40+ Club: Spring Fitness Challenge



  • trustyone
    trustyone Posts: 11
    Was wondering if I could join the 40+ group?? Here is a little about me. I am 48 and have a 17 year old daughter. Actually tonight is prom night for her. I have worked out most of my life but would not count calories. I trained and ran a half marathon in 2008 and still gained weight. This site has made it easy for me to count calories. I have lost 2.5 pounds and it is the first time I have lost weight and worked out. I hope to lost 17 more pounds. You guys have a nice day.
  • KimKelly65
    Hi everyone!!

    Its the weekend! YAY!!!

    Well I gained a pound since my last weigh in two weeks ago...or should I say I lost whatever I gained during vacation...all but one pound. LOL! :) I'll take it and move on. My new goal is to weigh 15 lbs less by vacation at the end of June. I can do it!!

    gbryant: Good for you on your weight loss. 1.4 is nothing to sneeze at and please don;t beat yourself up over bad choices. You realize it and are going to make better ones next week. Work stress can make losing weight harder than it already is. :) I love your co- workers comment. Woot Woot!!

    trustyone: Welcome! This is a great group. There are people at all points in their journey and everyone is very supportive.

    niknik:Love your vent!!! WE are here to listen and I totally understand! I've had a funk ove vacation too. But what is great is that you are shaking off the Funk and getting back on track. We can do this!! Everyone has a bad day now and then...we are not perfect. Lets try and celebrate the good days more and let the bad ones go! Congrats on your loss.

    Stiring: Thanks for sharing your story.Sometimes I wonder if Im ever going to see below 200 again...but I know I didn't gain it overnight and its not going away overnight. :smile:

    Busy weekend. My daughter has prom tonight and I have all the weekend errands to take car of. But first a massage and working out. I hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    OOPS, I DID IT AGAIN!!!! :noway: I cannot believe it has been a week since I was here. I have been busy at work and even if I get a break I don't like to sign in and read posts and reply...I dont like the way my computer faces in away anyone can see what I am doing if you know what I mean. :laugh: :laugh: I kinda glanced at the posts this past week.

    Lady Persia, so so sorry to hear about your losses. I just cannot imagine having two losses the same week. I hope you find comfort and strength to deal with it. :flowerforyou:

    Marla, gosh, you are dealing with way too many things at the same time. Take care of yourself. :flowerforyou:

    Tron, great to hear you are spending time with your brother.

    Niknik, hang in there. Vent all you want. We all have our bad days just keep moving on...

    trustyone, welcome!!!! :drinker:

    Glad to hear from everyone else, tex, Stiring, Sing, gbryant, kimkelly...sorry cannot respond to everyone.

    Things are going well here. I am amazed at how well I have been eating lately. Giving up sweets and alcohol for Lent has done wonders for me and I think I will continue beyond Easter. I really feel great and dont miss it much. There have been lots of temptations but I have not given into them. I am just a little concerned after Easter when the incentive is "not there" anymore but I should think about the way I feel now to continue my motivation.

    Have a great weekend!!!! :flowerforyou:
  • KimA1
    KimA1 Posts: 47
    Just wondering if this thread is for people over 40 years of age or those that need to lose over 40 lbs?
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600

    For over age 40, and any fitness level. We have a wide variety.
  • Victorious_One
    Victorious_One Posts: 174 Member
    Hey, everyone. I didn't fall off completely! :laugh: I've been swamped with business-building and volunteering with my church.

    I'm doing good--dropped like 4 lbs in the past week doing nothing. Bought some size 6 (that's S-I-X :bigsmile: !) slacks the other day and I can't believe it. I think I'm the same size I was as a 7th grader.

    I went for a walk today to the store and back, then took the dog for a walk. That's 90 minutes, which is still a lot for me, especially with the huge winds and the raindrops.

