don't have to wait around for anything.
  • Ely82010
    Ely82010 Posts: 1,998 Member
    I also prefer the gym. All the equipment gives me motivation and variety, and I work harder too.
  • aschultz9
    I prefer home...but I'm a bit biased as I've never worked out in the gym. I have a treadmill, bowflex, free weights, stability ball, bender ball and many dvd's. I am a "loner", and would feel way too self conscious in a gym. When kids were smaller I put in a dvd for them while I ran on my treadmill or worked out while they napped. I like not having to go anywhere, it's very convenient for me.
  • edorice
    edorice Posts: 4,519 Member
    I still like both. I like the convenience of working out at home, but I like the variety of equipment at the gym.
  • ladyhawk00
    ladyhawk00 Posts: 2,457 Member
    Home. Always. And Forever.

    I'm a very private person, hate going to the gym.

    I had a treadmill for years, but only used it about 5 times because it hurt (bad knees & back) and it just wasn't for me. Bought a stationary bike - and haven't missed a workout in 45 days. It's in my office/bedroom - so I see it a million times a day and CANNOT ignore it. So it's easy to hop on and do my workouts.
  • EandJmommy
    GYM!!! I do the group exercises...The support and motivation of others really HELPS!!
  • terrivision
    terrivision Posts: 58 Member
    Home. I found my self too many times on the way to the gym then passing by the gym because I wanted the comforts of home. Any I like that my daughter and husband see me working out and getting healhty for them. Thank God they are so supportive.
  • gourleyr
    I love working out at home. I have an elliptical and several hand weights, a small medicine ball (6lbs), and resistance bands. I love that I don't have to worry about how I look or what I wear. I save a good 20 minutes by not having to go to the gym. And, I like watching tv shows I have dvr'd. I can always workout on my schedule, which can change from day to day. I actually find it easier to get to my room to workout than to get to the gym.
  • SmartFunGorgeous
    SmartFunGorgeous Posts: 699 Member
    We have a women only facility that is a circuit, so it constantly changes up. There is also a place for the kids to play if you have to bring them. The pros are that there is never a wait for equipment, since you rotate every 30 seconds, it keeps your heart rate up, and no men to stare when you're on the "birthing machine." (okay, Idk what it is called, but that's what it looks like!) The cons are that it is repetitive, so it can get boring. It is set up for a 30 minute workout, and that time doesn't work for everyone, and some people feel like they don't get as good a workout as they need. I disagree with that last part for myself, but each body is different and requires different things. My recommendation is to visit a few places. Most give a free pass for a week or two, and you can find what works best for you. Good question!
  • mrsdsmith
    mrsdsmith Posts: 22 Member
    I personally like to do both. Some days I need to get out of the house and I know I am going to get a good work out at the gym and other days I prefer to stay in and I will do one of the videos on demand on comcast.
  • TakeOne
    TakeOne Posts: 345 Member
    I guess this would techniquely count as home, but I prefer the great outdoors. I MUCH prefer to walk/run outside in fresh air and on the pavement. It just gets me in such a great mood and I feel so good afterwards : ) For the other stuff (strength training) I don't really have a preference..except the gym has more to offer as far as equipment goes.
  • MissAnjy
    MissAnjy Posts: 2,480 Member
    I only workout at home. I'm a mom with 2 young boys (2 yr old twins) so i find it much easier to just go downstairs during their nap or after they've gone to bed then i would having to find a babysitter so i could go to a gym. Just doesn't work for my lifestyle. I appreciate all the JM DVD's I have & love. They are my GodSend.
  • jerseygirl777
    I do both... but I prefer to go to the gym just because it gets me out of the house and away from any distractions.... including food! lol
  • julwills
    julwills Posts: 286 Member
    I definitely prefer going to the gym. I had a REALLY hard time staying motivated just with using all of the work-out DVD's I bought. It lasted about 3 weeks. Now I pay for a gym membership and I really get my money's worth! I love being able to go to classes and I'm thinking about getting a trainer so it will motivate me even more.
  • mom2littleguys
    Thanks everyone for all the great advice and opinions! I think I might see if our gym will let me do a free week or discounted week and decide from there.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    I have home gym with:
    power rack
    3 BB's
    about 400lbs weights
    rubber flooring
    resistance bands
    medicine balls
    a few KB's
    boxing stuff
    ab wheel
    elliptical trainer

    I have probably spent about $2500AU or so on all that stuff but that is over a period of time and I have been using it for about 4 years now and will continue to. I don't need motivation to go the gym so that isn't an issue for me. No waiting for anything. Do it whenever I want. Go straight back inside afterwards, no driving, car parks, people staring etc. :)

    I love my home gym!
  • mideon_696
    mideon_696 Posts: 770 Member
    I much prefer home workouts. But i simply dont have the room i need for the equipment i need.
    Plus when lifting i can drop it and have no concerns...

    Once i move, i'm going to buy a squat cage(providing squat/pullups/bench/dips capabilities) and an olympic weight set, rowing machine, some new med balls and some more Kettle bells...then i'll never need another membership.

    The only other machine's i really use are the rower and the bike. Treadmill is useless for me, i just run outside : )

    TBH, i sometimes find the gym to be so demotivating, lol. I reckon half the people who "lift" there are lazy...they spend more time talking about **** than they do lifting heavy stuff...and i find it so frustrating when i see people using bad form...!
    SOO much nicer when there's no-one around and no distractions.
  • ObviousIndigo
    ObviousIndigo Posts: 382 Member
    I had a gym pass for a year... used it the first month or two faithfully and then just stopped going. I didn't like waiting for the machines and getting a machine that had sweat all over it. I didn't like the competitive feeling there. Not saying that others are competitive but I FEEL like they are:) I have resistance bands and numerous WII games and a medicine ball and a beautiful lake to walk around 2 blocks from my house. I also found that the classes didn't fit in with my schedule. All the ones that I wanted to take were during the day or on nights that I couldn't go. I work out hard at home and don't pig out because I have myself to be accountable too.
  • Mrs_McFadden
    Oh I forgot to mention one other thing...
    ickiness factor. I've read so many articles about Staph infections. Yeah I know that it's a bit paranoid of me and you can get it anywhere, but there is that increased chance. Anyway, whenever I start working out more efficiently and I need to ramp up my fitness routine to get increased results I will use a gym and get a personal trainer.
  • feelgoodoutside
    Home for me, way quicker and easier.

    I have:

    Pullup Bar with gym Rings (my favourite)
    Dip Bars
    Pushup Bars
    Power Push Up 2 resistance cables
    10 dumbbells
    Exercise bike

    Future items I'd like:

    Weighted vest

    That together with bodyweight exercises is enough to keep me more than busy, only problem is I have to be creative to find good subs for key barbell type lifts.