

  • sexygenius
    sexygenius Posts: 1,078 Member
    sushi.... I don't know if sushi was ever healthy but its deceptive like that....the sodium content in sushi is just ridiculous!

    salads too.... definitely agree on that one.

    sushi is healthy if you dont load it with soy sauce, or deep fry it. It has rice (wich has been credited with asian countries lower obesity rates) nori-which is chock full of good for you stuff(and yes it does have a bit of sodium, its from the sea after all), and raw fish-lean protien full of omega's without any added oils for cooking anyone?

    and muffins, they seem so healthy with things like "banana" "bran" and "carrot" but really they are just cupcakes in disguise...

    oh I cant stand turkey bacon, like seriously it has the same number of cals as regular and taste like crap, and I know what your going to say "its lower in sat fat and fat in general" well to that I say, true, but I have to think that naturally accurring fat has got to be better for you than that uber proccessed stuff, I mean it has got to take a heck of a lot of processing to turn turkey into something that resembles bacon...seriously how the heck do they do that?! lol
  • arwamya
    arwamya Posts: 304
    don't peanut butter have the right kind of fat? I love peanut butter total yummm i have about i/2 tbspn per day :(
  • bossmodehan
    bossmodehan Posts: 210 Member
    I never go for a salad in a restaurant cos I just can't stand dressings - my homemade salads are pretty dry but they do me fine!
    For me, I'm pretty sure that when I order a pasta dish, even containing chicken and veg, I'm taking in way more calories than I expect from olive oil and cheese, not to mention all the sugar in the refined, white pasta :(

    Oh, and if I ever buy a big pack of nuts/seeds/dried fruit, it'll be gone in one sitting...I'm trying now to get my nutty fix through getting small bags of nuts/dried fruit, a little peanut butter on oatmeal toast, or a cereal bar (although these are often dubious at the best of times too!)
  • bbygrl5
    bbygrl5 Posts: 964 Member
    I agree with the sushi post! It is so yummy and can be so very healthy, but you have to really watch what you order. It is so easy to consume too many calories. I will usually order a couple of rolls and only eat about half the rice. If I eat a specialty roll, it's a splurge too, nothing tempura or covered in sauces unless it's a special splurge.

    If I want sushi lunch, I'll order a tuna roll and a salmon roll and only eat half the rice. The calories still add up.

    All that being said, if I'm going out and just don't care, I can put the sushi away now!! lol
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Salads are one of them... but I would have said nuts and avocado - both good healthy choices but because of the fat content they are high calorie and people tend to have portions that are much too large because they are thinking of them as healthy. Also raw sugar and honey... same thing. Olive oil. Basically any food that is known as a healthy food but is still high cal - once people learn how important portions are, they can see where they have been going wrong and tend to have much more success.
  • quishajuice
    quishajuice Posts: 106 Member
    don't peanut butter have the right kind of fat? I love peanut butter total yummm i have about i/2 tbspn per day :(

    It does!! but it's one of those cases where you can definitely have to much of a good thing. BTW I LOVE your signature qoute!
  • richars65
    richars65 Posts: 26 Member
    While salads are probably #1, GRANOLA has got to be a close second. People think that a store-bought chewy granola bar is a healthy snack. Check out the calories on those butter-soaked oats and chocolate chips. Stick to an apple or banana =P

    Also bagels, tomato soup, and sandwiches in general. All of these can be absurdly packed in sodium and fat and still be unsatisfying =/
  • fitnesspirateninja
    fitnesspirateninja Posts: 667 Member
    Salads are one of them... but I would have said nuts and avocado - both good healthy choices but because of the fat content they are high calorie and people tend to have portions that are much too large because they are thinking of them as healthy. Also raw sugar and honey... same thing. Olive oil. Basically any food that is known as a healthy food but is still high cal - once people learn how important portions are, they can see where they have been going wrong and tend to have much more success.

    I'm going to disagree on this one. Nuts, avocado, and olive oil are all great healthy foods. I eat all three regularly (but I try to only eat avocado when it's in season). Yes, portion control is important, but it's important for overall health in general, not just these particular foods. I think the bigger issue with these foods is that people find out how many calories are in them and then cut them out completely.

    For me, anything that's labeled "healthy," "low-fat," "sugar-free," or "diet" is suspect. I avoid these foods as much as possible.
  • mrb_9110
    mrb_9110 Posts: 189 Member
    I agree about restaurant salads. I always ask dressing on the side, no croutons, and do the fork dip thing. That at least partially salvages them. Lumping all salads into one category isn't right though. I love a huge homemade salad with tons of greens and whatever other veggies are lying about. Add just a little cheese for flavor and EVOO for dressing. Yum :)
    I always do the "fork dip thing"! All my friends make fun of me but they PILE dressing on their salads.
  • JosieMomGramma
    JosieMomGramma Posts: 727 Member
    Have to watch your fruits as they are high in natural sugar so I limit them! I microwave my potatoes most of the time & just add light or fat free sour cream & some chives or green onions. No salt or other seasonings. The sour cream & chives gives it enough flavor
  • loganaw
    loganaw Posts: 62 Member
    id have to say high fiber cereals, or bran cereals in general. i bought some kelloggs raisin bran crunch for some more fiber but then realized it had a whopping 20g of sugar in one cup! and 45 carbs!
  • Manda1987
    Canned soup.