    I hope to catch up with everyone's updates soon.
  • KimA1
    KimA1 Posts: 47
    Thanks! I'll join in if it's okay.
  • LadyPersia
    LadyPersia Posts: 1,444 Member
    We survived a tornado on Sat in NC very very scary. We watched with awe and fear as our car was swept off the road. Family events all week. Have a great week

  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    niknik, I'm so glad you checked in last Friday. Just a couple of thoughts here. Yes, some of what you are feeling could be perimenopause. But you should also know that weight loss/calorie deficits can impact the emotions as well. If you've ever watched The Biggest Loser and seen these contestants crying all the time....that's one of the reasons why. So just know what you are feeling/experiencing is VERY normal. That doesn't make it easier of course. And, for that, I think the key is to find a lifestyle right now that you are comfortable living with. For instance, you say you are tired of cooking proper food. Well, if you decide to eat low calorie prepared dinners a couple/few nights a week (something like Lean Cuisine or Kashi or whatever), then there is really no harm in that if it helps you stick with it. Yes, you are going to hear concerns about sodium and processed foods but, at the end of the day, it is more important for you to come up with something you can live with, and if eating frozen dinners (or whatever you choose to do) makes it more sustainable for you....do it. Regarding exercise, again, find something that works out for you. You don't have to workout an hour a day six days a week if you can't. I know that's what is recommended by many....but you don't HAVE to do it if you can't sustain it in the long run. You could go with 30 minutes a day four days a week, but make those 30 days VERY intense. And that would work too. If adding a 'cheat' meal once a week makes you feel more 'human', add that. Play around with things to find a plan that works for YOU because that is what is the most important thing right now. You really are doing great and in all of this, don't forget that! Don't beat yourself up for a bad day, a bad week, a funk....whatever because you really are doing terrific!

    gbryant, congrats on the weight loss last week. Like I told nik, don't worry about last week and the snacks/eating out. We all have weeks like that. Sounds like you are doing great with the running, so focus on that!

    trustyone, welcome!!! I'm glad MFP is working out for you. Sounds like you are fit and dedicated. Hope your daughter enjoyed the prom!

    Kim, hope your daughter enjoyed prom too! I have no doubt you'll be able to meet your goals by the end of June! You've proven you can do it.

    alf, I SOOOO wish I was where you are right now when it comes to sweets and alcohol. I just can't seem to give either up right now. Oh, well. It's just a stage I'm in, and I know it will pass. It sounds like you're doing great!

    KimA1, welcome! Please join in the conversation! We'd love to hear from you.

    zebras, HELLO!!!!!!!

    Victorious_One, great job on the weight loss!!! Oh, buying those smaller sizes feels SOOOO good, doesn't it? I hope you've been feeling better.

    LadyPersia, how scary! Glad you are safe.

    All here is well. I wasn't feeling great over the weekend, but nothing serious. Of course, we had rain all day on Saturday, and that didn't help. Yesterday was better. My eating hasn't been great and, no doubt, that isn't helping with how I'm feeling. I really need to get back to healthier habits. I'm able to do it during the week, but the weekends right now are tough for me. But the workouts are good. I'm on a recovery week from P90X this week but still doing Insanity. So I did my Insanity workout this morning and will do P90X Core Synergistics a little later today.

    Hope you all have a great day!
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Hello Stiring and Everyone Else!

    Well, I've managed to go to a gym for over a week now. I really thought I would do terrible the first day back, but I was able to keep moving for a full hour just slowly, and I've been building up from there. Its a really cool brand new gym, really large. My girlfriend from work was the first person to show up the first day. I was there about 3 o'clock the first day. So, now I have to get my eating more under control than it is, and I will start making progress again. Good to see everyone!
  • Texssippian
    Texssippian Posts: 235
    Hi all! Quick post, sorry I can't respond to everyone. Welcome newbies!

    LadyPersia: so glad your family is safe from the storms.

    I got some kind of GI thing after lunch last Tuesday. Maybe it was the "prewashed" mixed organic salad greens that I did not re-wash. Never again. Finally got my appetite back on Friday and craved sweets which I normally do not: 3 glazed donuts and a chocolate chip cookie. Yikes!

