Mom trying to discourage me



  • boogbite
    159 at 5'5 is definitely not obese, I'm not sure what BMI calculator you are using. I'm 5'5 & 157, and in the overweight category (haven't been in the obese category for at least 10 pounds). Anything below 150 is considered normal, so you're close to that!

    regardless of this, good luck to you and your mama drama!
  • scagneti
    scagneti Posts: 707 Member
    I just got into the "normal" category and my husband is still in the overweight category (but he's working his butt off!). Every time he goes to visit his mother, she says how we're far too thin and this is dangerous to lose weight (we're on the 1lb a week plan) and we should go back to our regular eating habits (which was the husband was raised with massive portions of fatty meats, white carbs and veggies soaked in butter and salt. and huge sugary desserts). I'd figure she'd want him to avoid having diabetes like she does or being severely overweight like her and her husband, but something in parents seem to link losing weight with eating disorders and general unhealthiness. You'd think she grew up in the Depression or something (she didn't). Moms decide what they want and you just have to know that you're doing what's best for yourself.