What does your screen name stand for?



  • nicole0177
    nicole0177 Posts: 377
    my name and some numbers
  • astridfeline
    astridfeline Posts: 1,200 Member
    I have a cat named Astrid :love:
  • GravyGurl
    GravyGurl Posts: 1,070
    This is the name I first used when I signed up for AOL in 94. Well, actually my oldest son at the time signed us up for AOL using my credit card :grumble: But I had no clue what I was doing when I made up my nic so I just used my first name Carol and at that time I had a 74 fully restored VW Bug, not to mention when I was little my grandfather in KY called me doodle bug because I was always the last one to get anywhere because he said I was always doodlin along paying attention to everything else but what I needed to be paying attention to.

    I was going to use my Yahoo nic which is Gravy Gurl but I didn't think that would be a good nic to have on a weight loss site... figured it might make people wanna have gravy :laugh:
  • wagsgirls
    wagsgirls Posts: 144 Member
    my last name is wagner and i am the mother of 2 girls also my husband used to be called wag in school. so we have wags girls!
  • GinaB30
    GinaB30 Posts: 725 Member
    My name is a nickname that my husband gave me...lol...the kids would call him, "Daddypants" and so then he started calling me "mamapants" and yeah...now I am mamapants!
  • MontanaGirl
    MontanaGirl Posts: 1,251 Member
    Well, my name is Kim and there are soooooo many of us that pretty much all variations have been used! I used to be qtkimc - then got married and changed my name. So, I was raised here in Montana, have traveled a lot in the US, but found out that Montana really is home for me. So now I'm MontanaGirl. There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home!! Love to visit - love to go home :flowerforyou:
  • SuniBC
    SuniBC Posts: 92
    SuniBC because I live in the sunny Okanagan Valley in British Columbia, Canada. For you that think Canada is cold....I live 15 miles from the only desert in Canada, and we have rattlesnakes, scorpions and 90 to 100 dg weather in the summer.

    When I lose all this weight, my nick will stand for my sunny disposition....lol :flowerforyou:

    I was born in Holland, my family immigrated when I was 6....my real name Ineke (pronounced Enica)
  • jakspak
    jakspak Posts: 260 Member
    mine is a combination
    jaks being my name shortened i am Jackie and then
    pak is my pack my family as in im the head around here and will be listened too lol my family are my pack.
  • deanea
    deanea Posts: 1,437
    Mine is my last name and my first initial Anne Deane (Dean)
  • Lisabeth
    Lisabeth Posts: 268
    My middle name is Elizabeth. My real first name is Alicia.....which I don't like. So I've combined them and like Lisabeth. The 1005 is the month and day my husband and I were married (in '03).
  • sunnyday
    sunnyday Posts: 15
    it stands for...what's the real me - sometimes playing hide and seek :happy:
  • anothergoat
    anothergoat Posts: 19 Member
    I bred and showed dairy goats for over 30 years and our farm is called Another Mountain Farm. (Our animals are registered with "Another" as a prefix.) The goats retired before we did and we only have a few left, but I have always used "anothergoat" as a screen name.

    This is a great thread!
  • Kkmama
    Kkmama Posts: 544 Member
    Thanks for sharing everyone.
    My online name comes from my daughter, her name is Kaileh. She sometimes refers to herself as KK and we call her that sometimes too so KKmama is what I go by. My real name is Christina.
  • abbychelle07
    abbychelle07 Posts: 656 Member
    My daughter's name = abby

    My name = chelle

    My daughter was born 2007

    so boring!
  • Smilineyes
    Smilineyes Posts: 346 Member
    Everyone has always said my eyes smile and they light up rooms. So there ya have it.
  • doglvr_75
    doglvr_75 Posts: 144
    :noway: ummm...i love dogs...75 year I graduated from high school...this is a pretty interesting thread...glad somebody "bumped" it.......:bigsmile:
  • icupfunny2000
    icupfunny2000 Posts: 470 Member
    uhhh mine is icupfunny = i see you pee funny.... 2000 is when i opened my yahoo account and icupfunny2000 is my yahoo id as well..
  • kerrilucko
    kerrilucko Posts: 3,852 Member
    Mine is not very exciting........ Kerri is my first name and Lucko is my future last name, my fiance's last name..... the joining of those two names if my biggest inspiration for being here!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    My first initial and last name! :)
  • gonezobean
    gonezobean Posts: 154
    I was in 8th grade and needed a screen name for the ever important instant message world. This was my witty response, a crazy bean. Now its stuck!