Valentines day <3...what are your plans



  • Lil_Leah
    Lil_Leah Posts: 376 Member
    justin and i have a dinner/movie gift certificate we got from my sister for christmas, so we're going to use that on this saturday (since the actual day is on a monday) and he doesnt know this, but i'm surprising him with a javquzzi room at the marriott! so we'll get to town a little early for dinner, and i'll pull in the hotel and tell him we're here (i'll have an overnight bag packed for him in the back of my truck, and the dogs have a sitter lined up to let them out and feed them while we're away) so, dinner, movie, and.... jacquzzi room! :love:
  • ScottMcCormick22
    Having surgery that day, a good way to spend the day.
  • ka_42
    ka_42 Posts: 720 Member
    justin and i have a dinner/movie gift certificate we got from my sister for christmas, so we're going to use that on this saturday (since the actual day is on a monday) and he doesnt know this, but i'm surprising him with a javquzzi room at the marriott! so we'll get to town a little early for dinner, and i'll pull in the hotel and tell him we're here (i'll have an overnight bag packed for him in the back of my truck, and the dogs have a sitter lined up to let them out and feed them while we're away) so, dinner, movie, and.... jacquzzi room! :love:

    oo a jacuzzi room sounds so nice!!!

    We're doing small gifts. I'm planning to make french toast and mimosas this weekend. Followed by more mimosas. I'm not sure what we'll do on the actual day since it's Monday. I'll have to think of a fun dinner to make together. Neither of us are much for crowds so I'd rather stay in on the day. It is kind of a day like any other- I love my boyfriend every day but OOh I can't wait! :love:
  • 123456654321
    123456654321 Posts: 1,311 Member
    I haven't celebrated Valentine's Day since I was 19 and my girlfriend at the time went ballistic because—and I'm totally not exaggerating this at all—I didn't spend "a lot of money" on her. Boy, you can bet that most of our dates were dutch afterward ...

    I've had girlfriends since then but always have made it clear that I don't and won't celebrate the day because I don't like the commercialism of it or a declared day that I should save up all of my attention and flirtations to give out then.

    This year, however, I'm single and not too stoked on it, so I think it's going to be me and a bottle of booze next Monday.

    Awww, I don't blame you for not wanting to celebrate after an experience like that. That's....terrible.
  • lilac01
    lilac01 Posts: 180 Member
    My birthday is actually on Valentines Day so I'm celebrating it!!!
  • Sugar_Apple
    Sugar_Apple Posts: 951 Member
    Nothing so far!!!
    Not sure if there's a surprise in the making...but I sure hope so :blushing:
  • halobender
    halobender Posts: 780 Member
    Awww, I don't blame you for not wanting to celebrate after an experience like that. That's....terrible.
    Don't worry about it, I'm a big boy ;) ... Now, haha.

    I didn't even particularly care at the time, as I knew that we weren't going to be together forever, but it was very much a "just enjoy this for what it is" relationship afterward. It has influenced me to behave somewhat stupidly toward a rather innocuous "holiday" with later girlfriends; I wish I would have been a smidgen more embracing of it, even if it wouldn't mean a lot to me ...
  • microem1
    microem1 Posts: 38 Member
    At the weekend I'm going out for a yummy meal in a traditional English pub but with top end restaurant food and on the actual day my boyfriend is going to cook me something nice and we'll exchange cards!

    No prezzies coz we're skint :o)
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    justin and i have a dinner/movie gift certificate we got from my sister for christmas, so we're going to use that on this saturday (since the actual day is on a monday) and he doesnt know this, but i'm surprising him with a javquzzi room at the marriott! so we'll get to town a little early for dinner, and i'll pull in the hotel and tell him we're here (i'll have an overnight bag packed for him in the back of my truck, and the dogs have a sitter lined up to let them out and feed them while we're away) so, dinner, movie, and.... jacquzzi room! :love:

    LOVE IT!! Have a fabulous time!
  • 008Lizzy
    008Lizzy Posts: 95 Member
    MY DH has just told me today, although its HIS birthday, its OUR Valentines Day, soooo, he has told me to be ready for a day out Monday morning....he's taking me for sometihng "nice".. so now I have NO IDEA what we are doing!!