    Sooooo high in salt... especially the kinds I like! That's why I make my own :)
  • iamhealingmyself
    iamhealingmyself Posts: 579 Member
    don't peanut butter have the right kind of fat? I love peanut butter total yummm i have about i/2 tbspn per day :(

    yes all the nuts have the healthy oils in them but it's the processed added in saturated fats and naturally occurring cholesterol that turns people away. Again, as in all things - moderation is key. I looked at some of the low/non-fat peanut butters on the store shelf the other day - the regular one is better - had less sugar, usually less salt and the fat contents were actually about the same but the "diet" versions all had other things that were worse than the original.

    If you can't pronounce an ingredient, why would you eat it? The less addatives and processing, the better - take the nuts, grind them up and add a little evoo or canola oil IF needed for texture. Nature makes it best.
  • ropedancer
    I'm going to have to vote for restaurant salads as well. If your "healthy option" averages in at about 900 calories a pop, that's a problem!
  • kappyblu
    kappyblu Posts: 654 Member
    oops, I meant to write potato skins. sorry.
  • nyctraveler
    nyctraveler Posts: 305 Member
    I would say muesli / granola ...especially those cups of yogurt with loads of granola on top. You think healthy but in fact it's a calorie bomb.

    In NYC, all chains (regardless of price/food quality, etc.) have to post calories and when they first enacted the law, I was shocked to find out how many calories muffins from Starbucks have...450??? oh and the reduced fat blueberry muffin has 420?? yes give me 2....

    Salads are definitely a danger zone unless you make it yourself. I stopped putting oil in mine all together. Try squeezing lemon juice and putting some balsamic. I also experimented with some fancy vinegars like a "Muscat Orange Champagne Vinegar" from Trader Joe's - it's AWESOME and you don't miss the oil or anything. Also, i LOVE meyer lemon so you can squeeze that if you don't like the tanginess of the original.
  • kimwig
    kimwig Posts: 164
    What would you say is the most evil healthy food? Sometimes I think food is good for me then I get a reality check. Potatos are probably my weakness. They are healthy but once you cook em with oil or margarine and salt etc they loose their good stuff. Also Stir Fry. All the veggies are great then you add the sauce!! Eeek!!

    I guess my question is, what food would you say tricks most dieters?
    It's not that the food is unhealthy, as you mention, it is what we do to them. I learnt to wean myself off dressings for salads (I use just balsamic vinegar or lemon juice with herbs or black pepper), I have potato just baked ( do not need to add to it, even low fat sour cream as it is still calories), stir fry veggies (love em), but I just add Ginger, chili, lemon grass with a little water and (sometimes) low salt soy sauce and I don't have the calorie issue. Worked for me
  • lilmissy2
    lilmissy2 Posts: 595 Member
    Salads are one of them... but I would have said nuts and avocado - both good healthy choices but because of the fat content they are high calorie and people tend to have portions that are much too large because they are thinking of them as healthy. Also raw sugar and honey... same thing. Olive oil. Basically any food that is known as a healthy food but is still high cal - once people learn how important portions are, they can see where they have been going wrong and tend to have much more success.

    I'm going to disagree on this one. Nuts, avocado, and olive oil are all great healthy foods. I eat all three regularly (but I try to only eat avocado when it's in season). Yes, portion control is important, but it's important for overall health in general, not just these particular foods. I think the bigger issue with these foods is that people find out how many calories are in them and then cut them out completely.

    For me, anything that's labeled "healthy," "low-fat," "sugar-free," or "diet" is suspect. I avoid these foods as much as possible.

    You missed my point. I said that they were good foods. Problem is, I frequently have people in my clinic that tell me that no matter how healthy they try to eat, they can't lost weight. In these cases, it's pretty much invariably because they are snacking on 2 cups of nuts per day or cooking with unlimited olive oil or having 2 whole avocadoes per day. My point wasn't that tthey should cut them out, it was that if people think of foods as healthy, they tend not to think of them as high calorie and then there is much more danger of overeating - hence why I would label them an 'evil healthy food'.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member
    Have to watch your fruits as they are high in natural sugar so I limit them! I microwave my potatoes most of the time & just add light or fat free sour cream & some chives or green onions. No salt or other seasonings. The sour cream & chives gives it enough flavor

    Although they may be high in NATURAL sugar, they are still healthy and good for you as long as they are not coming out of a package or can. Red doesn't always mean bad as MFP counts all sugar as a whole vs just tracking processed or refined. I find it much healthier to fill my calories with fruit than with sugar-free anything or sugar subsititues, but to each their own.