    We went to the iris place in Argyle on Saturday and went overboard on ordering iris: 22 for us, 12 for my mom and a couple for my uncle. There is an iris named "Wabash" which is the name of the college my uncle and his dad (my grandfather) went and where my grandfather's father (my great-granddad) taught mathematics. So I had to order the Wabash iris for my uncle.

    We made it to the gym again on Saturday which is two Saturdays in a row. Did a lot of yard work yesterday and worked on my niece's First Communion dress. I am finished smocking it but am having to "back smock" on the back of the dress to stabilize the smocking. The cat won't let me work on it in the den (he wants to sit in my lap) so I have to work on it in the bedroom. Hopefully, I can finish it tonight. My mom will hem it in Mississippi. I also need to hem a formal gown for my daughter and get that sent to Austin. Sewing is a good way to stay out of the kitchen.

    Take care all! TxMs
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Sorry, it's been a few days since my last post. All is well here, but busy! We are esp. busy now that we are in Holy Week at Church, something going on daily.

    We had 3 inches of rain over the weekend, and another inch or so coming tomorrow into Wed. I'm getting tired of all this rain and gloomy weather. Hopefully we will get some really warm weather when we go to Utah on the 30th.

    All is well with diet and exercise. I'm low(er) carbing it during the week, and eating normally on the weekends. Not too bad, but I do crave carbs sometimes.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    Good Morning!

    singfree, good to see you! No doubt this is a busy week for you. Hope you enjoy it!

    TxMs, sorry you weren't feeling well last week. I've never had that issue with 'pre-washed' salads and I never re-wash. :blushing: I know....I'm probably playing with fire there. :ohwell: Sounds like your garden is coming along well. I so admire you for having the patience to smock. A friend tried to teach me once, but despite the fact I like work like cross-stitching and such, smocking was just a little much for me. I bet the dress is beautiful.

    zebras, good to see you posting again! Congrats on your successful return to the gym.

    Nothing much new here at all. Working out, eating well, etc. So....all is good.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Good morning all. Looks like we are going to have a wet day here too.

    Went to the Zumba class at the new gym last night and had to walk out after the third song. The music was on so loud, and I have a sensitive ear due to about 6 years ago a carbon monoxide alarm going off right above my head while I was cooking. So, if I go back, I will have to wear ear plugs. I also think I need a couple more weeks of workouts to be fit enough to properly enjoy the Zumba.

    I managed to stay out of the sweets yesterday. Lots of temptations at work. Luckily the pies and cakes are above my eye level in the cafeteria line!

    Hope all is well with everyone!
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Hello everyone!!!! Glad to read about so many of you!!! I am doing pretty well. Teaching my Zumba of course and after 4 wks of doing the same combo of Cathe's butts and guts workout I switched it now to a new combination. I was getting kinda bored already. LOL I also started doing a basic upper body workout, hopefully will stick to it at least 2 days a week. I am not so sure yet about it, my shoulder continues to bother me so I need to continue to take it easy. Yikes!!! My eating is very good. I really want to increase my protein intake. I need to play with some food combinations and my food log. I wore my HR monitor last night to class but I always forget to turn it on at the beginning of the workout. I remembered into my 4th song, about 15 mins into the workout. I burned 357 in 45 mins. It might have been about 400 total. I just have to find a way to remember to turn it on when I start the warmup and of course stop it after the cooldown at least. I have also forgotten to turn it off after the stretch and realize I never did until I get home. LOL Any ideas? Maybe I should recruit someone to remind me...

    Zebras, sorry to hear about your Zumba experience. My students always let me know when the music is too low or too loud so I immediately adjust it to their preference. Great job staying out the sweets at work. That is usually my biggest challenge but I have been doing great so far.

    Txm and Stiring, I normally dont wash the veggies that are "pre-washed", that is scary. I will make an effort to do so from now on. Stiring, hang in there, we have all been there. You always come out of the rut beautifully, maybe your body is just telling that for now it needs the extra calories from the sweets etc.

    Great to hear about everyone's successes. Have to be short, at work. :(

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • singfree
    singfree Posts: 1,591 Member
    Good evening!

