Hurtful comments that have motivated you...



  • chickadee2010
    chickadee2010 Posts: 1,389 Member
    I've had someone say:

    "You're too skinny. You don't need to lose weight." (this was back when I was 130.
    Now that I weigh about 150 (mostly gained around stomach/some face), this is what the person says:
    "You need to do some sit-ups. You're getting chunky" (I think that's the word)
  • cjduckie
    cjduckie Posts: 78 Member
    " I can't say anything. I have no room to talk BECAUSE YOU TOOK IT ALL."

    I LOVE IT!!

    I've had various snide comments from my (overweight) father all my life. Was sooo great to walk through the airport doors after not having seen him in 6 months (and 30lbs lost) and have him not recognise me, haha!! Victory, yes!!

    One of my favourites was from the induction trainer when I signed up at the gym: "219lbs - wow! At least you're here..."
    --> 4 months later & 37lbs gone I sneer at him every time I pass :devil: [Karma's a lil' b*tch though - he fell down the stairs at gym in front of everyone the other day! Nothing but his ego got hurt... so we can have a little giggle at it :laugh: ]
  • Ashley_Panda
    Ashley_Panda Posts: 1,404 Member
    I was telling my husband today about a boy in high school it was one of those girl ask guy dances, so I finally got the nerve to ask him. He said yes. The week of the dance he told me I was too ugly to be seen with. My mom drove me back to the store we got my dress and shoes at and made me go in and return them.

    I've always had the "Oh when are you due?" questions. Been mooed at, barked at, had food thrown at me, all that **** too. And now that I've lost almost 110lbs now they are all "You look so great, you're such an inspiration." And I just want to tell them to go **** themselves.
  • BuckeyeGirl1
    BuckeyeGirl1 Posts: 23 Member
    Families can be the worst. My brother said that when I was thinner I was at my "man getting weight" and now that I have a husband I no longer need to be at that weight. I just want to punch him. Of course this is the same guy who said I lied about my miscarriage to get sympathy from the family. You can't pick your family!
  • BuckeyeGirl1
    BuckeyeGirl1 Posts: 23 Member
    After reading all of these posts it's amazing just how cruel people can be. I've been up and down with my weight so much that I've had to learn to get a thick skin but I have a loving husband who tells me everyday just how beautiful I am...makes up for all of the jerks!

    I truely believe people cut other people down to make themselves feel better about their own insecurities. Whatever it is...they suck!
  • mimmiroo
    mimmiroo Posts: 3 Member
    A coworker and I look similar and every time she is pregnant (this is her third pregnancy) I get asked how my pregnancy is going... Did I mention this time she is having twins!!!

    Wow! That is insanely rude. I think you are entitled to slap whoever asked how your pregnancy is going, since asking women about being pregnant is a HUGE no no in the big rule book of etiquette.
  • bbb84
    bbb84 Posts: 418 Member

    Actually, dad's are pretty good at hurtful comments hey?

    Another gem from my dad when I lost some weight in 2008... "Wow, you are starting to see cheekbones now, see how much prettier you'd be if you lost more weight?"


    It's soo sad, my girlfriend is battling with changing her lifestyle as well and her mother (biological) is the mean one. It's sad how common this appears to be , the ones who are supposed to support you are the ones holding you down.

    @That_Girl : I would have given him an earfull but it was christmas at my grandmothers and I promised her no drama ( not to mention she kicks people out of the house and squirts them with the waterhose if they start to fight) lol.
  • When I started my lifestyle change in exercising & eating healthy, one day over a dinner table I was amongst family with a small salad and a grilled chicken breast in my plate; my brother in law said "you need much more than that to loose weight" I smiled with a burn in my heart. He is in my mind everyday when I go to gym.
  • "WOW PIGGY PIGGY EAT SOME MORE!" <--- What my mom would say to me when I was little and went for seconds :( I was never a fat kid (I wasn't even overweight) but she had me diet a few times to audition for modeling and movie parts.

    Maybe she didn't mean it to hurt my feelings, but it did. Really bad.
  • habibti
    habibti Posts: 56 Member
    The year I was in the fourth grade, my friend and I decided that we wanted to dress as football players for Halloween. At church youth group, the pastor was asking all the kids what they were going to be. When I replied that I was going to be a football player, he said, "No, NOT when you grow up, what are you going to be for HALLOWEEN?!" ... In front of everyone... The PASTOR!!!

    It was about that time in my life that I had become not just "big for my age" but obviously overweight. I remember my mom asking the family doctor about my weight gain, and his response? "Oh, when she starts liking boys, she'll thin down." No lie, he actually said that.... wtf?!

    I don't know if these comments really "motivated" me, but they definitely made me stronger and smarter in later years.
  • CalorieNinja
    CalorieNinja Posts: 645 Member
    The comments that started me begin to starve myself at age 12: (I was about 5'1 110?)
    From my best-friends dad (who is 5'3 250 lbs) moo cow, are you a COW-askai, maybe I should chase you with the lawn mower so you will run and lose some weight...

    When I was 17 I was meeting some of my future husbands friends and one of them had seen pictures of me and told wow your a lot bigger in person then in your pictures (5'6 140 ish)

    Its crazy how these things really affect you through your life. Now I really am over-weight due to horrible eating (my body was in total starvation mode because I wasn't eating properly at all and really bad food choices when I did...)

    One I hate the most when the skinnest girl in the group says "ugh I am fat" pisses me off every time!
  • MeghanAM
    MeghanAM Posts: 222 Member
    When I came home from college on break and confided in my mom about my eating disorder, she smiled and said "Great that you're finally doing something!". I asked if she was worried at all and she said "Nope, I'm pretty sure you could hibernate off of all that" and poked me in the stomach.

    She's apologized a bunch of times since then, but she can't un-say it...
  • I heard from a friend that another friend had described me as "you know, the girl with the huge stomach"

    That was upsetting but it did make me think.
  • 1southernchick
    1southernchick Posts: 301 Member
    Well it was a few years ago when someone said this to me, but I've never forgotten it. Someone asked me when my baby was due. It was a nice reality check. No woman wants to be asked that. Especially when my at the time my babies were teens!
  • bloodbank
    bloodbank Posts: 468 Member
    These types of comments can cut like a knife at the best of times, but after reading all the ones that have come from people's parents... those actually make me want to just bawl. I can't imagine being so thoughtless to my babies & I can't even imagine how it would feel to have heard some of these things from my mom & dad. :(
  • JaneZv
    JaneZv Posts: 200
    One I hate the most when the skinnest girl in the group says "ugh I am fat" pisses me off every time!

    Ughhh! Yes, these people get on my last nerve! :frown:
  • lesley1981
    lesley1981 Posts: 329 Member
    My mum was the constant source of snide comments when I was bigger, even though she's "fat" herself. Comments like "you were such a pretty girl when you were slimmer." and "oh chocolate, the *kitten* will be getting even bigger then??"

    I actually laughed at an ex-boyfriend of mine once when he asked "would you lose weight for me?" At that time I was around 165lbs (5'5"), told him I was no bigger than I was when he first asked me out and politely asked him to get out of the car and never contact me again!
  • htimpaired
    htimpaired Posts: 1,404 Member
    Wow, it amazes me how some people's family members or "loved ones" can be so mean! Fortunately, (or unfortuntately, depending on how you look at it) my husband and family never said anything when I was gaining weight.
    The RN at the prorgam I work at did though, and a couple of clients. I got asked the ever-so-popular "are you pregnant?". I actually didn't take offense to it because I knew I was gaining, and the RN even said to me "I just was wondering because you've always been so fit and trim, didn't seem like you". Yup, she was right, and here I am a year later back to being fit and trim.
  • I have had insults and comments thrown at me my whole life, plenty stand out, but here are the 2 that motivate me...

    "Wow, are you and Nina (best friend) trying to get fatter than the other?" this was said 2 months after having my 3rd child and 2nd c-section in 2 years by an old friend...

    "Well, you have 4 kids, what do you exepct to like like?" Ummmm, NOT like I have 4 kids?

    I do have 4 kids (10, 6, 4 and 18mos, the last 3 were c-sections), but they are not an excuse to be overweight! I think about those 2 comments everytime I do not want to workout, and it gets me to my feet quickly!
  • My ex told me I was getting fat and he didn't find me as attractive as when we met, he also said he wanted me to get my "barbie" body back. -- let me set this straight I am 5'7" and at the time was 130-- so what if my hips widened, thats what they are supose to do when your growing up (dated him from age 18-22) [also have to add, his current girl is about 5'0" and 2 of me wide]
    Same ex at the end of our relationship, as I was preparing to leave for basic training, told me I couldn't do it, that I was to weak and would fail out. He has since had to appologize and admit he is jealous that I had more b*lls than him and went through with joining. (We both talked to recruiters, he backed out)
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