Unconditional Support Group - February



  • debidoodle
    Morning everyone! Happy Valentine's Day :)

    So, last week was the first full week that I was logging my calories again and I did not do wonderful. Not HORRIBLE, but not great either. Even so, I was down 1 lb when I weighed in this morning. I'm not exactly sure how, but I'll take it! 10 more to go to reach my current goal :) yay!

    How did everyone else on the challenge do last week?? Let's hear those reports!

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi all ... hope your day is going well. It feels like a new beginning for me. I've been on antibiotics for a couple of weeks and they've wreaked havoc on my intestines. I had my last one yesterday, my sinus infection seems to be gone, I had a few treatments on my feet, and have been fitted for some orthotics. So now ... starting today ... I'm back to a normal healthy eating schedule. The specialist said I won’t do any damage to my feet by exercising so I’ll try a step class DVD tonight. Woo Hoo!!

  • Jen317
    I joined recently and would love some support I am really down and can not get motivated! Help Please!:embarassed:
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    I joined recently and would love some support I am really down and can not get motivated! Help Please!:embarassed:

    Hi Jen ... welcome to MFP. We all get down once in a while ... the fact that you posted that on here shows that you haven't given in to it ... so for that I say Way To Go!!! This time of the year is tough on a lot of us. My only advice is to "Act" like nothing is wrong. I always ask myself ... If I was feeling up right now what would I be doing? And I try to force myself to do it. 99.9% of the time that works for me. My mom always said ... "Act" the way you want to be and suddenly that's the way you are :wink: I miss her and her words of wisdom. Keep in touch with us here. We're here for each other.

  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Saw the doc yesterday for this chest/head cold since just when I think I’m on the mend it changes its mind...lol... so she prescribed antibiotics since my sinuses might be infected now. Right now I have to sleep sitting up and can’t talk for more than a few minutes at a time or it sets off a severe coughing fit but at least the silver lining is that the Nasonex seems to be working well on the constant inflammation I get in my sinuses and I am not stuffed up to the point where I can’t breathe through my nose. Yay. Take the victories where you can.

    And I finally got my thyroid medication straightened out last week so that is helping with the weight loss now. Double Yay.

    Rambling here now but for some reason I just don’t seem to be able to pronounce the word antibiotics right... it’s so weird. I know how it is pronounced and say right in my head but when I speak it, I say antee-bee-yotics for some reason unless I really concentrate on the word and speak it slowly which I then sound totally whacked to anyone listening to me...lol. Just thought I’d throw that in there for no real reason.

    Take care and I hope everyone is doing well. I will be catching up on posts today since I am off work again.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Okay ... so I was planning on getting back into my exercise routine this week ... but my feet were so sore. Plantar Fasciitis and Heel Spurs ... SUCKS!! But then ... I love the people on this site for their words of wisdom and their insight. It was kindly brought to my attention that just because I can't use my feet right now ... I can swim. Why didn't I think of that? I was just too focused on what I couldn't do (hiking and Zumba) instead of what I could do. I plan of visiting the pool at my gym soon. Thanks AGAIN to this wonderful site for your help. I love it here. :heart:
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    @ Magglett - Good plan! I can't wait until the new Kiwanas pool is built since I don't have my gym membership anymore.

    Back to work today after my head/chest cold took another downturn for a couple of days... just when I thought I was getting better...lol. The doc prescribed Zithromax since it looks like I now have a sinus infection. I feel a lot better today though so long as I sit still and don't talk...lol. Good thing I work at a computer all day and my boss said I didn't have to work the phones today.

    Take care everyone and I hope you are having a good week!

    ~ Datenshi ~
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi everyone. Just touching base. I hope everyone's weekend is going well. It's a long weekend in our neck of the wood ... we celebrate "Family Day" on Monday. I love long weekends. How is everyone doing? I've been fighting a bit of the winter blues. A few more sunny days like today would be awesome. Take care all and post to let us know how you're doing. Spring is just around the corner.
  • debidoodle
    I've been in a little bit of freak out mode this morning ... you can read why on my blog:

    But I just now (and I apologize to any men who might be reading this) started TOM and that explains why I was up 1.5 lbs this morning when I was basically pretty good last week. It also explains why I've been craving carbs like a mad woman the past several days.

    This too shall pass ..... :)
  • profjan6
    profjan6 Posts: 333
    How is everyone doing? Rather quiet here lately. I hope that is a good sign that everyone is busy, happy, healthy! We finally are seeing some warmer weather and less snow! I've been trying to exercise more and eat less. That is supposed to be the key, right? Sounds so easy....NOT! I am working on planning the meals and sticking to it. That really helps so much. Then I don't have any excuses to eat out or order in or whatever. Have a wonderful day!
  • datenshi
    datenshi Posts: 840 Member
    Great morning everyone!! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, the breeze is warm and flowers are blooming. Okay it's really snowing and freezing but a girl can dream, scratch that, fantasize...lol.

    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Hope everyone is doing well and making healthy choices. Stay strong, be postitive and choose your attitude.

    I am a bit hyper today so I am sending warm fuzzy energized thoughts to everyone.

    Take care,
    ~ Datenshi ~
  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    He there everyone ... we really have been quite a quiet group lately. We need some more updating on here. Okay ... so ... Personally ... I'M SICK OF WINTER!!!! Ugh, enough already. Again we have a winter storm warning in our area. Oh well ... you really can't fight mother nature. I'm still waiting for my orthotics. The company sent a pair and they were the wrong ones so my doctor sent them back. So I'm waiting again. Some day this will all work out.

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    It has been a crazy busy week at work ...

  • magglett
    magglett Posts: 2,000
    Hi there. I see we haven't been on much. My reason is that I've got the blues big time and just don't want to spread it around. I hope you're all okay. It's not too bad ... just the blahs you know? But today is March ... which means Spring is almost here. Woo Hoo!!!

  • debidoodle