    Well, I have something to keep me occupied and excited for the next year...our next Euro vacation! I need that much time to plan. I love poring over all of the travel websites and get all of the train & bus schedules. We will fly from Newark NJ to Munich and going direct to Salzburg from there for 4 nights. After that it's 2 nights in Rothenburg ob der Tauber, then down to Garmisch for 9 nights. We like to park in one place and take day trips. No car this time, only public transportation.

    Nothing much to report. Doing pretty well with the lower carb stuff, resulting in less bloat and more fat loss.

    Have a great day!
  • StiringWendel
    StiringWendel Posts: 3,816 Member
    singfree, I'm jealous!!!!! Just kidding. I'm happy you are planning your next trip. My husband is in Germany right now, and I'm hoping I get to go on one of these trips with him down the road. I miss Europe so much. You plan sounds great.

    Nothing new to report here. I got in my new Asylum workouts yesterday and started previewing. The one I've previewed (Speed and Agility) actually looks tougher than any Insanity workout I've done. I can't wait to give it a try, but that will have to wait until after I finish this Insanity/P90X rotation at the end of next month.
  • zebras
    zebras Posts: 600
    Morning Friends!

    I don't know Stiring, going from Insantiy to the Asylum???? That's just crazy talk! LOL

    Managed to do an hour of cardio and some weight machines at the gym last night. Two fit looking 20-something year old boys got on the ellipticals on either side of me talking to each other and one was saying he couldn't do it for an hour, and I looked at him and said, if I can do it, you can do it. My body felt like it was finally getting into the groove of it all again last night.

    Sing, you can count on me and Stiring trying to stow away in your luggage for your trip. Prepare for some fees for extra luggage on the airplane!
  • Robin1117
    Robin1117 Posts: 1,768 Member
    Good morning! Just wanted to check in quickly and say Hi!! My son is on April vacation so time to catch up on posts and to write something of substance has been limited.

    Anyway, I'm still on the same path. I have been slugging through the Ripped in 30 video (although it's going to be more like ripped in 75 for me, since I do not do it every day, maybe ever other, or every 2). Yesterday I moved my maintenance calories up a hair--to 1500 (+ adding in exercise after that). I weighed myself and am at the very low end of my range now so figured it was worth giving it a try. I'm thinking I'm finally losing a little weight from the last few months of using these videos. I did not see that at first, actually saw a gain but it all seems to be reversing. Yay to that!

    Lettuce--no I do not wash pre-washed either and no issues so far. I think I'll keep on that path until my CSA starts up again and I can get local lettuce, all of which I'll have to wash unfortunately. :)

    Alf, do you have an ipod? Maybe you can set an alarm on that, or your smartphone at a certain time to remind you to turn on the HRM? I'm addicted to mine and it calculates a training program so I never forget to turn it on. If I don't, I lose valuable minutes towards my goal and I hate missing my goal!

    Anyway, legos are once again being shoved in my face so I must go. I so wish my kid would watch some TV every once in awhile but he's not interested! (hee hee.....).

    Hope you all have a great week, and I'll check in more next week! Take care! Robin
  • alf1163
    alf1163 Posts: 3,143 Member
    Good morning everyone!! I was able to stop at the Farmer's Market on my way to work. I got some wholesome goodies.

    Robin, great to hear from you. I always see that you complete your log, etc, you are doing great!!! I have an iPod but I use it to teach my class. It is that I am so excited about starting the class that I forget to turn it on until after I start. Last night I remembered right after the warmup song, 6 mins long, and remembered to look at the calorie count during the stretch song so it said 457 cals. It was a tough one last night and I was all over the place. So I want to estimate about 400 cals give and take every time I teach. Some routines are easier than others and it depends how much I do high impact vs low impact/more teaching than dancing.

    Zebras, funny about Stiring workouts!!! :laugh: It really sounds she is going LOCA with her workouts. :laugh: :laugh: Stiring, I am kidding!!!! I also find it funny when I see young people complaining and whining about exercise, being tired, etc.

    Sing, how exciting, Europe again!!! You go every year? I love love love Rothenburg!!!!!!

    Have a wonderful day everyone!!! :flowerforyou: